Take Along A Spring



The three bickered along the way, and time passed by quickly. Somehow, ever since Yang Fann appeared, both Nana and Xia Ji felt relaxed. The deathly aura above their heads seemed to have disappeared, and the haze in their hearts seemed to have been swept away!    


As long as Yang Fann stayed together with him, he would unconsciously be affected. It was like suddenly going from a dirty city to a clean and fresh nature, and the worries in his heart would naturally lessen.    


During this period of time, Yaoji and the others had been on the brink of death, and could lose their lives at any time. Although they had been through hundreds of battles and had strong mental fortitude, they had always been in a tense state.    


Now that they met Yang Fann, whose whole body was emitting a natural aura, the malevolent aura on the three of them was like mist that was buried in the wind. In an instant, the sky turned dark and cloudy, then it became sunny again.    


"Mm …" You guys wait in the car for a while, I'll be back in a moment. "    


Yang Fann suddenly stepped on the brakes and parked the jeep at a relatively hidden location on the side of the road. Then, he got off the car with an umbrella and went into the woods by the side of the road without looking back.    


The demoness and Nana looked at each other. They didn't know what Yang Fann was going crazy about. He was driving well, so why did he suddenly stop? [You get out of the car in the rain? What the hell is your hobby of getting out in the rain?]    


"Bullshit!" "I understand, Psychopath Yang must have gone to shit. What do you think, Nana?"    


The spirit demon suddenly slapped her thigh, giving Nana a fright. "Damned chicken, are you disgusted or not? Don't tell me I don't know where that pervert went?" I want you to shout. "    


"Nana, I realized that you've learnt bad things from Psychopath Yang. You dare to call me chicken? Do you believe that I'll tell Psychopath Yang later that you're learning to speak like him?"    


"Damned chicken, how dare you. If you dare speak such nonsense, I'll tell that pervert that you're talking bad about him behind his back!"    


"Aiya, Nana, I'm not talking to you anymore. I want to go to convenience as well. Do you want to go? How about we go together?"    




While Witch and Nana were arguing, Yang Fann had long since run away from the jeep and was running at an incredible speed through the forest beside the road.    


Yang Fann's destination was a checkpoint located about three kilometers away from Yuanye Jipu. There were two cars that looked exactly the same as the one he drove, with about a dozen Armed Gunmen s. Judging from their clothing, they should be members of Mountain Leopard.    


Of course, Yang Fann was prepared to go and get rid of those Armed Gunmen s, he did not want to alert the enemy. With the power of the Spirit Demon girl and Nana, getting rid of ten over ordinary Mountain Leopard members should not be a problem, but if the enemies sent out a signal for help, it would attract a large number of enemies.    


Therefore, Yang Fann was ready to silently pull out the checkpoint in front of him and also add some equipment on his own. Guns and ammunition were really good stuff, so Yang Fann didn't mind getting too many of them.    


Luckily, the greenery in Myanmar was better than in China, and there were forests on both sides of the road. Yang Fann was very safe to move around in the forest, so he didn't need to worry about being seen by others.    


A three kilometer journey might not be considered as close to other people, but it was nothing for Yang Fann. When Yang Fann got close to the checkpoint, only two to three minutes had passed, not even enough time for a shitty.    


It sounded complicated, but it was actually very simple. When Yang Fann got within 9 meters of the checkpoint, the fate of this group of Armed Gunmen s was already decided.    


Of course, based on the principle of killing less, Yang Fann still did not kill all of the Armed Gunmen. After knocking them out, he threw them into the woods by the side of the road. With Yang Fann's precise control, they would not wake up in the next hour and a half if he made them faint for two hours.    


Even after two hours, they were awake. Without transportation and communication equipment, it was not easy to call for help. By the time they returned to their base on foot, Yang Fann and the others had already run far away.    


As for the Armed Gunmen's equipment and cars, I'm sorry, they were all confiscated by Yang Fann. Still, as a Buddhist country in Myanmar, the Burmese should burn incense and worship to pray for death. Things like weapons that are filled with violence should be kept safe with Yang Fann.    


A few minutes later, Yang Fann returned to the place where he parked his jeep. As soon as he got on the car, he saw Nana fanning herself towards him. Not only did she fan him, but she also kept stinking, as if she really smelled Yang Fann's shxt.    


Yang Fann rolled his eyes, "Little girl, why are you pretending? It's like you're not shitting. I don't believe you can hold it in. From now on, don't poop all the way. I won't stop the car. Let's see if you can continue acting cool." Saying that, Yang Fann started the cross-country jeep and sped forward.    


"Wa, ka, ka!" "How about Nana? I told you not to offend Psychopath Yang. You wouldn't want to listen. Now you're feeling better. Let's see how you solve your personal problems!"    


"Stupid witch, shut up. Why are you everywhere? If you speak less, will you die?"    


"Huh, Nana, didn't you call me little chick just now? Why did you call me little chick the moment Psychopath Yang came back? Don't tell me you guys are the rumored lovers and enemies?"    


"Damned chicken, don't talk so much nonsense. Unless all the women in the world are dead, who would want to marry a violent maniac with a male partner as their wife? Do they want to live longer?"    


"What did you say?" Who are you calling violent? Who are you calling a virago? Say that again? "    


Nana was shaking with anger. How long had it been since she became Chinese Trump Card? Nobody knew how long it had been since she became Chinese Trump Card, but now, she was being shouted at by a wild kid who came out of nowhere. How could she not be angry!    


"Hehe, if you let me say it then I'll say it. Isn't that too shameful? If I don't say it, what can you do to me?"    


Seeing that Nana was really worried, Yang Fann also felt that his joke had gone too far. After all, she was a woman. As a man, he should be more magnanimous and not lower himself to the level of a woman.    


"Wakaka, stop arguing. Look ahead, at the junction. If I were the commander of Mountain Leopard, I will set up a checkpoint here. That way, who can escape?"    


In order to ease the atmosphere, the spirit demon girl hurriedly changed the topic. Nana was actually attracted by him, and upon seeing the intersection in front of them, she couldn't help but be shocked, luckily the Mountain Leopard organization didn't set a checkpoint here, otherwise they would really be in trouble!    


It's not that the commander of Mountain Leopard organization didn't have good eyes, he had already set up a checkpoint here, it's just that he was taken care of by me. It's fine that you guys were secretly happy, but you still dared to look down on the commander of Mountain Leopard organization.    


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