Take Along A Spring



According to the normal procedure, even if Yang Fann reported the case, three days might not be enough to solve the problem. But as for who Director General Qian was, as the number one of the Jiangnan City Security Bureau, it would be too easy to deal with a phone fraud!    


Less than 10 minutes after Yang Fann's message was sent, all the harassment messages and phone calls that filled the sky suddenly stopped. It was as if there was no such thing as anything else.    


The relevant departments in China are quite powerful, dealing with these small fries like telecom liars is really impressive. I wonder why they don't put in a lot of effort and just directly bring all the liars to justice, alright?    


Even though he heard from the hotel waiter that Huaju was currently controlled by a military weapon called Mountain Leopard, and could only enter or leave, he still wanted to try his luck. He didn't want to leave the city at night, it was still too early to go out at night, for an entire day, who knew what kind of changes it would be.    


In the end, nothing miraculous happened. Yang Fann's golden bread was indeed stopped. Now, every intersection in and out of the city had barricades set up. Forget about cars, even pedestrians couldn't get out.    


Especially since the golden bread that Yang Fann was driving was a Chinese license plate, even though it was a set car, the license plate was Jiangnan's. Even though the Burmese people didn't recognize the Chinese characters, Yang Fann's passport was clearly written on it, and there was no way to hide it.    


Yang Fann didn't know if it was because of Bing Feng, but it seemed that this Mountain Leopard Organization's people had very strict surveillance on the Chinese. For example, he not only had to search the body, but also had to check the cars inside and outside, even if he couldn't leave the city.    


Yang Fann had no choice but to drive the golden bread back. He had already tried to pay the Armed Gunmen at the checkpoint, but he already accepted the money, but he still wouldn't allow it. Wasn't it shameless to refuse to accept money when you said it was infuriating?    


I won't believe that you can set up a checkpoint on all roads out of the city. Even if you set up a checkpoint on all roads, I can still get out!    


The current city was not of ancient times. There were tall walls, and as long as they blocked the city gate and placed a few guards on the city wall, the city would be isolated.    


Right now, there were entrances and exits everywhere in the city, so Mountain Leopard could at most place all the roads in the city, and those small alleys or areas close to the residential areas were simply impossible to lock down. It might be useful against outsiders, and it was almost impossible to completely eliminate the locals from leaving the city.    


Yang Fann did not even need to look for locals. With his strength, no one would be able to stop him if he wanted to leave the city. Even if all the members of Mountain Leopard were of the same strength as Bing Feng, they would not be able to stop Yang Fann from leaving the city!    


Yang Fann looked around carefully and found that there was no one around. That was why he kept the Golden Bread Cup into the Space of Jade Pendant; in a foreign land, the Golden Bread Bread Bread was his transportation tool, so he could not leave it in the city. He still needed to rely on it to travel.    


Yang Fann went around the patrolling Armed Gunmen on the street and headed towards the northwest side of the city. Not long later, he discovered a place that was similar to a shantytown, where the houses were short, old, and very messy. It was obvious that this was a place where the poor were more concentrated, and places like this were usually the most chaotic and disorderly places in the city.    


The more chaotic the place was, the better it was for Yang Fann. With his abnormal observation and memory, it was impossible for him to lose his way in the dirty and messy shanty town. He quickly walked through the shanty town and soon arrived at a river.    


The river was dirty and littered with garbage. There was probably no sewage system and no one seemed to be cleaning up the trash. It seemed like this was the shantytown's garbage disposal area and the sewage disposal area.    


There was no bridge nearby, and on the other side of the river was an even worse shantytown. Even calling it shantytown was a desecration of the shantytown, basically a shack, and the people living inside it were all dirty and in rags. They were either beggars or scavengers, and the other side of the river was probably outside the city.    


Although it was said to be outside of the city, the truth was that the city's boundaries were not as clear as they were now. Yang Fann didn't care about that as long as he was out of the control of the checkpoint.    


Thus, after Yang Fann realized that no one was paying him any attention, he quickly jumped over the river and arrived at the other side in just a blink of an eye!    


Even though the river was small, it was still more than nine meters wide. This was, after all, Southeast Asia with abundant water resources, not the arid Northwest Highlands of China.    


Furthermore, it was the rainy season in Myanmar, so the river was about 15-16 meters wide. Yang Fann's Spirit Body could only move freely within 9-meters of its body, so it was impossible to bring Yang Fann to the other side.    


However, Yang Fann still went over. With a 'sou' sound, he went over easily. Isn't it amazing?    


Yang Fann's ability did not improve at all, it was still that the Spirit Body could only move within a nine meter radius of his body. After that, he could only enter and exit the Space of Jade Pendant once more, and only then could he move Yang Fann's body a second time.    


However, after Yang Fann activated his Space of Jade Pendant, he did not stop to ponder over the usage of Space of Jade Pendant. It could be said that his utilization of Space of Jade Pendant had reached the pinnacle.    


Yang Fann had already put two rubber dinghy in his Space of Jade Pendant to deal with the current situation. Not to mention the river was only a dozen meters wide, even if it was a few dozen meters wide or even a few hundred meters wide, Yang Fann could still rely on two rubber dinghy to easily cross the river.    


He just needed to use the Spirit Body to throw a rubber dinghy into the river seven or eight meters away, and then use the Spirit Body to carry his body onto the rubber dinghy. Then, the Spirit Body could enter and exit the Space of Jade Pendant once more, bring his body to the other side of the river, and finally put the rubber dinghy back into the Space of Jade Pendant.    


It sounded complicated, but it was actually very fast. With Yang Fann's speed of Spirit Body entering and exiting the Space of Jade Pendant, he didn't even need a blink of an eye to do so.    


After reaching the other side of the river, Yang Fann continued to head northwest until they left the shack area. After going forward for a while, he finally returned to the road and looked at the direction of the arch.    


Taking out the golden baker van from Space of Jade Pendant, Yang Fann sped off: "Dearest Big Arching, Dearest Mountain Leopard, it's a waste of your time!"    


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