Take Along A Spring



In order to prevent his men from running away in chaos, Chen Ergou did not hesitate to use his own dad to make trouble, but the hoodlums did not care about what kind of dad Chen Ergou had. Even Chen Ergou scolded his own dad.    


Seeing that he was unable to shock the lackeys under him, Chen Ergou started to sweat profusely. It didn't matter if his father was humiliated or not, the crux was that Psychopath Yang couldn't stand it anymore.    


Thus, Chen Ergou shouted, "Whichever f * cking runs again will be punished!"    


This move was indeed useful. Even his biological mother and father couldn't compare to the currency relatives of Huaxia. It was fine to hit his father and his mother, but not even a small fine would suffice!    




The hoodlums all braked so hard that smoke was coming out of their shoes. Finally, they all stopped before Chen Ergou could tell them the amount of the fine.    


This time, without Chen Ergou's order, Yang Fann directly waved at the hoodlums, gesturing for them to come over and talk.    


Since he didn't run away, who would dare to go against Madman Yang? One by one, they obediently walked over and stood in a row in front of Yang Fann.    


"What?" Is there a mistake? Since when did Qingshan Town produce a guy who was even more of a deterrent than me? "    


Elder Sister Street-cleaning Tiger was dumbstruck, stunned by the scene in front of her. It was true that she was from Qingshan Town, but she was more than ten years older than Yang Fann. Back in Elder Sister Street-cleaning Tiger's heyday, Yang Fann was still just a little kid, so it was normal for her not to know Yang Fann.    


It didn't matter if she didn't know Yang Fann in the past, but now, Elder Sister Street-cleaning Tiger had gotten to know him. She thought to herself, no wonder this brat dared to pour alcohol for a patient poisoned by a snake, it's a 250!    


"Hey, hey, hey, you guys have to talk to the side. Don't block the way to our hospital."    


No wonder Chen Ergou dared to explode in front of her. He had found a new backer, if she didn't take the opportunity to suppress this brat's arrogance, then how am I supposed to survive in the Qingshan Town?    


"You two, invite this sister nurse to one side to talk. It's such a hot day, this sister nurse eats so much, it's so hard. Go, take her to the cold drinks store over there to have a drink."    


Yang Fann then pointed at the two hoodlums, wanting them to forcefully bring Elder Sister Street-cleaning Tiger away. Elder Sister Street-cleaning Tiger and Yang Fann obviously knew her, who in Qingshan Town didn't know of her reputation?    


However, how could Yang Fann still care about Elder Sister Street-cleaning Tiger right now? He didn't push her aside with his own hands, and that was already out of respect for the seniors of Lili Jianghu. To be polite and ask two hoodlums to treat her to a bottle of soda, Yang Fann felt that it was very interesting.    


However, Yang Fann belittled Elder Sister Street-cleaning Tiger's fame in Qingshan Town. When the two lackeys heard that they were supposed to take Elder Sister Street-cleaning Tiger away by force, even their legs were soft, and they couldn't even open their mouths. After mumbling for a long time, they couldn't even utter a single word.    


Let alone the two hooligans, even their boss, Chen Ergou, trembled the moment he heard Yang Fann's order, afraid that Yang Fann's call on him, so he quickly hid behind the others. What a joke, who would dare to be disrespectful to Elder Sister Street-cleaning Tiger, and not want to stay in the Qingshan Town anymore?    


Without waiting for Yang Fann to give any more orders, Elder Sister Street-cleaning Tiger flew into a rage. She first deeply … Deep... Taking a deep breath, he opened his mouth and let out a roar that was several times more powerful than Yang Fann's old lady, "You're the one who gets fatter, your whole family gets fatter!"    


Because it was a frontal collision, Yang Fann felt as if ten thousand crows were rushing towards him, or one hundred and eight of them were rushing towards him. Yang Fann's almost abnormal body was also smashed like a small boat in a storm.    


Since Yang Fann had blocked Elder Sister Street-cleaning Tiger's frontal assault, Chen Ergou's gang of hoodlums were not knocked out on the spot. They were only scratched a little, but their faces were already pale and their hearts were trembling. Even their eyeballs had to jump for a while before they could stabilize themselves.    


At this moment, Chen Ergou finally understood Elder Sister Street-cleaning Tiger's true power. He finally understood the unfathomable expression of those Jianghu seniors when they mentioned her. It wasn't a god's desire, but a psychological trauma that came from fear!    


At this moment, Chen Ergou was very glad for his good luck. Luckily, Yang Batian appeared, if Yang Batian didn't come out in time, he would have had to face Elder Sister Street-cleaning Tiger's anger, as if he was talking back to her just now. Chen Ergou felt scared just thinking about it.    


Just as Chen Ergou was being tortured to death by the lingering fear in his heart, something happened that he would never forget for the rest of his life. Psychopath Yang stretched out his hand and grabbed Elder Sister Street-cleaning Tiger's wrist.    


Elder Sister Street-cleaning Tiger didn't do anything. She just shook her body a few times and immediately turned soft. Her high spirits were gone in an instant. Her eyes were still watery and she looked like she was about to cry. It was like she hadn't seen her husband in decades!    




The bullies, including Chen Ergou, were all flabbergasted. Even the male horny students that were peeking out from afar were completely stupefied. What was going on? Psychopath Yang Hu was startled. Elder Sister Street-cleaning Tiger was captured on the spot?    


Speaking of Elder Sister Street-cleaning Tiger, I can't help but talk about her sad married life. Since marrying into the family 20 years ago, Elder Sister Street-cleaning Tiger's life has never been a happy one.    


He had been married less than a month, his father-in-law had died, he had been married for less than a year, and his husband had died again.    


Look clearly, the first hanging is an old grandpa, and the second hanging is a husband, but don't cause any misunderstandings. Whoever doesn't understand the difference between an old grandpa and a husband can only chuckle.    


In the rural areas, Qingshan Town could be considered as a rural area. If a woman was treated as a jinx, forget about getting married, even if she talked to someone, they would be afraid of being tricked to death.    


From then on, Elder Sister Street-cleaning Tiger walked further and further down Street-cleaning Tiger's path. A widow, a widow, and a pretty widow with a jinx hat on her head. If she wasn't a little bit stronger, she would have been eaten to the bone!    


Three years later, Elder Sister Street-cleaning Tiger had come out of seclusion with a high profile, and her godly skills had been mastered. Her Qingshan Town was missing a jilted little jinx widow, but there was now an additional person, Street-cleaning Tiger, whom everyone feared!    


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