Take Along A Spring



Other than Yang Fann, there was no other General Manager Lin Xiaoling and Marketing Director Luo Zhiyuan who had the greatest impact on Jade Spring Mountain Villa.    


Of course, there was also Yang Fann's iron stick and the CEO's assistant, Yang Sanmao.    


Yang Fann gave the three of them a certain percentage of the dry shares. With the exception of selling fruits, Jade Spring Mountain Villa stopped all sales, which also meant that most of the sources of income were cut off.    


Needless to say, Yang Sanmao was the son of Yang Fann, so he had no objections to any of Yang Fann's decisions. Not to mention the reduced dividends, even if Yang Fann didn't give him a bonus, Yang Sanmao wouldn't complain at all.    


He thought about what kind of life Yang Sanmao led before he followed Yang Fann. Grandfather would look down on him if he was sick, so poor that he didn't even want a matchmaker to visit his house. Wanting to get a wife was just a pipe dream.    


Looking at Yang Sanmao now, the broken house in his house had been turned into a three-storey house. He went in and out of the house with Jade Spring Mountain Villa s, and got the annual salary that many people in the city yearned for, as well as a large number of bonuses.    


What was more interesting was that before, he couldn't find a wife due to worry. Now, there were too many suitors, and the women that couldn't get married previously didn't want to marry Yang Sanmao. Now, there were a lot of pretty girls that he could choose from.    


Even Yang Sanmao's grandfather had a matchmaker who wanted to introduce him to his old partner. This scared the old man so much that he hid himself when he saw some of the village's matchmakers, just like the old guerrillas back then.    


Therefore, not only did Yang Sanmao have no objection to Yang Fann's decision, he even voluntarily defended Yang Fann's decision, doing the employees' work over and over again, letting them let go of their psychological burdens, not believing, not spreading rumors, and doing their own job well, unable to mess up their own situation.    


Compared to Yang Sanmao, Lin Xiaoling had a lot more personality. Although she didn't know what exactly happened and why Yang Fann couldn't get the good seeds and the raw materials to produce Health Wine, it didn't stop her from implementing Yang Fann's resolution.    


Although Yang Fann's decision greatly affected her income, Lin Xiaoling still did her duty as a general manager and didn't question Yang Fann about the reason.    


He and Yang Fann were not friends, and the reason why he worked at Jade Spring Mountain Villa was entirely because of the generous treatment that Yang Fann gave him. Other than the considerable annual salary, he also had an even more impressive sales commission.    


Luo Zhiyuan didn't think that Jade Spring Mountain Villa would be so easy to sell. He didn't need to waste any effort as a marketing director, so naturally a lot of sellers came looking for him, waving large amounts of money.    


This was the easiest job Luo Zhiyuan could do, not to mention the sales, the commission for the job was especially high. The one year he had worked at Jade Spring Mountain Villa, it was more than all the money he had earned in the past!    


Anyone else would be able to make such a marketing director, even a primary school student. As long as he was smart enough, he would be able to pocket large amounts of money.    


From Luo Zhiyuan's point of view, he was now carrying a money tree and not exchanging it with the other company's bosses!    


Of course, that still depended on which company it was. For large central companies like the Huaxia Bank and Huaxia Petroleum, not to mention a boss, even if it was a middle tier company, he would still fart and run over.    


However, the man surnamed Yang had taken the wrong medicine, taken the wrong medicine, left the proper business as usual, insisted on messing around, and even stopped selling everything except fruits. Stop it! You don't want to earn money, I still want to earn money okay!    


Although the sales of fruits in Jade Spring Mountain Villa were even more explosive than before, Luo Zhiyuan's commission on fruits was not a small amount. But for Luo Zhiyuan who was used to taking large amounts of money, the reduction in income was equivalent to cutting meat on his body, which was unacceptable!    


A poor man, if you give him ten meat buns, he will thank you, if you give him ten meat buns every day, over time gratitude will become a habit.    


Suddenly, one day, you ran out of money. You can't give him ten meat buns every day, so you can only exchange them for ten steamed buns. Then, I'm sorry.    


He didn't think that he earned less. He felt that Yang Fann had taken away what should have been his. Why should I not give it to you? If you don't give it to me, then I'll take it myself!    


As a result, Luo Zhiyuan received Yamamoto from Japan openly in his office.    


He said that he wanted to cooperate with him and make a lot of money together. In view of his abundant income, Luo Zhiyuan had never made his decision. If he lost the game and lost his current job, he would lose a lot of income.    


Now it's different, Yang Fann stopped selling most of Jade Spring Mountain Villa's products, cutting off most of Luo Zhiyuan's income. Since you, Yang Fann, are heartless, then don't blame me for being unjust!    


Ever since he obtained two pairs of wild pheasants from Luo Zhiyuan a few years ago, the company had raised Yamamoto's rank to one level. This time, Yamamoto Miche had brought back to Jiangnan with the company's mission, the purpose was to get some good things from Luo Zhiyuan, such as the improved seeds and even the technical information on Jade Spring Mountain Villa.    


He used all kinds of excuses, sometimes saying that he had to think about it, sometimes saying that the risk was too high and he wasn't willing to take the risk. If it wasn't for the fact that Yamamoto Miche took out the video that was secretly recorded during the transaction with him, Luo Zhiyuan would still be playing too extreme with him.    


Yamamoto Miche remembered clearly that when he took out the video of the trade between the two of them, there was Luo Zhiyuan's terrified and terrified face. Yamamoto Miche was so relieved back then.    


To put it more seriously, the video in Yamamoto Michenna's hands was Luo Zhiyuan's proof of crime. If they were to go online and Luo Zhiyuan accepted Yamamoto Miche's hundred thousand yuan and then handed him the live mountain chicken, that would be a crime, a commercial crime.    


Although a business crime lawsuit was hard to fight, and it would sometimes drag on for a long time, if Jade Spring Mountain Villa brought him to court, Luo Zhiyuan's next life would be over.    


Who would use a guy with a criminal record, even if the lawsuit wasn't over, Luo Zhiyuan would still be pinned to the wall, secretly selling his company's stuff to competitors, and also selling it to competitors from Japan. This guy was like a traitor, even if he was used to it, was he not afraid of being tricked to death!    


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