Take Along A Spring



According to the normal rhythm, since the Gold Alloyed Panther had already launched an attack at Black Bear from the side, no matter what the Black Bear said, it was unable to escape.    


However, the black bear was no ordinary hound. It had forcefully twisted its waist in the nick of time in the face of the Leopard's claw, barely dodging it!    


Although it managed to dodge it, it was not unharmed. The Gold Alloyed Panther's sharp claws made three bloody scratches on the bear's flank. As long as Black Bear dodged even the slightest bit slower, his intestines would eventually rot!    


The black bear, who originally thought that it could defeat its enemy in two or three hits, did not expect that it would be slightly off from killing it. The contrast between its imagination and reality was simply unacceptable to the black bear for a moment, it roared furiously, disregarding the inertia of running at high speeds, forcefully turning its body, and prepared to give the Gold Alloyed Panther the most vicious blow!    


A dog is faster than a rabbit, so why can't a normal dog catch a rabbit? The reason is that dogs are not as nimble as rabbits. Whenever they catch up, the rabbits suddenly make a sharp turn, leaving the dogs far behind. If the dogs force a turn, it is easy for them to fall.     


Although the black bear was not an ordinary dog and was much more agile than ordinary dogs, its running speed was also much faster than ordinary dogs, so the inertia it produced was also much greater. Although the black bear was not an ordinary dog and was much more agile than ordinary dogs, its running speed was also much faster than normal dogs.    


However, the Gold Alloyed Panther was different. It had never increased its speed because if it wanted to attack the black bear from the side, its body would already be in a half-twisted position. It was easy for it to turn around.    


Thus, when the black bear was still turning around, the Gold Alloyed Panther had already turned its body around and attacked the black bear who was turning around!    


If it was caught by the Gold Coin Leopard, it would be injured even if it didn't die. This was the result of lack of experience, and it didn't know the cost of being cautious, yet it was born with great strength, making it extremely dangerous the moment it started. Yang Fann was right, without a bloody battle, the hounds would not be able to become the top hounds at all!    


As a female dog, Xue'er's physical fitness was still slightly inferior to Black Bear's. She was pulled back by Black Bear at full speed, and could only watch as Black Bear was injured, and now that Black Bear was likely to be injured again, or even lose his life under the claws of the Gold Alloyed Panther, she suddenly exploded out with all of her body's potential. Her speed suddenly soared, and she launched a crazy attack from behind the Gold Alloyed Panther!    


The Gold Alloyed Panther was an outstanding hunter, not someone who could put his life on the line. Based on its current pace, it was confident that it could injure the black bear, or even kill it.    


Wild animals were most afraid of being injured. Once injured, it was very difficult to catch prey again. If the prey was not caught, their vitality would decline, and if their body constitution was weakened, they wouldn't be able to catch prey.    


This was the reason why it was very rare to see large ferocious beasts like lions and tigers face off against each other. Generally, these different types of large ferocious beasts did not get involved in each other's conflict, and the result of their battles was usually mutual destruction. Even if they killed each other, their future survival would be affected because of their injuries.    


As a result, the Gold Alloyed Panther chose not to continue attacking the black bear. Instead, it leapt forward and used a nearby tree to dodge Xue'er's attack from behind. Because Xue'er was anxious to save the black bear, she charged forward too quickly and was powerless to turn around to chase the Gold Alloyed Panther.    


These two idiots, if it wasn't because of carelessness that they created such a distance between themselves, how could they have nearly been defeated by the Gold Alloyed Panthers one by one? Hounds should work together, since when did they ever see a hound that can set aside its companions and act like a hero?    


Even the tigers and lions, these huge ferocious beasts, did not dare to provoke them, because the wolves had the spirit of teamwork. The wolves had the spirit of teamwork, so the individual strength was nothing, but the individual strength was the most terrifying, and the army was the same as well. If they pulled out a small soldier, they would be completely oppressed by a martial arts master, but once they formed a battle formation, even a powerful martial arts master would have to kneel!    


Fortunately, Black Bear and Xue'er were smart. After suffering such a huge loss, they finally regained some of their consciousness and found their instincts as canine animals. At the same time, they charged towards the Gold Alloyed Panther from two different directions!    


This time, both the black bear and Xue'er maintained the same speed. No matter which one the Leopard attacked, they would be attacked by another at the same time.    


At the same time, it no longer looked down on Black Bear and Xue'er. It realized that even though its two opponents were somewhat stupid, they were very strong and their odds of winning were not high if it were to face off head-on against them.    


If Black Bear and Xue'er knew that they had been treated as two dumb dogs by the Gold Alloyed Panther, they would have fallen into madness once more.    


Actually, not only did the Gold Alloyed Panther think this way, even Yang Fann felt that Black Bear and Xue'er were idiots. The two of them didn't know how to use their advantages, but they loved to act like dog heroes.    


It was fortunate that Black Bear and Xue'er had adjusted their tactics in time, otherwise, Yang Fann would have been disappointed. With so many space Spirit Spring and so much space food, two pieces of trash would have been raised already.    


Although Black Bear and Xue'er had corrected their mistakes in time, it was obviously not realistic to kill the Gold Alloyed Panther in a short period of time, because the Gold Alloyed Panther was far more cunning than they had imagined. It simply did not fight head to head with them, instead using complex environments like the mountain trees and boulders to fight with them.    


After repeatedly launching several attacks and realizing that they had not received any results, Black Bear and Xue'er understood the current situation and knew that relying on brute force would make it difficult to defeat their opponent in a short period of time. Thus, they immediately changed their strategy, changing from focused and fierce attacks to a battle of attrition with the Gold Alloyed Panther.    


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