Take Along A Spring



Once he returned to the Poplar Gully, Yang Fann immediately informed all the middle levels of the Jade Spring Mountain Villa. There would be an emergency meeting half an hour later and he would be back to production after losing his Space of Jade Pendant.    


In this period of time, although people did not panic, it was not much better than panic. There were no longer any new crops, the secret ketchup, secret chili sauce, and the Health Wine s were all in a state of production. Other than the fruits, there was no other income.    


Since Lin Xiaoling became the general manager, Jade Spring Mountain Villa's reward and punishment system had been gradually improving. Of course, she would not eat too much, and the better the reward, the more reward she would get.    


Before a person's quality has reached a certain level, distribution according to work is undoubtedly the most effective method, and the easiest to motivate.    


No matter how you performed, it was undesirable to take a high salary. If the time was short, you might not be able to see anything, and perhaps most people would be grateful. However, as time went on, many flaws would be exposed.    


To put it bluntly, the human heart is usually selfish. Why would others do less than I do to get the same amount of money? Then I won't do it either.    


Under the reward and punishment system set by Lin Xiaoling, not counting the middle and high management of Jade Spring Mountain Villa, they were only ordinary employees.    


Don't think that with Yang Fann's spatial Spirit Spring breeding, he would be able to receive money while lying down. With the same kind of Jade Spring Mountain Villa, management well and badly, income is two entirely different concepts, it simply cannot be mentioned in the same breath.    


And this was only Yang Fann's benevolence, he did not agree to the last place elimination system, otherwise, the benefit of Jade Spring Mountain Villa would be even better.    


In Yang Fann's opinion, the last elimination system was really cruel. Jade Spring Mountain Villa was originally a tool he used to hide his Space of Jade Pendant, so there was no need to make the employees so nervous.    


Even so, Yang Fann felt that he was being a bit ruthless. Lin Xiaoling's reward and punishment system might be beneficial for a company, but don't forget, Yang Fann didn't set up his Jade Spring Mountain Villa just to make money. Protecting his Space of Jade Pendant was his most important goal, and his other goal was to benefit the countryside.    


If it weren't for the fact that many villagers of Poplar Gully had followed Yang Tieliang and plotted to seize the Jade Spring Mountain Villa of Yang Fann, the treatment of the employees of Jade Spring Mountain Villa would at least be one fold better than what they are now.    


After a year of experience, Yang Fann gradually grasped some of the managers' skills. If one wants to run a good company, it's not like they just treat the people below well. Without a set of effective management methods, no matter how good the business is, it will be reduced.    


when it came to Lin Xiaoling's methods of rewards and punishments, they were all quite specific, and they were even being added anytime. After all, Lin Xiaoling had never been a general manager before, and even if she had, it was impossible for her to do everything that she wanted.    


For example, the security department that Ma Wensheng was in charge of was initially receiving an average bonus for the entire company. However, after a period of time, even Ma Wensheng didn't think it was good even without Lin Xiaoling's permission.    


Everyone's bonuses are the same. As time goes on, the motivation for work will gradually decline, even if there's a lot of bonuses. People are very lazy, so why do you always have to deal with jobs? I'm not going to deal with it either!    


So, the security department's motivation policy was very specific. For example, how many points one would get if they caught a thief, how many points they would get if they discovered a security loophole, and finally, they would be rewarded according to their points. The ones with more points would get more money, while the ones with less points would get less.    


As soon as Ma Wensheng suggested the scoring system, Lin Xiaoling accepted it and promoted it in other departments. This would not only motivate employees, but also make it less common to talk about money all day long.    


Right now, when they heard that an emergency meeting was going to be held, other than Jin Cuier who was still at the Qingshan Town Infirmary, not even five minutes had passed. Everyone was hoping that Yang Fann would announce the exciting news, but at the same time, they were also secretly worrying, what if Boss Yang wanted to dissolve Jade Spring Mountain Villa?    


Everyone's worry was not for nothing. After Yang Fann announced that the Jade Spring Mountain Villa production had stopped, rumors of Jade Spring Mountain Villa being dissolved or sold started to spread among the employees.    


Otherwise, why would Yang Fann do that? He doesn't earn a lot of money, unless he's crazy.    


No matter how he looked at it, Boss Yang did not look like a lunatic. The reason was simple, Boss Yang had met with trouble, or was targeted by someone with power or authority. Or was he gambling money or owed a large amount of gambling debts, and was preparing to sell his Jade Spring Mountain Villa to pay the debt.    


Looking at the anxious expressions on everyone's faces, Yang Fann's heart jumped. He was prepared to not announce the resumption of production and let these guys worry about the consequences later.    


Therefore, Yang Fann began his longest lecture in his life. He took out the style of those old bureaucrats and began to talk with confidence about the current domestic and foreign environments.    


From the Middle East War to the Somalia pirates, from the African refugees to the surrounding area, to the world's food prices and the like, to the small families of the Zhang family, to Yang Fann's eloquent, righteous, and earnest words. He talked for an hour without any emphasis.    


A cup of tea contained water three times and the tea leaves were all white. Yang Fann still looked like he wasn't satisfied and everyone's faces turned pale!    


Boss Yang, CEO Yang, Director Yang, let's stop with the bullshit. We can't stand your mouth anymore!    


Everyone was in extreme pain, but they were relieved. Since Boss Yang was so talkative, at least the Jade Spring Mountain Villa would not be transferred over, right?    


Thinking about it, there was a boss who was about to quit. How could he talk so shamelessly and spittle could be heard from his mouth. In the end, he said, "I'm not going to do it, isn't that insane?"    


In the end, Yang Fann saw that everyone had turned bitter, and a few of them had even gone to the toilet three times. Only then did he reluctantly prepare to end this lecture.    


"Alright, in the end, I will announce a small matter. From today onwards, Jade Spring Mountain Villa will return to normal, and we will disperse the meeting."    


With that, Yang Fann waved his hand and stood up to leave. These people had no taste, it would be meaningless to talk too much.    


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