Take Along A Spring



How could Chen Ergou and the hoodlums know that Elder Sister Street-cleaning Tiger was not like what they thought. She was just seized by Yang Fann and wanted to have an affair with Yang Fann. The reason why she cried so much was because she was in pain.    


Even though Yang Fann seemed normal when he grabbed onto Elder Sister Street-cleaning Tiger's shaking, he was actually very smart. Just like a snake catcher shaking his snake, he used his full strength just right. Even Elder Sister Street-cleaning Tiger's robust body was shaking so much that her joints could not move at all.    


This was also the result of Yang Fann being lenient. Ever since he dispelled the Pangolin, Yang Fann had mastered this skill. If he was willing, he could shake a person's entire spine, and now, Elder Sister Street-cleaning Tiger was temporarily unable to move because of that, which was already very benevolent.    


Yang Fann held Elder Sister Street-cleaning Tiger's arm with one hand, or else she would have collapsed on the ground and pointed at the two hoodlums with the other. Yang Fann held Elder Sister Street-cleaning Tiger's arm with the other hand, otherwise she would have collapsed on the ground and pointed at the two hoodlums with the other hand.    


"Chen Ergou, take your people and follow me inside. When we see that foreigner later, think of a way to lure him to an empty room without any patients. After you do this, you can scram. If you don't, I'll deal with you!"    


Right now, Chen Ergou would not even think about getting himself fined, as escaping from Psychopath Yang was the right choice. Didn't he see that the one with unique Qingshan Town, Lili, was easily taken by him, he didn't even know what kind of drug he had taken in the past, to actually oppose Psychopath Yang, it was all luck that he was able to survive until now!    


"Right, that foreigner doesn't know Chinese. How am I supposed to lure him to an empty room?"    


Even though Chen Ergou was afraid of Yang Fann, he had to say some things. Even though he had the confidence to trick anyone, it did not include an outsider who could not understand Chinese.    


"Idiot, of course that foreigner can understand Chinese. Not only can he understand Chinese, he can even speak Chinese. He was only pretending not to understand it just now, so he didn't want to talk to you. Did you not see that?"    


Yang Fann's leg flew up and kicked Chen Ergou into the hospital. For people like Chen Ergou, there was no need to be polite. The more polite he was with Chen Ergou, the more excited he got.    


A bunch of hoodlums saw that their boss was kicked into the hospital by Yang Fann, how could they still dare to stay where they were? They didn't want to be kicked by Yang Fann. hoodlums were abnormal beings and would feel pain even if they were kicked.    


In the hospital, a few doctors and nurses were giving Foreigner Anna first aid. They were pushing up her chest, slapping her back, pinching her back, pinching her in the middle, scratching her feet and scratching her heart. It was not a bunch of doctors and nurses giving first aid, but rather a bunch of old rural women saving people.    


Don't get me wrong, it was the female doctor's nurse who was pushing her chest. There were two male doctors who wanted to do the job, but after trying a few times in front of a few female colleagues, they still couldn't bring themselves to reach out to certain key areas.    


As for scratching their feet, the women doctors and nurses were unwilling to scratch, while the men were too embarrassed to scratch. They could only let Black Widow Thousand-face Poison Woman pretend to be Ben Shaming. Who told her to be a companion with Foreigner Anna?    


The two male doctors were sad and indignant as they thought, "We are willing to do it, but why isn't there anyone who wants us to do it?" As long as someone says it, we will immediately start scratching. And we won't hesitate to scratch! "    


Unfortunately, these female doctors and nurses didn't have mental reading skills. Even if they did, they wouldn't let the two male doctors scratch them. What a joke, if the two male doctors scratched foreign woman's foot, how disgusting would it be when they scratched it in the future?!    


This was Ben Shaming, or perhaps it was Black Widow Thousand-face Poison Woman's imagination. In her opinion, those female doctors and nurses at the Qingshan Town Health Department were nothing at all, to be able to make a world-famous person like her scratch the foot of a stinking woman, it was simply insulting to herself!    


Thus, Black Widow Thousand-face Poison Woman secretly made up her mind to poison everyone here as soon as she finished her plan, including those two male doctors. Who told them to be so despicable? They had been staring at Foreigner Anna's chest like thieves!    


Not only was she interested in men, she was more interested in women. Foreigner Anna was already her appointed woman, and the reason why she didn't do anything was because she was worried that something might happen to her. Now, seeing that the two male doctors actually had thoughts about the woman she had already decided on, Black Widow Thousand-face Poison Woman's killing intent rose.    


At this moment, a group of people rushed in from the outside. It was Chen Ergou and a few of his lackeys. When the doctors and nurses of the hospital saw that it was Chen Ergou and the others, they all frowned.    


The doctors and nurses were curious. Didn't they hear Elder Sister Street-cleaning Tiger's angry roar just now? Why did these hoodlums still come in? Could it be that Elder Sister Street-cleaning Tiger let them in?    


As for the reason why Elder Sister Street-cleaning Tiger didn't stop them and allowed them to barge in, the doctors and nurses of the hospital never thought about that. In their eyes, there was no one that Elder Sister Street-cleaning Tiger couldn't stop.    


"Ah …" "Ah ha, this foreign friend, can you come out for a moment? Our Chinese police want to verify something with you. We won't be able to delay you for long."    


Upon entering the room, Chen Ergou was nearly blinded by Foreigner Anna's beauty. He had not expected that foreign woman would be so energetic. Although she was not as pretty as the school beauty Qin Mengyao from Qingshan Town High School, she was still better looking than all the foreign woman he had ever seen in real life.    


Not only did she have a good face, her figure was also first class, forget about the other things, just the big papaya on her chest, was not something an ordinary Chinese woman could grow into. In Qingshan Town, Chen Ergou had only seen Elder Sister Street-cleaning Tiger comparable to her, but as for the other women, including the basket of wives, they were simply not comparable to her!    


With her good looks and good figure, this foreign woman was simply outrageous. The key was her identity, the allure she had for Chen Ergou was skyrocketing. If she could ride such a foreign woman under her, that would be amazing!    


Chen Ergou wasn't the only one who was confused. The lackeys under him were even worse off than him. They were all drooling and staring with eyes bigger than a ping-pong. If it wasn't for the eye sockets blocking them, they would have flown out!    


Luckily, Chen Ergou still had his rationality and knew that Psychopath Yang's threat was much more terrifying compared to admiring the foreign woman, which was why he did not completely lose his mind. He thought to himself that it was better to do proper business first, and only after Psychopath Yang had finished the proper business, it would not be too late to look at foreign woman!    


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