Take Along A Spring



Since he had already decided to go with Sofia to France, Yang Fann didn't hesitate anymore. He was a person who did what he said and hated to dawdle and delay the most.    


Three days later, Yang Fann and Sofia got on a plane to France.    


Air France's Airbus A340 finally landed at Charles de Gaulle International Airport in Paris after a dozen hours of flight.    


With Yang Fann's background, he obviously rode in first class. Of course, if it wasn't to take care of Sofia, who was a beauty, Yang Fann could also ride in economy class.    


The first-class flight attendant was not too bad, a blond French beauty with beautiful eyes. She stood at the entrance of the cabin, smiling as she bid farewell to every passenger who disembarked from the plane.    


When Yang Fann passed by the air stewardess, the blonde girl smiled even sweeter and quietly pressed a slip of paper into his hand.    


When did Yang Fann experience such a thing? He was shocked, thinking that this blond French flight attendant was someone from a special department. He quickly opened the note and saw a string of numbers on it.    


F * ck, Yang Fann let out a long breath. The phone number on the note was actually a string of numbers. The French woman was indeed the most romantic.    


At this time, Yang Fann had already walked past the French flight attendant. When he looked back, the pretty and sexy beauty was still winking at him, which was so embarrassing that Yang Fann didn't want her. He still had Sofia with him, but she already gave him her phone number.    


Does this mean that big brother's charm has already left the country and is moving towards the world? Right, what's this called, charm without boundaries, caring about the global village!    


Yang Fann was in the midst of a wild daydream when he suddenly heard someone beside him laughing. He turned around and saw Sofia smiling at him. Her pair of big charming eyes were filled with mischief. Damn, this woman must have found something!    


"Cough, cough …" I say, Sofia, what are you laughing at? Is there something on my face? "    


Yang Fann was feeling guilty and was about to change the topic. How long had it been since he last received a note? "Ugh …" Well, Yang Fann thought for a long time and realized that he had never received a girl's note before.    


"Hehe, I didn't expect Lord Yang Fann to be so charming. Before we even arrive in France, you have already received an invitation from a beauty. Do you want to go with me, Lord Yang Fann?"    


"Sofia, I found out that you've learnt bad things. If I remember correctly, this is not how your French speaks, right? If nothing happens, learn less from Minako and be careful not to be seen as a Japan spy. "    


"Lord Yang Fann, please don't interrupt, I have long noticed that the foreign woman is interested in you. Ever since you boarded the plane, he has been glancing at you, don't you think it's a great honor?"    


"Eh? Sofia, what do you think that is? Your French really knows how to play, and there's even a taxi! "    


"Lord Yang Fann, taxis are everywhere, let's talk about that pretty air stewardess."    


"Haha, I got it. Sofia, you're jealous, aren't you? "Don't worry, I don't like to have one-night stands. You should stop now, right?"    


"Hmph, who's jealous? I just want to arrange a good marriage with you. I have no other intentions, so don't misunderstand!"    


"Really? That's great. My French is not good. Can you help me by calling that beautiful flight attendant?"    


"Humph, you've revealed your true colors. So you still want to meet with that shameless woman. I don't want to help the evil. I want to call you and call you myself!"    


"Ah?" "Sofia, so what you just said was a lie. Do you really think you can have the most basic of trust between people?"    


Yang Fann and Sofia argued as they got into a taxi. Sofia's home was not in Paris, but in a small town 30 kilometers away from Paris.    


This is the first time Yang Fann has gone abroad to look at something fresh, although it can't be said to be Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, she isn't much better than Grandma Liu. Along the way, she was excitedly asking Sofia all kinds of questions, listening to which the taxi drivers in front of her are beginning to despise her, where did this country bumpkin come from?    


What eyes did Yang Fann have? He saw the disdain on the driver's face from the rearview mirror and immediately lost his temper. You, a yellow person, actually looked down on yellow people? You are going crazy!    


Alright, the driver was actually a yellow person. Judging from the expression on his face, Yang Fann concluded that this guy was a Chinese, at least a Chinese type. Otherwise, he wouldn't have understood the Chinese language conversation between Sofia and himself.    


Therefore, Yang Fann shamelessly used the words of the Japan in Chinese language to ask the taxi driver: "I'll rely on you to kiss me. Di, do you think Japanese will work?"    


Hearing Yang Fann speak Japan, he did not need to reveal his identity as a Chinese. He still pretended that Japanese was higher class: "Grand Lord is right, I am Japanese the bigger."    


I want to see how long you can act like this: "My waist is thin, Japanese is not bad, and the Japan is not bad. I'll give you money, and I'll give you a woman to work as my tour guide.    


This Chinese bumpkin is really nothing, he actually dares to make fun of our French, he's definitely going to shock you to death!    


Thus, the Chinese driver, who thought that he had already obtained the right to permanent residence in France, coquettishly spoke to Yang Fann in French with a Chinese accent: "Sorry, I am French, not Japanese, not Chinese, do you understand?"    


Therefore, Yang Fann shamelessly said to the taxi driver in French even more pure than the French announcer, "I'm sorry, I thought you were Asian when I saw you as a yellow person, but I didn't expect you to be a French person. However, you look too much like us Oriental. Do you have a genetic mutation?"    


Thus, the taxi driver, who was stuttering in French, flew into a rage. He spoke in a Mandarin with an absolutely correct tone of voice, "Are you thinking of getting beaten up?"    


The reason why the taxi driver was beaten up by Yang Fann was because he was scolding people. Moreover, this guy didn't have any place to argue, and with the French Sofia as a witness, if he dared to call the police, he would probably be beaten to a pulp by the French government, sent back to his home, the Lingnan, to grow Litchi!    


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