Take Along A Spring



All the villagers who were still alive ran away, and even the elderly, weak, and disabled people who couldn't move were carried into the forest by their friends and relatives. In the entire small village, aside from a few corpses, there were probably only a few living people in the cellar.    


It wasn't that they were dumb and didn't know how to leave this dangerous place, but Bing Feng was severely injured and the woman was slightly injured. Furthermore, they didn't know what was going on in the outside world and didn't dare to show their faces, so they didn't run away in time.    


As soon as Yang Fann walked into the house, the Spirit Body clearly investigated the situation in the cellar.    


In fact, Yao Ji and the others didn't even have to worry about Bing Feng who was still sleeping. After drinking Yang Fann's Spatial Spirit Spring, it wouldn't be a problem for them to drag her along with them and run. Not to mention the small amount of rain they were in, even if knives were to fall from the sky, Bing Feng would probably be the last to be stabbed to death.    


Of course, if Fey had Bing Feng on their heads and used her as an umbrella, then the one who would be killed was definitely Bing Feng. However, Fey and the rest wouldn't be able to survive either, and the knife would fall from the sky with incredible momentum, probably even piercing through an alloy shield.    


Anyway, Monster and the others didn't run away, which coincidentally saved Yang Fann a lot of trouble. If they really left, Yang Fann would have to follow them on a rainy day, which would be very troublesome.    


"Chicken, chick, I'm Hawk. Please respond!"    


Yang Fann's voice was very loud. Even though the cellar was one or two meters deep, Yang Fann's shout was still transmitted down through the entrance, and was heard clearly by Xia Ji and the others in the cellar.    


"Chinese? Who's calling? " Yao Ji and the rest were stunned. The ones outside were all in Burmese. Why were there people speaking Mandarin this time? Could it be that someone had found a translator who could speak Mandarin?    


That's not right, why is the translator calling out to the chick? It's an eagle, isn't it? Are there some villagers who can speak Chinese playing the game of falcons and chicks?    


Damn, that's not right, there were people shooting outside just now, plus the one that mysteriously fell, they killed two Armed Gunmen s in total. Even if the villagers in this small village had strong nerves, they couldn't be so heartless right?    


Just when the girls were hesitating, Yang Fann already couldn't wait any longer: "Fuck, you damn witch, you perverted sissy, why aren't you getting out of there? Are you still waiting for me to take you down?"    


"F * ck, it's Psychopath Yang!" It was Yang Fann's voice. He was too familiar with this voice, it was the voice of the owner of the voice who once broke one of his legs. Chinese Trump Card, you broke one of his legs just like that, kicked by a country farm kid.    


There are two types of people in the world that are most impressive. One is the person you pay the most for and the other is the person who causes you pain.    


Without a doubt, Yang Fann was the one who brought pain to the witch, because having her leg broken by a country bumpkin, she became the joke in the circle. Even the entire international community knew about her loss of face abroad.    


In truth, deep down, the demoness admired Yang Fann. Not only did Yang Fann break one of his legs, he also beat the insufferable Bing Feng. National Trump Card was more than one tier stronger than the demoness, and was one of the strongest characters in the world. Yet, she was eaten by Yang Fann.    


If not for Bing Feng blocking more than one hundred Armed Gunmen, all four of them would have been accounted for.    


There were more than a hundred Armed Gunmen, and they were all elites of the Armed Gunmen s. He, Bing Feng, had blocked twenty to thirty of them, and Bing Feng had blocked more than a hundred by herself, and had even destroyed half of them, giving them enough time to complete their mission.    


They were both trump cards, and some were on the same level as others. They were both kings, and the difference between them was too great. A demoness could only be considered slightly famous in the world, while Bing Feng was considered a powerhouse in the world. They were not even on the same level!    


Even such a powerful Bing Feng had lost to Yang Fann, that Shan Liwa who ran a small farm. It was said that he had helped Bing Feng to capture Lingnan King, that fierce master, which showed how abnormal Yang Fann's strength was. Therefore, Yao Ji had given him a nickname, Psychopath Yang.    


It was just that Bing Feng always called out Yang Fann's name when she was unconscious. In order to fulfill her comrade's wish, or to give Yang Fann a difficult problem, Yao Ji had called Yang Fann out of nowhere and had even asked Director General Qian of Jiangnan Security Bureau to help Yang Fann out of the country.    


According to the witch's guess, her partner, Bing Feng, was either deeply in love with Yang Fann or hated him to the bones. Otherwise, she wouldn't have kept on calling his name while he was unconscious.    


He didn't expect that his prank, which used to have a mostly vindictive nature, would actually bring Yang Fann here. He didn't know how this guy did it, but he was probably lucky that he didn't run into those Armed Gunmen s and found their hiding place in the cellar.    


"Psychopath Yang, what's the situation outside? Have you seen the Armed Gunmen?"    


Even when she heard that the person outside was Yang Fann, she did not jump out immediately. What if Yang Fann was captured by the Mountain Leopard organization, and she took the risk and went out, wouldn't she fall into the enemy's trap?    


I saw it, all of them ran, like there were tigers chasing behind their butts, I said, little chicken, you're too capable, what's going on, you actually chased away so many armed Armed Gunmen, you're so strong!    


"Ah?" They all ran away? " What a joke, even if the two of them killed two of the Armed Gunmen s, the remaining people shouldn't be able to escape, unless one of their own side came to the rescue, but they didn't hear any gunshots. Where was the reinforcement?    


Witch was very dissatisfied with her own imagination, she felt that it had already surpassed the scope of humanity. As a great proletarian revolutionary warrior, how could he be full of fantasies? He should be realistic.    


Although Psychopath Yang was abnormal, he had never been on the battlefield before. A face-to-face duel and a life-and-death duel were not the same thing. Psychopath Yang could defeat Bing Feng. If they were to fight to the death, Xia Ji believed that Psychopath Yang would definitely not be a match for Bing Feng!    


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