Take Along A Spring



The cars of the Southeast Asian countries bordering China can be driven through. As long as there are legal procedures, China's cars can be driven normally in Myanmar.    


Yang Fann was flying on the Myanmar road in the rain while driving a set of golden bread. Although he might encounter another checkpoint set up by the Armed Gunmen on the way, Yang Fann didn't care too much about it. Even if he found Bing Feng a minute earlier, the probability of her survival would increase.    


Although Bing Feng wasn't as important to Yang Fann as Bai Mei and Lin Xiaoling, who were beside him, she could still be counted as one of Yang Fann's rare friends. Moreover, she was also a very important friend, so Yang Fann tried his best to treat Yang Fann in circumstances where he was in a position to do so.    


It was undeniable that Bing Feng's appearance was one of the reasons why their relationship became closer. There was no exception to judge a person by his appearance. There was no one in the world who didn't judge by his appearance. The only difference was that one's appearance was different.    


Not just intelligent humans, but even animals were very interested in appearances. Otherwise, the peacock wouldn't risk its life to spread its tail, the skylark wouldn't risk its life to sing, and the flowers wouldn't be so beautiful.    


The most basic instinct of living things was reproduction. How to pass on the greatest advantage of a population was the most important thing for living things.    


Therefore, whether it was humans or animals, or even plants, all of them would choose their most excellent partners to reproduce. Beautiful looks was one of the dominant genetic factors, and this was the principle shared by people who loved beauty.    


Don't just look at the appearance, not look at the content is superficial acid words, do not get to know a person in depth, how do you know its content must not be good, good-looking people may not be bad inside, and ugly people may not be beautiful in the heart.    


The Buddha family had their own friends: they were born from the heart, and it was not unreasonable. A person who spent all day thinking about doing good deeds must look very open and upright. As the saying goes, the heart is selfless and wide, while a person who thinks about dirty things all day long, it would be weird if his appearance was kind!    


With Yang Fann's current observation skills, he could roughly judge a person's personality through their outer appearance or changes in expression.    


Thinking about it, many of the legendary Grand Advisors should be like Yang Fann, people with extraordinary observation skills. Many of them should be like Yang Fann, people with extraordinary observation skills. Thinking about it, many of the legendary Grand Advisors should be like Yang Fann, people with extraordinary observation skills.    


Director General Qian gave Yang Fann the address of a small village. It was a funny name, but Yang Fann didn't find it funny, because the same name existed in China as well, and there were also quite a few. As a former vassal state of China, and sometimes even a territory of China, it wasn't strange for Burma to have this name.    


For a situation like Yang Fann, where he was unfamiliar with the country, he would not get lost through the guidance of the map on his mobile phone. Soon, the golden bread cup was close to a large part of the township, and Yang Fann could even see a checkpoint on the road from a distance.    


Yang Fann decided not to go since he needed to pass the checkpoint to enter this big town. Anyway, Yang Fann was going to a small village under this big village. He should be able to go around to the other places from other roads.    


Yang Fann's vision was too good. He could see the checkpoint, but the people at the checkpoint couldn't see the Golden Bread unless they used a telescope. Who would be so full that they would look around with a telescope at a township checkpoint?    


The direction was still northwest. The address Director General Qian sent over was clear, Little Village was located three kilometers northwest of Big Village. With the speed of Yang Fann, it could be said that they arrived in a blink of an eye.    


Not long after, Yang Fann saw a small village located on a hillside in the distance. The village was very old, and it couldn't even compare to the Poplar Gully before the Jade Spring Mountain Villa was established. It was almost equivalent to the Poplar Gully of the eighties to nineties.    


Compared to the electronic map on his phone, Yang Fann judged that this village was the one he was looking for. It was indeed small, but it was just a flat ground on the hillside with at most 20 households.    


Yang Fann didn't directly drive his car over. Since Bing Feng was hiding in such a rundown village, it meant that she didn't want to be exposed, or rather, she couldn't be exposed. Otherwise, with Bing Feng's status, even if she wasn't sent back to China by plane, she would have been sent to Huajuan.    


After observing for a bit and confirming that there was no one nearby, Yang Fann stored the Golden Bread cup into his Space of Jade Pendant, took out an umbrella and walked towards the distant village on foot.    


Because it was still raining, there were no pedestrians to be seen outside, nor were there any villagers working in the farmlands. Occasionally, he would hear a few dogs barking, but they were also wet.    


Luckily, Yang Fann's physical fitness was not ordinary, so he could withstand this degree of wetness. Jiangnan was considered a humid area in China, but compared to Myanmar during the rainy season, it was nothing but a dry place.    


Yang Fann seemed to be walking, but in fact, he was already close to treading on the water without any traces of snow. Every step he took, was not too close to a two meter distance, and the place he landed on was definitely a relatively high place. Not only was there no pit in the mud, but there wasn't even any water.    


Besides the big steps, Yang Fann's speed was also very fast. As long as there was no one nearby, he could walk a few steps or even dozens of steps in the blink of an eye.    


This place was already near the village. Who knows if there was someone who was full or not, so he hid in some corner and peeped with his binoculars. For example, that sissy Witch, Yang Fann definitely didn't doubt the possibility of him hiding somewhere to peep!    


In order to not attract the villagers' attention, Yang Fann deliberately picked some relatively hidden paths. In addition to the special ability bestowed upon him by the Space of Jade Pendant, he had an almost perfect compatibility with nature, and also had the cooperation of rain. If one did not pay attention, one would not notice that someone was quickly approaching the village.    


Not long after, Yang Fann's figure appeared behind a cottage. He did not appear, but instead, he leaned on the back window of the house and looked at the situation inside.    


The room was very shabby and it wasn't big in size. Yang Fann soon saw all the members living in the house. They were a family of five, a couple and their three children. There was neither Bing Feng nor Yao.    


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