Take Along A Spring



A person who did not believe in ghosts or gods would not be able to understand how fearful those superstitious people were of ghosts or gods, and how the power of faith was often greater than anything else. Otherwise, why would some religious fanatics be so terrifying, even if they were to be torn to shreds, they would still drag their enemies down with them.    


Of course, a bunch of Armed Gunmen who dared to smash Buddha statues, if one were to say what faith they have, the Buddha would definitely be ranked behind the rich. Although they would not hesitate to destroy the Buddha statues just for money, that did not mean they would not have any respect for the Buddha.    


As people who grew up in a Buddhist country, it was impossible for them to not believe in the Buddha at all, especially after destroying so many Buddha statues. It was impossible for these Armed Gunmen s to not have a trace of fear in their hearts.    


With the stimulation of money, these Armed Gunmen could temporarily put aside the matter of destroying the Buddha statues. However, once they encountered a miraculous event like the Teardrop Burst, they would immediately link it to their previous action of destroying the Buddha statues.    


As a result, after the three tear gas bombs had all died down, almost all the Armed Gunmen s were scared witless. They were afraid that if the Old Buddha was angry, she would send the ghost soldiers from hell to take their souls away.    


He had already taken what he needed to take, and he had already taken what he could take. In such a small village, there was nothing he could gain by staying here. He might as well give the old Buddha some face and quickly slip away.    


For example, the leader, who was just about to give the order to leave, suddenly remembered that he still had a subordinate's corpse lying beside the cave entrance. No matter what, he had to take it away, or else who would work for him in the future?    


Thus, the leader pointed with his finger and sent two men to carry away the dead unlucky fellows.    


The two subordinates were extremely scared, they did not want to touch the old Buddha's brow anymore, but once their superior gave the order, they had no other choice, touching the old Buddha's brow might not result in his death, and not listening to their superior's order, they might immediately die, so it was not hard to choose what to do.    


The two Armed Gunmen s trembled with fear, closed their eyes and ran to pick up the corpses. At this time, all their comrades had already run away, only the two of them were left in the house along with the corpse they were carrying.    


Coincidentally, there was a clap of thunder in the sky. First it was a bolt of lightning, then it was a clap of thunder that shook the entire house.    


"F * ck!"    


The two Armed Gunmen s who were carrying the corpses were completely terrified. The moment the fellow running in front was scared, he tripped on the doorstep and immediately fell down like a dog eating mud. Borrowing the momentum, he pounced forward and slid far away on the muddy ground.    


The moment he fell, the fellow carrying the corpse fell as well. Due to inertia, the corpse was thrown out of the house. It rolled a few times before stopping!    


A group of Armed Gunmen s suddenly saw the corpse coming out from the house, and almost all of them felt their stomachs swell up. A sense of wetness came over them, and they thought that the Old Buddha was really angry, actually allowing the corpse to be stolen.    


As a result, the group of Armed Gunmen s that killed without blinking all ran away. They only wished that their parents were not as strong as them, and that some of the Armed Gunmen s had even thrown away the things they had snatched away. It was still the same saying, "It's alright if you can't outrun the old Buddha, as long as you run faster than their accomplices."    


However, something unexpected happened. The leader of the Armed Gunmen was just about to turn around and escape when he suddenly realized that the corpse did not move. On closer look, it was not a fake corpse, but two guys who were carrying the corpse had fallen down.    


Not only did he not swindle a corpse, but because of the rolling of the corpse, the armed leader also saw the bloody hole on the chest of the corpse, this time he remembered, it was because of the gunshot that the other Armed Gunmen rushed into the house, this meant that this subordinate of his did not die from some old Buddha's anger, but from a gunshot wound!    


The old buddha is so capable, does he even need a gun to kill people?    


Besides, since when did the old Buddha get along with the times and learn how to shoot people?    


The more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was not right. Just as he was about to send some of his men into the house to take a look, he heard the roar of a car engine. He turned his head and saw that they were almost angered to death.    




The leader cursed angrily. This bunch of bastards! If they were going to run, they should have brought his superior along. Why did they have to run away without waiting for him to get in the car? If they were in real danger, would he, the superior, still be alive?    


Just as the leader of the armed forces was shouting at the two cars, he suddenly heard someone call him from behind, scaring him so much that he jumped out far away. He had actually seen wrongly, not only did he extort a corpse, but he also knew how to speak, this mud horse was possessed by an evil spirit!    


The leader of the armed forces ran with his butt out. There were still a bunch of villagers present, so as long as he ran a bit faster, even if he possessed an evil spirit, he would still be attracted by the villagers.    


However, after running a dozen meters, the armed leader stopped. He could tell that it was not some evil spirit that was calling him, but rather two of his subordinates.    


He turned around and saw the two guys carrying the bodies. They had been beaten black and blue. By the time he had gotten up, the two cars were already gone.    


That's great!    


The leader of the armed forces was scared to death. Since he still had two men left, he was not alone, so he patted the shoulders of his two men and praised them greatly. They were all slender and slender, and he even promised them that as long as they listened to him, he would reward them when he returned.    


The two guys who were left behind were flattered. They weren't like the ones who were running away, they knew that the reason the corpses kept rolling was because they fell down, not because they were swindling corpses, so they weren't as scared as the ones who were running away. When they saw their superior praise them, they immediately became proud of themselves.    


However, the next second, Lucky's team could no longer be happy because their superior had told them to return to the house. Not only that, but they also had to throw a shockwave bomb into the cellar and capture the monsters and demons inside.    


They were not really dumb, just now they were tricked by the armed leader. Now that they received the order, they immediately realized that they were being used as guns to throw explosive bombs, why didn't they just throw them away. Did they want us brothers to thoroughly offend the old Buddha, so you can casually slip away?    


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