Take Along A Spring



These days, Yang Fann had been busy thinking about how to deal with Black Widow Thousand-face Poison Woman and hadn't paid attention to where Jin Cuier had gone to.    


Jin Cuier had been managing the production of Health Wine the entire time. After the production of Health Wine had stopped, she had been in a relaxed state. At the beginning, Yang Fann had even talked to her twice, but when Black Widow Thousand-face Poison Woman's news came, Yang Fann did not care about anything else, so he did not know where Jin Cuier went.    


After asking Yang Sanmao, Yang Fann found out that Jin Cuier had applied for leave to go back to Jinjia Viilage to sweep the grave. Her father's grave was at Jinjia Viilage, and these few days were her father's memorial day.    


As for Jin Cuier's grandfather, Old Man Jin, he would never go back and burn paper for Jin Cuier's father. With Jin Cuier and her daughter here, there was no such rule as a father burning paper for his son.    


If it wasn't for Black Widow Thousand-face Poison Woman's threats, Yang Fann would also want to follow Jin Cuier to visit Jinjia Viilage. Although Jade Spring Mountain Villa were good, staying here all the time was also boring.    


Thinking about travelling with Jin Cuier and her daughter, Yang Fann remembered the time when they were on the road together. That time, Yang Fann was riding a motorcycle with Jin Cuier and his mother while bumping on the rugged mountain road. The three of them squeezed and rubbed against each other on a motorcycle along with the bumpy mountain road.    


However, things changed when Yang Fann had his own Ford Raptor. Jin Cuier and Mother of Cuier also became his employees, so they were okay. The two were about the same age, and they grew up together as playmates.    


However, he couldn't do it with Mother of Cuier. As a big boss, Yang Fann couldn't possibly go and have a heart to heart talk with Mother of Cuier if he had nothing to do. Wouldn't that become the biggest rumour about Jade Spring Mountain Villa?    


Of course, Yang Fann wouldn't admit that he had any presumptuous thoughts about Mother of Cuier. As a boss, what's wrong with caring about the employees under him? It was normal. Who would dare to mess around with their tongue?    


Don't misunderstand, Yang Fann actually didn't have any opinion of Mother of Cuier. As the old saying goes, mother-in-law's view of her son-in-law becomes more and more interesting the more she sees him. Although Yang Fann was not Mother of Cuier's son-in-law yet, he was still considered to be half a son-in-law. From a reverse perspective, Yang Fann was like a son-in-law looking at his mother-in-law. The more he looked, the more interested he was in him … Cough cough, this is interesting, not interesting.    


Why was it that the more mother-in-law looked at her son-in-law, the more she found him interesting, while the more mother-in-law looked at her daughter-in-law, the more she disliked her?    


This question should be explained in several ways:    


First of all, according to the laws of nature, homosexuality rejects one another, and heterosexual. Although mother-in-law and son-in-law are not husband and wife, they are still male and female, and more or less conform to the laws of nature.    


As for the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, they were actually of the same sex. As the saying goes, homosexuals reprimand each other.    


Secondly, according to the traditional Chinese customs, a son-in-law's obligations to his mother-in-law were less than a daughter-in-law's obligations to his mother-in-law. Thus, a mother-in-law's requirements to her son-in-law were not as high as a mother-in-law's requirements to her daughter-in-law.    


Furthermore, distance gave birth to beauty.    


Usually, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law spent a lot of time together, so there were many conflicts. The mother-in-law and son-in-law spent less time together, and once in a while, they would meet. The son-in-law would also try to show her good side, so the mother-in-law would find the son-in-law more pleasing to the eye.    


Finally, the personality of the daughter-in-law and son-in-law were the main reasons for the conflict. Generally speaking, because the son-in-law was a man, his personality was rather carefree. Even if the mother-in-law said something unpleasant, she wouldn't take it to heart.    


A daughter-in-law is a woman, a woman's heart is usually smaller than a man's. If a mother-in-law does something that doesn't conform with their intentions, it would be recorded in their heart. Afterwards, they would even bring it up again and again.    


Of course, there were those who were closer to their wives than their mother-in-law and son-in-law. There were even those who were closer than their biological daughter. However, those were all rare cases.    


Just when Yang Fann was thinking about Jin Cuier and Mother of Cuier, he suddenly received a call from Jin Cuier. Just as Yang Fann was thinking about Jin Cuier and Mother of Cuier, he suddenly received a call from Jin Cuier.    


"Hello, restaurant is already open, come down here!"    


After the call connected, without waiting for the other party to speak, Yang Fann had a classic line: staying at Jade Spring Mountain Villa all day is really annoying. Yang Fann was prepared to make fun of Jin Cuier just like how he used to when he was young, to have some fun.    


"Right... I'm sorry, I called the wrong number. "    


He originally thought that the one who called was Jin Cuier, but Yang Fann was just about to tease her a little, but who knew that it was Mother of Cuier who called. Yang Fann heard Yang Fann's words and thought it was a foreign country call so he quickly hung up.    


With Yang Fann's hearing, it was impossible for him to not recognize that the person on the phone was Mother of Cuier. It was just that he didn't give her a chance to speak.    


Amidst the awkwardness, Yang Fann was also puzzled. Everything was fine, why would Mother of Cuier call him? She was still using Jin Cuier's phone. Could something have happened to Jin Cuier?    


Thinking about this, Yang Fann quickly called back. If he made a joke and caused an accident to Jin Cuier, he would regret it until he died.    


The phone rang for a while. Just when Yang Fann thought that Mother of Cuier would not pick up again, the call miraculously connected.    


This time, Yang Fann didn't speak any more nonsense. Instead, he greeted her with a very serious tone: "Hello, I'm Yang Fann. May I know if this is Jin Cuier's phone number?"    


After saying that, Yang Fann regretted it. Even when he was alone with Mother of Cuier, he had never been this polite to her before.    


As expected, after Yang Fann finished his sentence, nobody on the other side spoke for a long time. If it wasn't for the sound of rapid breathing coming from the phone, Yang Fann would have thought that the call wasn't connected.    


After carefully analyzing the situation, Yang Fann finally confirmed that the person in front of him should be Mother of Cuier. Her breathing was just like her voice, everyone's breathing was also different. If everyone's hearing was good, they could tell who it was just by her breathing.    


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