Take Along A Spring



Since Bai Mei wanted the Health Wine, Yang Fann obviously knew what she wanted it for. Honestly speaking, if it wasn't for Bai Mei's sake, Yang Fann wouldn't give it to her.    


Having lost the connection with Space of Jade Pendant, the existing Health Wine could be said to have become extinct. The few spatial Spirit Spring that were added inside had become the only spatial Spirit Spring left in the world.    


No one was clearer than Yang Fann on how useful spatial Spirit Spring was. A fatal injury like Bing Feng's could be saved after drinking it. An old hidden wound like Yang Xiangdong's could be healed after drinking it.    


Yang Fann kept his Health Wine to save his life. If anything happened to his or his family members, such as him getting an injury or terminal illness, drinking a few more Health Wine with Spatial Spirit Spring added to them, his injuries or terminal illness would completely recover.    


Therefore, calling the Health Wine a strategic resource was not excessive at all!    


However, Bai Mei was indeed good to Yang Fann. Since she said so, Yang Fann couldn't possibly not give her face at all. He could only promise to get two boxes for her and deliver them to her in a few days.    


Yang Fann didn't say anything. Bai Mei also knew that this was the last batch of Health Wine that Yang Fann had given her. If she were to ask Yang Fann again, it would likely be asking for trouble.    


Bai Mei understood Yang Fann, Yang Fann did not plan to use his precious Health Wine to cure White Snow's legs. This was a treasure that could save lives at a critical moment, he could not buy it nor give it anything else!    


Before losing contact with Space of Jade Pendant, even though Yang Fann realized that the spatial Spirit Spring was precious, he didn't think it was as precious as it was now. At that time, he only saw the spatial Spirit Spring as a tool to earn money and didn't raise it to a strategic level that could save lives.    


Furthermore, Yang Fann did not fully realize that there would be a problem with his Space of Jade Pendant. Other than the small amount of spatial Spirit Spring s that must be reserved for the production of Health Wine, Yang Fann did not have any reserves!    


Even the small reserves needed to produce Health Wine were completely used up on the day Yang Fann returned to Jiangnan. If he lost contact with Yang Fann with Space of Jade Pendant, Yang Fann could notify Jin Cuier and immediately stop the production of Health Wine.    


However, at that time, Yang Fann was immersed in the fear of losing Space of Jade Pendant, so why would he think so much about it? He stopped selling the Jade Spring Mountain Villa products, and Yang Fann only thought of that after returning to Poplar Gully, otherwise he would have left more Health Wine behind.    


Yang Fann was not the type of person who couldn't take a blow, even if the sky was falling down, he would still be able to get by. Yang Fann was not the type of person who couldn't take a blow, even if the sky was falling down, he would still be able to get by.    


"Yuan Yang Double Insect Butterfly Flying!"    


"Spring in the Garden is intoxicating."    


"Ask the holy monk secretly."    


"Is my daughter beautiful?"    


"Is my daughter beautiful?"    




Ever since he lost contact with Space of Jade Pendant, Yang Fann changed his phone's ringtone from "Happy Sheep" to "Journey to the West". It seemed that he planned to walk on the road of singleness until he turned black.    


However, the episode of "Journey to the West" by Yang Fann was rather ambiguous. It did not seem to be about going to a single girl, but to a girl's country!    


"F * ck, starting from 00. This is a foreign call!"    


Yang Fann originally wanted to enjoy his phone's ringtone a little longer, but when he saw that the call was from overseas, he quickly answered it. He couldn't let his foreign friends wait any longer, right?    


Yang Fann is a man who keeps pace with the times, his attitude towards foreign friends follows the government, and we will do whatever they tell us to do. We will say that foreigners are friends, we will treat foreigners as friends, we will say that foreigners are the wolves that oppress the proletariat, we will treat him as a jackal, and we will truly be good citizens.    


Friend comes here and drink comes here, jackal comes here and there is a hunting rifle. I don't think I've heard of any country that is classified as a jackal recently, this means that all the people of Huai Dynasty are International Friend!    


"Hello, restaurant is already open, come down here!"    


Yang Fann had always been polite and courteous towards International Friend. As a lowly commoner, I can't discredit the country, so, the moment the phone was picked up, Yang Fann immediately sent a standard London Voice to International Friend, wanting to make him feel the warmth of spring.    


"Are you Yang Fann?"    


As Yang Fann expected, the other side called out his name. What was there to say? He was a good liar, and a scam group from abroad!    


Yang Fann answered a lot of phone calls like these, as long as they were leading at 00, they would either be changed from abroad or from overseas. Even if the Chinese police found out where they were hiding, it would still be difficult to capture them.    


The most annoying time, when Yang Fann went to Myanmar to save Bing Feng, he was anxiously waiting for news. He received a phishing call, it was a phishing scam, and he was so arrogant that after being scolded by Yang Fann, he was so arrogant that he bombarded and harassed his phone with trash messages.    


The reason these liars were so arrogant was because Police Uncle and the others in China did not take them seriously. If they angered Police Uncle and tried, they would not be able to get rid of him!    


Just as Yang Fann was feeling proud and felt that this trick was very clever, he heard the other party say, "I didn't make a mistake, you're Yang Fann. Can't you tell who I am?"    


Look, look, okay?    


Yang Fann was like a mirror in his heart, he clearly knew what this move was called. Right, it was called "guess who I am". After making the call, not saying who you are, I'll let you guess who you think you are and who the other party is.    


If you don't believe me, let's try it out. "You are Lisa? "You really are Lisa. Great, you're finally willing to call me. Do you know that I've missed you to death?"    


"Aiya, you with the surname Yang stop spouting nonsense, since you already knew who I was, why are you still spouting so much nonsense?"    


How about it? This Seat was right, right? After guessing that she was Lisa, she immediately admitted to it. What else was there to say? A proper telecom scam, it's not done yet!    


"What's the matter, Lisa? Have you met with some difficulties recently and needed money urgently? Do you want me to transfer some over to you?"    


"Ah?" How did you know? "Thank you, Yang Fann. I need some money, but I don't need to borrow it from you right now. Can I borrow it from you when I need it?"    


"Wow, this is great! If you need anything, don't forget to tell me!"    


Yang Fann was laughing so hard that he almost lost his temper. What do you think? You still want to capture him? We played this game when we were younger, and you still want to pretend to be innocent with your big brother. Since you're so capable, why don't you fly into the sky and stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun?    


Eh? Wait a minute, this voice was indeed familiar. It really did sound like Lisa!    


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