Take Along A Spring



Yang Fann was helpless. He didn't want to get involved with Lee Qian's affairs anymore. Even if he got slapped, Yang Fann didn't want to stand up for Lee Qian anymore.    


Who knew that Young Master Hu, who had killed his way out, would actually treat Lee Qian as an abandoned mistress. He felt that he could play around with her however he liked and did not have to take responsibility for it, so he made his subordinates forcefully bring Lee Qian away.    


If Yang Fann did not care about this, then he would not be Yang Fann. He was a cold-blooded and heartless person. He would even help strangers when they were in danger, not to mention his ex-girlfriend.    


No matter how much enmity there was between Lee Qian and Yang Fann, watching her be taken away and humiliated was not Yang Fann's style, especially after losing the connection with Space of Jade Pendant. Yang Fann now felt a little more reverence towards the unknown and felt that he should be more virtuous and virtuous and perhaps even be able to find the Space of Jade Pendant again.    


After a combination of multiple reasons, Yang Fann still managed to make his move. However, his movements were very covert and even when he made his move, he did not intend to let everyone know about it. He was still as low-key as before.    




Amidst the clamor, a crisp sound suddenly came out, followed by the scream of a woman. Everyone looked in the direction of the sound and saw Young Master Hu, who was making a ruckus just a moment ago, lying unconscious on the ground!    


At this moment, Young Master Hu's underlings didn't have the mood to catch Lee Qian, they surrounded Young Master Hu to check the situation. Soon, someone found out the reason behind Young Master Hu's coma: there was a big bump on the back of his head, and not far away, there was a broken brick on the ground.    


"Who?" Who the f * ck dared to lay their hands on Young Master Hu? Don't be like a cowardly turtle, stand up if you have the guts! "    


Young Master Hu's men and a bunch of his friends all started clamoring. Their eyes swept across the crowd and they all looked like the main culprit behind this.    


However, there were at least a hundred people who were watching the show. As time passed, more people joined the crowd. Watching the show was a virtue, even the night shift workers had to watch the show first before going back home to sleep.    


The crowd was in a state of chaos. Young Master Hu's men had set their sights on a few bachelors and drunkards who were initially surrounding Lee Qian. They were the most suspicious ones.    


In the midst of the chaos, Lee Qian felt someone tug at her, causing her to involuntarily run away. Lee Qian instinctively wanted to resist, but the person pulling her was too strong, so she was immediately pulled out of the crowd.    


Lee Qian was scared out of her wits. She thought someone was trying to take advantage of the situation to forcefully take her away. Just as she was about to open her mouth to scream, she suddenly felt her arm loosen and the person pulling her let go.    


At the same time, Lee Qian seemed to have heard someone tell her to leave, and she immediately understood that the person pulling her was helping her.    


Not daring to be negligent, Lee Qian hurriedly ran in the opposite direction of the crowd. As she ran, she also turned her head back, wanting to see who had helped her.    


However, there were shadows everywhere. Lee Qian couldn't even tell who dragged her out of the crowd. It was just that there was a familiar flash of a back that made Lee Qian freeze up and forget to run.    


However, when Lee Qian took a closer look, she couldn't even see that familiar back. If it wasn't for the fact that Lee Qian was too familiar with that back, she might even have thought that she was seeing things.    


Is that back Yang Fann? Was it Yang Fann who pulled him out of the crowd just now? And the voice that told him to leave quickly, it sounded hoarse, who was it, could it be Yang Fann?    


At this moment, Lee Qian's feelings were mixed, and unspeakable pain arose. She wanted to find the person that helped her, but also didn't want him to be Yang Fann, because if Yang Fann helped her, she would owe Yang Fann. This was unacceptable to the usually arrogant Lee Qian.    


In Lee Qian's eyes, her break up with Yang Fann was the right thing to do. It couldn't be a mistake and she definitely wouldn't regret it.    


However, she met Yang Fann a few times after they broke up, but Lee Qian didn't see any depression or despondency from him. On the contrary, Yang Fann seemed to be living quite a cool life, winning awards and buying a car, and there were also many different beauties around him.    


Wang Zheng, who Lee Qian thought had a promising future, was humiliated repeatedly in front of Yang Fann. Not only did she lose everyone, but Lee Qian also became short half a head in front of Yang Fann. It was as if Yang Fann and Wang Zheng's position was reversed, and Wang Zheng turned from a rich man to a clown while Yang Fann became a truly rich man!    


Take today's matter for example, Wang Zheng originally wanted to disgust Yang Fann, but was rejected by Yang Fann in a few sentences and not only was his body covered in wounds, he was even forcefully taken away by the Night Paradise's few guards.    


It was fine if she was taken away, but she was also implicated by the fact that she, Lee Qian, was treated as a shameless rogue who was taken care of by others and was almost taken away by Young Master Hu and his bunch of trash!    


It was obvious what the consequences would be if they were taken away by Young Master Hu's group of scum. Even if they were sent to prison afterwards, she, Lee Qian, would be finished.    


Having been toyed with by a bunch of scum, it would be hard for anyone to accept Wang Zheng not wanting her again, let alone Wang Zheng.    


The victim was worthy of sympathy, but compassion didn't mean that they admired her. There was no normal person who would like a woman who had been bullied by a bunch of scum, unless they just wanted to play around with her.    


What made Lee Qian even more worried was that it was Yang Fann who saved her. As someone who had already been abandoned by her, why didn't Yang Fann show himself?    


Did Yang Fann just hide in the shadows and watch her make fun of herself, then treat it like a stray dog on the street, casually pulling her away as a form of charity?    


Why do you think you are so arrogant? Since you helped her, why not show yourself? Do you look down on her?    


At this moment, Lee Qian's heart was extremely complicated. She was grateful to Yang Fann and regretted her past, but she was also angry at Yang Fann, even resentful. She was resentful that Yang Fann didn't take her seriously and didn't even bother to show her face after helping her.    


As for whether the person who saved her was Yang Fann, could she be mistaken? Lee Qian didn't doubt it at all. In her opinion, that person definitely belonged to Yang Fann. Even if Yang Fann turned to dust, Lee Qian would still recognize the man who took her virginity away!    


Lee Qian once thought that there were many good people in this world. Otherwise, she wouldn't easily believe her roommates and go to a bar to play with them before they drugged her.    


Even if she was drugged, Lee Qian still felt that there were a lot of good people in the world. Yang Fann was a typical example. Seeing that she was drugged, he immediately stepped forward and saved her from the clutches of those hoodlums!    


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