Take Along A Spring



Katerina made Yang Fann promise not to feed the goose, how could Yang Fann guarantee anything for her. His purpose of coming here to buy a goose was to kill the goose and get its liver.    


"Yes, Chinese boy. These geese didn't even use the filling method. Didn't they also grow fat foie gras? If you don't believe me, take a look at the awards that they have received. For the past three years, all of the championships in the Grand Geese Competition have been won by me, Old Herry's Goose! "    


As expected, as soon as he entered, Yang Fann saw several prizes hanging on the wall. Although they were written in French, in Yang Fann's opinion, they were no different from reading Chinese, and he could see through them with a single glance.    


If these awards were all real, then Old Herry really didn't lie to Yang Fann. They were all championships for the Rand Goose Competition. Looking at the date, one for each year, Old Herry had truly won the championship for the last three years.    


"Haha, Mr. Old Herry, I'm really sorry. I thought you were an old liar. "Well, if you promise to sell me your goose, I'll forgive your rudeness, won't I?"    


"It doesn't matter. Everyone has their own mistakes. As long as you admit your mistakes and correct them, I can forgive you. Everyone …" Eh? What did you say? Can you forgive me? Who told you to forgive me? "    


"Haha, Old Herry, don't be angry. It's just a joke, a joke. It can't be that you can't even afford to joke, right?"    


He had to see carefully whether this old swindler was telling the truth. He had always been deceiving others, but he couldn't be fooled by a foreigner the moment he left the country. He couldn't afford to lose that person!    


"You are going too far, kid. You are messing around with an old man. Your joke isn't funny at all. Kid, stop right there. Who allowed you to look everywhere?"    


"Hmm, not bad, not bad. Old Herry, you really didn't lie. Tell me, how much is your goose? I'm going to buy some to drink."    


"Drink?" "Hua Xia brat, don't joke with me. If it's like what Katerina said, you are willing to swear on the name of God that you don't have to feed the geese, I will sell you some kinds of geese."    


"Swear on the honor of God? "Sure, then just name your price. For God's sake, Old Herry, you won't ask for it so recklessly, right?"    


How could Yang Fann believe in God? He even believed in Taoism in China, not to mention a foreign product like Christianity. Even if there really was a God, he probably wouldn't be able to care about the East and would still have a lot of things in the West.    


As for swearing in the name of God, you can do so. Yang Fann isn't a Christian, so it's none of Yang Fann's business whether God's reputation is good or bad. Besides, if God is as amorous as the Bible says, why would he care about that little reputation?    


After putting on an act and making an oath, Yang Fann bought 100 pure Landry Goose Seedlings from Old Herry, each of which cost 100 euros, which was simply too expensive for a dog.    


Old Herry was still not satisfied. What's the use of saying Yang Fann is too stingy and only buys 100 goose seedlings? If someone wanted to raise a goose, they would buy over a thousand. When would his 100 goose farms be able to produce a large-scale goose farm?    


It was true that the Chinese was rich, but it did not mean that the Chinese was stupid. What did it mean to be a goose seed for 100 euros? If it was not because he had the God Equipment Space of Jade Pendant, he would not have to worry about the reproduction speed of the geese. He would not have to buy a lot from the old man.    


After Yang Fann transferred the funds, Old Herry told Yang Fann that he wouldn't be able to get permission to export live birds. Yang Fann wanted him to think of a way to transport these goose seedlings back home!    


F * ck!    


Yang Fann almost smacked Old Herry's big ears. This old thing was really cunning, how could he know what export license was needed for the French Goose Seedling? Didn't the old man say earlier that he was going to cheat him after he transferred the funds?    


Alright, old fellow, you're waiting for me. It'd be weird if I don't deal with you when I have the chance!    


Yang Fann really wanted to take all of Old Herry's geese in one go. Old man was not a good person, if it wasn't for his Space of Jade Pendant, these geese would have been bought for nothing. He was a foreigner, he wasn't familiar with this place, so where could he get an export license.    


"Cough cough, little Chinese boy, if you can increase the price by another fifty percent, I can help you solve your export problem. How about it? What do you want?"    


"Yang Fann ruthlessly grabbed Katerina's body twice," Old Herry, don't worry, I have a way to transport my goose sprouts back! "    


"Huaxia Yang, you're hurting me. Legend has it that people from the East are very abnormal. Is it true that they like to use candles and whips to do things like that?"    


Just when Yang Fann was thinking about how he could imperceptibly store his goose sprout into the Space of Jade Pendant, Katerina, who was always in his arms, suddenly spoke. Her voice was so greasy that it made goosebumps rise all over people's body.    


"How is this possible? "Katerina, you're talking about Japanese, it doesn't mean that the whole East is human. Japanese and the East are two different people, we, Chinese are the most civilized race in the world, we have the most respect for women, so why would we use candles and whips!"    


Yang Fann was too embarrassed to say that some Chinese men respected women to the point that it was outrageous. They even knelt down on the washboard and in front of the instant noodles, making them lose face.    


"Alright, stop flirting in front of me, Old Herry. Just looking at it makes you feel disgusted, so hurry up and leave." Oh right, Hua Xia brat, I will give you three days time. In three days, bring your goose away, or else I will confiscate it! "    


Old Herry couldn't see the young man and woman showing love in front of him. Wasn't this stimulating his old heart? Being together with his goose all day, how could there be a pretty girl that took a fancy to Old Herry?    


Yang Fann sat in Katerina's car and left the farm in Waterside Town. He found a restaurant to treat her to a big meal, then promised to spend the next two days with her tomorrow night in the same world. He was so happy that he revealed that he didn't want anything from the chick, even Yang Fann's phone number was forgotten, so he drove away in a car like a wisp of smoke.    


"Hehe, see you tomorrow, I won't see you again tomorrow. I'm still a pure, innocent virgin. My lifetime's innocence cannot be ruined by an unfathomable foreign chick!"    


Yang Fann waved for a taxi and returned to his hotel. Katerina didn't know where he lived. After parting today, it was unknown when they would meet again!    




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