Take Along A Spring



It was true that Wei Xiaorou hated evil, but she still knew how to prioritize matters. Her current mission was to quickly bring Young Master Ma and his gang back to the Police Station, not to meddle in the affairs of others.    


Yes, fighting was a trivial matter in the eyes of the police officers like Wei Xiaorou, and it wasn't something they should handle. The police officers were in charge of important cases, what was the point of sending the police officers there if they couldn't even deal with trivial matters such as brawling?    


Therefore, after a casual glance at Young Master Hu, Wei Xiaorou left with her gang of scumbags. As for what would happen to those guys who were beaten up, Wei Xiaorou let one of her men beat up 110, so she let the 110 comrades handle it.    


Once Wei Xiaorou left, Night Paradise's security guards immediately released Wang Zheng who was locked in the security room. This guy was extremely annoying and annoying.    


As soon as Wang Zheng walked out of the door, someone shouted, "Oh, isn't this that girl's boyfriend? Did you knock Wu Tie out with a brick?"    


Woosh, woosh, woosh, woosh …    


Young Master Hu, a bunch of his friends and his bodyguards all looked at Wang Zheng with malicious eyes. After hearing that he was the one who knocked Wu Tie out, how could they let him go? The bodyguards immediately surrounded Wang Zheng.    


"Ah, what do you want? Who knocked out who? Where's my girlfriend? " Wang Zheng was confused. Looking at the ferocious bodyguards, he immediately felt that his lower abdomen was urinating. Looking around, he couldn't find any trace of Lee Qian. His heart skipped a beat and he realized that something must have happened.    


"Hehe, it really is that girl's boyfriend. You're so damn cute, actually daring to hit grandpa with a brick. Let's go, grandpa will take you to have a good time!"    


Even though Young Master Hu had woken up, he was still dizzy and his body felt weak. He couldn't use any strength at all.    


However, Young Master Hu's unwell state did not hinder him from being ruthless. He heard that it was Wang Zheng who knocked him out, so it would be strange if he let Wang Zheng go.    


Wang Zheng was baffled as to be taken away by Young Master Hu, the Night Paradise door regained its tranquility, Yang Fann also activated his Ford Raptor, and happily went home to sleep.    


As for whether or not Yang Fann's shout will cause irreparable consequences for Wang Zheng, that was not something he needed to consider. Yang Fann would not easily endure the repeated provocations from Wang Zheng, and Yang Fann had already given Yang Fann an opening in his previous attempts to kill Wang Zheng with a stick. This was a good opportunity, if he did not let Wang Zheng have a hard time, he would not be Yang Fann.    


Yang Fann had never been a saint, and it wasn't Yang Fann's style to take revenge with a smile. Ever since he was young, he had lived by the rule of returning the favor. Whoever treated him well, he would return it tenfold or a hundredfold.    


After snatching his girlfriend, he still wanted to thoroughly beat him up mentally. Yang Fann was extremely contemptuous of a petty person like Wang Zheng whose ambition had gone wild. Yang Fann could still treat him like a dog once or twice, but he kept provoking him again and again, so how could Yang Fann endure this?    


Therefore, the moment Wang Zheng walked out of the Night Paradise, Yang Fann shouted that it was his who had knocked out Liu Tie. As Lee Qian's boyfriend, knocking out Liu Tie was what Wu Tie should have done.    


If you want to be a boyfriend, then you have to have the ability to stand up for your girlfriend. Even if your ability is lacking, you still have to have that determination. Since Wang Zheng wasn't here just now, Yang Fann can take his place.    


Of course, Yang Fann could choose to remain silent and let Wang Zheng secretly slip away. But that wasn't Yang Fann's style, a man who was brave enough to take responsibility, a girlfriend who was bullied by others, hiding from the enemy, what was wrong? As a man, Wang Zheng could just step out and sneak away.    


As for the consequences of standing out, Yang Fann believed that Wang Zheng could completely settle it. He even dared to snatch someone else's girlfriend, how could he not have the ability to settle such a trivial matter?    


Therefore, Yang Fann shouted with a clear mind, a carefree mind, and a carefree heart. What a great feeling!    


What? Yang Fann was so capable, shouldn't he haggle with Wang Zheng?    


It seems like Wang Zheng didn't steal your girlfriend, but when you found out that your girlfriend had been robbed, you actually said such a thing!    


Yang Fann was in a great mood right now. After a night of stimulation, drinking, and saving two ignorant girls and then standing up for Wang Zheng and saving his girlfriend Lee Qian, at least half of Yang Fann's depressed mood was let out. At least he wasn't that depressed anymore.    


Returning to the big villa in Jiang-Nan garden, Yang Fann fell asleep immediately and slept until the sun rose. Ever since he lost his connection with Space of Jade Pendant, this was still the sweetest night of Yang Fann's sleep.    


The next day, Yang Fann woke up early. First, he ran for an hour in the morning before going to Old Street to eat breakfast. Finally, he drove back to Poplar Gully.    


Along the way, Yang Fann felt weird. Having Space of Jade Pendant and not having Space of Jade Pendant was like having a girlfriend; the difference was like having a girlfriend. The same sky, the same land, the same roads, they gave people a completely different feeling.    


Now that he didn't have Space of Jade Pendant, Yang Fann also didn't have Spirit Body. If anything happened to Yang Fann, even if he was physically sick, it would be hard to avoid getting injured, or even cause others to get injured.    


The Ford Raptor moved as fast as lightning, the Qingshan Town s did not take long to arrive, they did not stop and did not go see First Uncle Zhong Runqiang and his wife either.    


Without the spatial Spirit Spring, the Zhong Family's super seasoning could not be brewed. If they could not produce the super seasoning, Uncle Zhong Runqiang's Zhong Family's shop would not be too far away from closing.    


If it was possible, Yang Fann didn't want his uncle's restaurant to close. It was very likely that he couldn't even preserve his Jade Spring Mountain Villa right now. As for his uncle's old Zhong Family store, he could only pray for himself.    


However, Yang Fann was not optimistic about his first uncle's restaurant's future. The customers were already used to eating food with super flavorings, now that they had returned to their original ways, it was estimated that 11 out of 10 guests would run away.    


Thus, Yang Fann did not dare to meet his first uncle and his wife. He did not know what to say when he saw them, so he could only wait until later to tell them.    


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