Take Along A Spring



He was prepared to find a sparring partner for Black Bear and Xue'er. Although the two Mountain-guarding Dog were strong, they did not undergo a real combat test, and at most, they had sparred with the cumbersome wild boar. There was still a big gap between them and a real hound.     


Without rigorous training, a man with brute force wouldn't be able to become a good hound. He was just like a man with great strength. If one didn't have proper training, then one wouldn't be able to become a master fighter.    


Whether it was strength or reaction speed, they were both much stronger than normal Hounds, but Yang Fann felt that the two of them were still not as strong as Sixth Grandpa's Black Tiger and Leopard. Although in terms of combat strength, Black Bear and Xue'er might be a little stronger than Sixth Grandpa's Black Tiger, but in terms of actual combat experience, Black Bear and Xue'er couldn't even compare to Sixth Grandpa's Black Tiger.    


There was no need for much, as long as Sixth Grandpa's Black Tiger s had the physical strength of Black Bear and Xue'er, they could easily defeat Black Bear and Xue'er. This was because Black Bear and Xue'er lacked combat experience, and without a real fight with powerful beasts like the Caterpillar Tiger and Leopard, Black Bear and Xue'er would never be able to fully display their superiority!    


Therefore, the Leopard Yang Fann caught became the sharpening stone for Black Bear and Xue'er. Yang Fann was prepared to use a man-eating leopard to push Black Bear and Xue'er to a higher height, and he believed that after the two of them have truly dealt with the Gold Coin Leopard, it would be much easier to hunt wild boar and similar animals.    


Of course, whether the leopard's fate was too tragic or not was not within Yang Fann's considerations. After all, the leopard had once eaten a human, and people have to pay for killing, animals have to pay for killing, but they couldn't avoid some punishment. Since Yang Fann had met with this, then let him carry out the punishment for this Gold Alloyed Panther.    


As for whether or not the Gold Alloyed Panther would mess up Space of Jade Pendant, Yang Fann was not worried at all. Since Space of Jade Pendant could raise pheasants, wild boars, Japan, cattle, and even leopard, it was not a big deal.    


Jin Cuier no longer wanted to follow Yang Fann into the mountains, nor did she have the reason to be brave. Yang Fann no longer considered her opinion and brought her back. Although this time they didn't reach deep into the mountains, Yang Fann was quite satisfied with capturing a Gold Alloyed Panther.    


However, Yang Fann would never admit to catching the Leopard. The only witness, Jin Cuier, thought that Yang Fann had let the Leopard go, so the others didn't know.    


Yang Fann even told Jin Cuier not to tell anyone that she met a leopard, otherwise, it would attract the attention of the relevant departments. If a large number of so-called experts came to Poplar Gully to investigate, Yang Fann would probably be annoyed to death.    


In fact, it was just a Gold Coin Leopard, after all, it wasn't a tiger that couldn't be found in the wild, and it wouldn't attract a large number of experts. It was just that Yang Fann was worried about the trouble, so he didn't want to spread the news. Such a bizarre thing, if Yang Fann didn't tell them, anyone else would share it with their relatives and friends.    


There was no need for Yang Fann to intentionally tell her that Jin Cuier was not stupid. For no other reason than her own Elder Brother Fann, Jin Cuier would not easily tell others about what had happened today.    


Meeting a leopard was secondary, the key was Yang Fann's behavior was too bizarre. The leopard was scared to the point that it didn't dare to move, allowing Yang Fann to study it everywhere and even drag the leopard by its tail. If this were to be known, no one would believe it!    


After thinking about it along the way, when Jin Cuier returned to the Poplar Gully, she finally came to a conclusion that her Elder Brother Fann was not a human!    


Could someone make a leopard fall straight to the ground from mid-air?    


Could anyone make the ferocious leopard not dare to move?    


Could anyone feel his way around a wild leopard?    


Has anyone ever seen a leopard with a tail to let go?    


Regardless of which one it was that told to the public, it would probably be treated as a joke by others, not to mention if they gathered together. If Jin Cuier told it to someone else, they would definitely think that she was just bragging, wasn't it because she was interested in Yang Fann, was there a need to brag on his behalf?    


As a child in the mountain, Jin Cuier grew up listening to the legends of the old hunters. In those legends, some powerful hunters would be able to intimidate the beasts in the mountain with just a glance, and with just one glare, they would become more docile than cats, not daring to resist at all!    


It was said that some butchers had killed too many pigs. As long as the pigs saw him, or smelled him, they would be scared shitless, as if they had met their natural enemy.    


Yang Fann had not only heard about this story before. It was said that some of the snake catchers, even the most venomous snakes would turn into flabby shrimps upon seeing them. They didn't even have the courage to run, let alone attack them.    


Yang Fann didn't know the specific reason, but these legends didn't always come out of nowhere. Some superstitious people from the Gods Sect said it was because of the magnetic or aura field, but it was too far-fetched to explain it accurately.    


Returning to the Poplar Gully, Yang Fann gave Jin Cuier a few pure spatial tomatoes for her to eat while suppressing her shock. On the other hand, he couldn't wait to find Black Bear and Xue'er and prepared to give them a surprise.    


And it was a big surprise!    


Black Bear and Xue'er hadn't entered the Space of Jade Pendant for a long time. Seeing their master store them in his Space of Jade Pendant, the two Mountain-guarding Dog were very happy.    


The animals were much more sensitive than humans. The outstanding environment in the Space of Jade Pendant was extremely enjoyable for Black Bear and Xue'er. Not only was the air fresh, there was also a lot of delicious food.    


In the eyes of Black Bear and Xue'er, regardless if it was the plants or animals, the Space of Jade Pendant was far more delicious than the things on the Pear Ridge.    


Furthermore, there was also a spatial Spirit Spring in the Space of Jade Pendant that Black Bear and Xue'er were drooling over. They knew that the most precious thing in the Space of Jade Pendant was the spring water.    


Even if they didn't eat anything, just breathing the air in the Space of Jade Pendant, looking at the fresh and tender food, and smelling the clear spring water in the center of the space was also a great enjoyment!    


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