Take Along A Spring



There were only twenty or so households in the village. Yang Fann looked through all the houses in less than half an hour. There were only about a hundred people. Where were the shadows of Bing Feng and Witch?    


If it wasn't here, why would Director General Qian send such an address? Could it be that the feeling of surnamed Qian was too boring, playing around with him?    


Just when Yang Fann was puzzled, his ears suddenly pricked as he heard the sound of a car driving through the rain. Yang Fann hid behind a big tree and looked around. Soon, he noticed two jeeps driving towards the village.    


Through the car window, Yang Fann quickly saw the people from Yuejiang's Jipu. A group of Armed Gunmen dressed in camouflage clothing looked exactly the same as the members of Mountain Leopard who were sealing the arch.    


"Don't tell me these guys are here to search Bing Feng?"    


A weird idea suddenly popped out in Yang Fann's mind, making him start to panic. Was he really going to fight a bunch of Armed Gunmen?    


Yang Fann had fought quite a few times since he was young, and he had also beaten National Trump Card and the witch, but this was the first time for a bunch of heavily armed Armed Gunmen to get on a palanquin with a girl. He might even lose his own life, or the other party's life, how could he not be nervous?    


Fighting and killing are two different things, fighting to the death and deliberately killing are two different concepts. Yang Fann has fought countless of times since he was young, but he has never killed a person before.    


"Don't, don't come over, definitely don't come over. If you guys come over again, I'll have to call for more people!"    


Before Yue Ye's Armed Gunmen found him, he hid in the crown of a large tree. With his poor eyesight, no one would have thought that there would be someone hiding in the tree.    


After a while, two jeeps slowly climbed the hill. Before they could stop completely, seven or eight armed men jumped down from the jeep. They split into two groups and blocked the two exits of the village.    




Seeing that none of the villagers had come out, the leading Armed Gunmen shot towards the sky. The sound of the gunshot was extremely crisp in the rain, breaking the silence of the village in an instant.    


Before the shot was fired, many villagers already knew that a car was coming. After all, this was a remote place, and it was raining, and very few cars would pass by. The sound of the two jeeps was quite loud, so the villagers couldn't not know that the reason why they didn't come out to watch was purely out of instinct.    


The people here would often live in danger, unlike their neighbors, the Chinese, who would always watch the show. In troubled places, watching the show would sometimes cost their lives.    


The moment the gunshots rang out, the leading Armed Gunmen immediately started to howl weirdly, speaking in Burmese. In any case, Yang Fann didn't understand what they were saying.    


Even though Yang Fann didn't understand Burmese, he still understood the gist of it. He must have let all the villagers come out of their homes, but he didn't know what these people were up to.    


With guns, it was still the Grass King. The villagers were all very obedient, obediently coming out of their homes. Some of them came out in a hurry, and didn't even have the time to hit their umbrellas.    


Over a hundred villagers stood in the rain, not saying a word, with their heads lowered. The Armed Gunmen that was leading the group of villagers roared at the villagers, causing the villagers to panic.    


At this moment, Yang Fann regretted that he did not learn the language of Myanmar. He did not understand what they were saying. This mud horse was too hasty!    


Just when Yang Fann was anxious because he couldn't understand Burmese, he suddenly saw the leading Armed Gunmen point at an old man and say something. The old man shook his head with all his might and the leading Armed Gunmen waved his hand.    


"F * ck!"    


This was the first time in his life that he had seen someone killing someone. This was too bloody, too cruel, why did it feel like killing people was easier than killing chickens?    


After the old man was shot in the head, all the villagers fell into chaos. Many people screamed in fear, and many children cried out in fear. The scene immediately fell into chaos.    




Another gunshot rang out, and the confused villagers immediately fell silent. In the face of death, even their children became unusually sensible, not even making a single noise.    


Before Yang Fann could awaken from his shock of seeing someone kill, he saw the leading Armed Gunmen pointed at a middle-aged man and said something. The middle-aged man shook his head with all his might and the leading Armed Gunmen waved his hand.    


"Holy shit, another one!"    


This time, seeing someone kill again, Yang Fann's discomfort felt a little lighter than before. Although the things in the middle-aged man's head splattered everywhere, making Yang Fann feel a little disgusted, after seeing that old man's headshot just now, Yang Fann's adaptability had greatly improved and he didn't need to close his eyes anymore.    


Just like that, the leader of the Armed Gunmen pointed at five people in a row, but five of them ended up with their heads blown off. When he was about to point at the sixth person, he saw a villager screaming loudly, pointing at a woman who was hugging a child.    


At Armed Gunmen's command, a few subordinates who were like wolves and tigers immediately rushed over and kicked the woman who was carrying the child to the ground. One of the Armed Gunmen swung the baby in her arms and said something to her fiercely.    


With that, the woman immediately collapsed. She pointed at a house and shouted something at the top of her lungs. It was likely that the Armed Gunmen s were looking for something inside that house.    


Seeing this, Yang Fann immediately became alert. If this group of Armed Gunmen were looking for Bing Feng, then Bing Feng should be hiding in that woman's house. Next up, a group of Armed Gunmen would definitely search that house, and it would be revealed whether or not Bing Feng was hiding inside.    


Just to be safe, the tree that Yang Fann was hiding in was quite far away from the village, around a hundred meters away. If anything happened to Bing Feng, he wouldn't even be able to save her.    


Therefore, if Yang Fann wanted to save Bing Feng at any time, he had to get closer to the village. The closer he got to the village, the higher his chances of succeeding in rescuing Bing Feng were.    


Yang Fann could even take action now and think of a way to kill all the Armed Gunmen present. If that happened, Bing Feng would temporarily be safe!    


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