Take Along A Spring



Since the ponytail had gotten himself into trouble at Jade Spring Mountain Villa, how could Yang Fann let it go so easily? He was waiting, waiting for the interrogation results from the relevant departments. If the ponytail didn't get the appropriate punishment, it wouldn't be too late for Yang Fann to deal with him.    


The most important thing was to prepare for the possible arrival of Black Widow Thousand-face Poison Woman. Since Lisa had said that Black Widow was more terrifying than her sister Rakshasa Woman, Yang Fann would not let his guard down. Now that he had lost his connection with Space of Jade Pendant, even the slightest carelessness could allow Black Widow to take advantage of him.    


However, before Black Widow Thousand-face Poison Woman appeared, a person that Yang Fann didn't expect came to Jade Spring Mountain Villa.    


Looking at Bing Feng standing in front of him, Yang Fann didn't know what to say.    


Yang Fann Wan didn't think that Bing Feng would actually run to Poplar Gully alone, and said that she had to stay there for a few days to relax.    


But Yang Fann knew, Bing Feng didn't come here to relax, her main goal was most likely to wait for Black Widow Thousand-face Poison Woman, or perhaps to protect him.    


Before this, when Yang Fann had called Bing Feng, he had been angry because Bing Feng hadn't told him that Black Widow had snuck into Hua Xia. He had taken the risk to go to Burma to save her, but when he returned home, not only did he not call her, she didn't even tell him that Black Widow Thousand-face Poison Woman had come to Hua Xia.    


However, when Bing Feng stood in front of Yang Fann, her unhappiness was immediately thrown out of the window by Yang Fann.    


At this moment, Yang Fann felt that the woman in front of him was too interesting. Not only did she have a good appearance, she was also very considerate, upon hearing that Black Widow Thousand-face Poison Woman had come to Hua Xia, she eagerly ran over to Jade Spring Mountain Villa to protect him. This kind of affection, if he didn't give her a big hug, it would be an insult to his justice!    


Therefore, Yang Fann opened his arms, like a poet in high spirits, with the aura of hugging the entire mountain and river, he wanted to give Bing Feng a bear hug that would shock the world!    


"I'm sorry to interrupt. Chairman Yang, I have a document that needs your approval. Director Lin is in a hurry to use it."    


Just as Yang Fann was about to hug Bing Feng, the office door suddenly opened. Lin Xiaoling's assistant stuck her pretty head in.    


Yang Fann hurriedly retracted his arms and let Lin Xiaoling's assistant in a serious manner. He pretended to look through the documents and then signed his name before waving her away.    


After Lin Xiaoling's assistant left, Yang Fann couldn't find the feeling he had just now. He still had an excuse to hug Lin Xiaoling just now. If he hugged her now, it wouldn't be a surprise to see her, but a hooligan.    


Plus, Yang Fann's observation skills were so abnormal that he had already noticed Bing Feng's secretly relaxed fist. If it wasn't for Lin Xiaoling's assistant just now, Yang Fann might not have been able to hug Bing Feng and might even receive a punch.    


Good god, Yang Fann wiped off his cold sweat. He didn't notice that Bing Feng's tightly clenched fists didn't show her slightly bent knees. Maybe her fists were just a cover. If Yang Fann were to really carry her, then her knees would be Bing Feng's ultimate ace attack!    


As for the position at which his knee was going to attack, there was no better way to deal with a man than attacking Eggy.    


Especially a strong man like Yang Fann. Other than Eggy who was between his legs, how could he be more suitable?    


Yang Fann brought Bing Feng to Dispersive Flower Courtyard's reception area. He wanted to arrange a room for her, but the receptionist told Yang Fann that they even reserved a room a month later. Right now, there were no empty rooms.    


There was no helping it, Dispersive Flower Courtyard's guest rooms were limited, and it was thought that there were a lot of people staying in the Dispersive Flower Courtyard, so a room had already appeared that was difficult to find. Even if they were staying in the Dispersive Flower Courtyard, the price of their house would double every three days, and there would still be an endless stream of people wanting to stay in the room.    


In desperation, Yang Fann could only arrange for Bing Feng to stay in Dispersive Flower Courtyard's employee dormitory. Actually, the employee dormitory and guest rooms were all in Dispersive Flower Courtyard, and the environment was not too far off from each other. The only difference was that one was in the east wing while the other was in the west wing.    


The people outside paid several tens of thousands of yuan in order to stay at the Jade Spring Mountain Villa for the night.    


And the employees of Jade Spring Mountain Villa could live in the Jade Spring Mountain Villa without paying a single cent. This was the biggest benefit for the employees of Jade Spring Mountain Villa, it was more than ten times better than the monthly salary that they were paid!    


Being able to live in the Dispersive Flower Courtyard wasn't just about saving on the expenses of living. The key was that it was good for the body.    


Living in the Dispersive Flower Courtyard was extremely beneficial for one's body, even those billionaires were crying as they wanted to come to the Dispersive Flower Courtyard to stay. They didn't have to pay, didn't even have to queue, and even more so, didn't have to book in, to be able to live in the Dispersive Flower Courtyard, and as long as they didn't leave the Jade Spring Mountain Villa, they could continue to live in the Dispersive Flower Courtyard.    


Where could he find such benefits? If he didn't meet Yang Fann, a good boss, he would never be able to enjoy such generous benefits!    


Aside from Yang Fann, no one else knew better than the employees of Jade Spring Mountain Villa how great the benefits of living in Dispersive Flower Courtyard were. Ever since they started working in Jade Spring Mountain Villa, practically no one of their employees had gotten sick.    


The man was getting more and more robust, the woman was getting more and more beautiful, and even Ma Wensheng's adoptive parents' bodies were countless times better than when they were at Xincheng County.    


After experiencing the tangible benefits, the employees finally truly realized how difficult it was to work in Jade Spring Mountain Villa. At this point, forget about the generous pay from Jade Spring Mountain Villa, even if their wages were slightly lower than in other places, there probably wouldn't be any employees willing to leave.    


Not caring about anything else, just based on the fact that Dispersive Flower Courtyard was blessed, even if his salary was halved, as long as he could stay and work in Jade Spring Mountain Villa, he would still be willing!    


That's right, including all the employees of Jade Spring Mountain Villa, almost everyone believed that the main reason why staying in Dispersive Flower Courtyard was beneficial to one's body was because of the Feng Shui quality of Dispersive Flower Courtyard.    


Not only was the Feng Shui of Dispersive Flower Courtyard good, the Feng Shui of Jade Spring Mountain Villa was also good. Otherwise, how could the Jade Spring Mountain Villa grow things that could not be grown elsewhere, and how could one earn so much money in a short year?    


Of course, Yang Fann knew that the people outside were all talking about the Feng Shui as the Jade Spring Mountain Villa, and he was also happy that everyone thought so as well. Otherwise, what could he do, he couldn't tell them the truth, right?    


Stop joking, unless we take out the spatial Spirit Spring to prove to everyone, who would believe Yang Fann's lies?    


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