Take Along A Spring



Lee Qian used to be naïve, believing that there were definitely many more good people in the world than bad people.    


Therefore, when Lee Qian and Yang Fann were together, they didn't really cherish their relationship, nor did they take Yang Fann's virtue of helping others as a very precious thing. In her opinion, it was perfectly natural for Yang Fann to have saved her when someone drugged her.    


Since Lee Qian gave her most precious thing to Yang Fann, she didn't owe Yang Fann anymore. Therefore, when she chose to break up with Yang Fann, Lee Qian felt so at ease. Not only did she not feel any guilt, she even felt that she paid more for Yang Fann than Yang Fann.    


It was for this reason that Lee Qian not only didn't feel awkward when she saw Yang Fann again, she was also very dissatisfied with Yang Fann's performance.    


Yang Fann should have been in a depressed state after losing his excellent girlfriend, but in reality, not only did Yang Fann not give up on himself, he was instead in high spirits every time he saw him, as if he wasn't affected by the fact that they broke up.    


First, he sold more than a million orchids on his Horticultural Exhibition, and then he went to buy a million luxury cars with a red-haired beauty from a foreign country. Then, they heard that he even started a farm and operated it with great style.    


With so much about Yang Fann, Lee Qian was furious about every one of them. Aren't you going to be a good little farmer and stay in the ditches to farm? Why are you jumping around like this? Aren't you afraid of being laughed at?    


Especially the scandal between Yang Fann and Crystal Palace's CEO Bai Mei. Lee Qian didn't sleep for several nights after she heard it, and when she thought that Yang Fann might be having fun with that widow boss, Lee Qian couldn't help but get angry. Previously, she had rolled in bed with Yang Fann every night, but now, the female lead had changed to another woman.    




She was actually being a pretty boy to a widow! Those with the surname Yang were all useless. What a disgrace to Lee Qian!    


Lee Qian wanted to immediately appear beside Yang Fann and kick that widow out of bed for herself when she remembered that Yang Fann was her ex-boyfriend!    


Lee Qian looked down on a guy like Yang Fann who sold his body for a little money, but she forgot one thing. She only chose to break up with him because she despised Yang Fann because he was poor.    


If she just despised Yang Fann for being poor, Lee Qian could still accuse Yang Fann of being a pushover. However, she also chose Wang Zheng, whom she didn't like, as her boyfriend.    


Humans were often like this, when a crow landed on a pig, they would only look at the other party darkly and not think about what kind of person they were. They would criticize others and act the same way, but if it was their turn, that was a completely different story.    


In Lee Qian's opinion, even if Yang Fann had broken up with her, she should still treat him as her most precious treasure. No matter when or where, Yang Fann should be lower than her by a few points.    


However, reality was different. It was like a lesson for Lee Qian. Yang Fann didn't treat her like a treasure in his hand like before and instead treated her like a passerby instead. He even treated her worse than a passerby.    


Every time he saw her, not only could he not see any grievances from Yang Fann's eyes, he couldn't even see a hint of affection. Yang Fann looked at her as if he was looking at thin air, and the focus of his gaze was not on her at all.    


Just like just now, Lee Qian was surrounded by a group of thugs, but Yang Fann was clearly nearby, yet he didn't say a single word. If that bullsh * t Young Master Hu didn't order his men to attack her, Lee Qian believed that Yang Fann would definitely not help her!    


Lee Qian really wanted to find Yang Fann and ask him in person what was going on. Could it be that the Vows of the Mountain and Sea Sect in the past lied to her? It has only been a short while and they have become like this.    


However, Lee Qian had heard Young Master Hu's men asking about her. If she didn't leave, she might not be able to leave even if she wanted to. If Yang Fann had already left, then who would help her?    


Only now did Lee Qian realize that there weren't that many good people in the world, whether it was because she was teased by a bunch of rascals or Young Master Hu's subordinates forcefully taking her away, no one seemed willing to help her, even if it was to secretly report it to the police!    


However, there was no one who would call the police, not to mention help. If Yang Fann hadn't quietly dragged her out, Lee Qian might still be surrounded by Young Master Hu's men.    


Oh right, that Young Master Hu was suddenly knocked out, could it be Yang Fann who did it?    


Apart from Yang Fann, Lee Qian couldn't think of anyone else who would offend someone like Young Master Hu for no reason other than the person who had thoughts about her. He had done her such a great favor, so if he was plotting against her, why didn't he show himself afterwards?    


Judging from this, the one who knocked Young Master Hu out and pulled her out of the crowd was without a doubt Yang Fann. It was just that the one surnamed Yang was too heartless, he actually left without even saying a word of greeting or consolation.    


However, reality couldn't let Lee Qian think about it any longer. If she didn't leave now, she would definitely suffer when Young Master Hu's men came to find her.    


Lee Qian got into a taxi and watched the scene. She said to the driver, who was peeking into the crowd, "Hurry and drive. The police are coming!"    


Lee Qian had also grown up a lot after experiencing so many things. She knew that using the police to scare the taxi drivers and race against time was a common occurrence, and the most annoying thing was seeing the police officers. Even if they weren't traffic police, they would still avoid them and avoid trouble.    


Upon hearing that the police were coming, the taxi driver was more willing to believe his words. He stepped down on the accelerator and the taxi moved away from the crowd, leaving this land of conflict with Lee Qian.    


Lee Qian did not see that not long after she left, Wei Xiaorou had brought a group of policemen out of the Night Paradise room. When she saw so many people gathered at the Night Paradise entrance, Wei Xiaorou was shocked, thinking that the Night Paradise had called for someone to block them.    


When the crowd dispersed after seeing the police, Wei Xiaorou realized that it was not what she had imagined. A man with a nose ring was being supported and sitting on the ground, surrounded by a bunch of colorful friends and a few ferocious looking bodyguards.    


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