Take Along A Spring



Myanmar was not a place where there was a shortage of water and there were not as many people as Hua Xia, so the trees were relatively lush, especially in the rural areas where large trees were everywhere.    


Yang Fann used the Spirit Body's special ability to roll a few times, then moved from a tree over a hundred meters away to a tree in the middle of the village. The distance to the house that Armed Gunmen would search was less than nine meters.    


At this distance, Yang Fann could make his move at any time. If Bing Feng was hiding in this house, Yang Fann could ensure her safety.    


A few of the Armed Gunmen s were confused. They broke into the door and rushed into the house that the woman with the child was pointing at. They were like a group of bandits who were rummaging around randomly.    


The house itself was not big, and a few bandits were fearless as they searched the entire house in just a few minutes.    


Needless to say, violent searching was indeed the most convenient and effective way. When one of the Armed Gunmen smashed a Buddha statue into pieces with the butt of his spear, he immediately shouted excitedly.    


Myanmar is a country where Buddhism prevails, with pagodas everywhere. It is said that in Burma, no matter where you stand, you will see many pagodas with just a glance. It could be said that Buddha was everywhere!    


Bidding was something most Burmese in Myanmar did, so almost every family in Myanmar had a buddhist shrine. The buddhist shrines in this house looked very ordinary, and the buddhist statues provided were also very ordinary.    


So this Buddha statue was made of gold!    


The Buddha statues were not big, only one foot two inches tall. However, if they were all made of gold, then it would be very impressive. A Buddha statue that was one foot two inches tall, the amount of gold used was definitely not a small number.    


Of course, some Buddha statues may be hollow in order to save precious materials. However, from the way the two Armed Gunmen carried the Buddha statue, it could be seen that the Buddha statue was not light, it should be real.    


When the group of Armed Gunmen saw their two accomplices bringing out a golden buddha, they all started cheering. Yang Fann looked down on these rich and open-minded guys, and even considered them a Mountain Leopard organization. They had even sealed off the entrance, why were they so happy to see a golden buddha, could it be that this Mountain Leopard organization was really poor?    


Actually, Yang Fann did not see it. No matter if the Mountain Leopard organization was poor or rich, that was for the entire Mountain Leopard organization and it had nothing to do with the group of soldiers below.    


When these soldiers were out on missions, they basically didn't have any bonuses. If they wanted to make a fortune, how could they not get extra money?    


After tasting the sweetness, the group of Armed Gunmen s felt as if they were on stimulants as they split up and started smashing and robbing the houses in the village.    


Buddha shrines, beds, stove, wherever it was possible to hide things, they would smash it to pieces. Money, gold, silver, jewelry, as well as other valuables had all been looted by these Armed Gunmen.    


Watching a bunch of vicious Armed Gunmen s ravaging his home, watching his precious treasures that he loved as if they were treasures being smashed to shreds, watching his hard-earned money be plundered, all of the villagers nearly shed tears of heartache.    


However, heartache was heartache, humiliation was humiliation, and there wasn't even a single person who dared to stand up and fight back.    


What a joke, now was not the time to be reasonable, and this was not the place to be reasonable. The other party was also not someone who could be reasonable, you could earn money if you lost money, you could deal with the broken items if you lost your life.    


When Yang Fann saw this, he couldn't help but feel relieved for the villagers while feeling angry for them. It seemed that this group of Armed Gunmen wasn't here to find Bing Feng, their goal should be to get rich.    


Honestly speaking, Yang Fann did not want to fight with this group of Armed Gunmen, they were all armed, if they started fighting, Yang Fann would not be able to hold back, and this was not a place where he could hold back. If someone called for an army, even Yang Fann would have to run, and in the face of powerful weapons, Yang Fann's abilities were not enough to protect himself.    


However, to kill so many Armed Gunmen, not to mention Yang Fann had some obstacles in his heart, even the aftermath would not be easy to deal with. There were still more than a hundred eyewitnesses present, could Yang Fann also kill all of them?    


Yang Fann did not dare to place his life on the kindness and morality of a bunch of foreign villagers. Even China sent out so many guides when they were under the invasion of Japan, let alone in Myanmar.    


Killing a bunch of vicious Armed Gunmen, Yang Fann was still okay, but to make him kill more than 100 powerless villagers, it would be hard for him.    


After all, Yang Fann is not a real soldier. Killing decisively is still an unfamiliar term for him. Yang Fann hasn't killed a single person yet, so you can't count on a guy who hasn't even killed a single person to become a cold-blooded butcher!    


However, just when Yang Fann was relieved that he didn't have to start a war with the Armed Gunmen, a Armed Gunmen who was searching for the first house in the village shouted. The first house at the village entrance was the house that Yang Fann observed first when he arrived, and there lived a family of five.    


Yang Fann looked through the dense foliage and saw that his view was blocked by a house. He couldn't see what was going on in the first house.    


Just when Yang Fann was hesitating whether he should go and take a look, he suddenly heard gunshots followed by noisy shouts. Armed Gunmen who were fighting in the other houses ran out and rushed towards the first house in the village.    


At this time, it was no longer possible for anyone to be paying attention to the people hiding in the trees, so Yang Fann simply became bolder. Spirit Body entered and left the Space of Jade Pendant a few times, and he had already arrived on top of a big tree at the village entrance.    


Yang Fann's position was very good, he could see through the window at the back of the house. The room was filled with wolf ashes, probably the result of the Armed Gunmen beating him up and stealing from him.    


What attracted Yang Fann's attention wasn't the shattered mess, but a hole under a bed.    


The square hole was pitch black, and he couldn't see what was going on inside because of the angle.    


There was a corpse lying on the ground beside the cave entrance, and it was still bleeding profusely. It seemed that it had just died, and judging from the camouflage on his body, he was a Armed Gunmen, not a small village.    


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