Take Along A Spring



As a first-line director of the country, Big Beard Liu also had goals. Wu Junxing, Little Noob Model, and even Little Guide were just the scenery on his way. Catching up to and even surpassing a big-name director like Ma Dagang was the ultimate goal of Big Beard Liu!    


So, while making a movie, he could get some benefits from it. If he made a movie that he could have made a good movie about just for those trivial benefits, Big Beard Liu wouldn't do it either.    


After staying in the 4A scenic area for seven days, Big Beard Liu could not find anyone to play the role of a dog that pleased him, including some retired police dogs and military dogs.    


Helpless, Big Beard Liu had to use his connections and found a few police dogs and army dogs that were serving. These dogs were really not bad, to the other Staff s in the crew, they should be fine, but Big Beard Liu and his two assistants didn't think that it was very satisfactory, as if they were lacking something.    


"Spirit. That's right, it's spirit!"    


Big Beard Liu pointed to a police dog not far away that was doing all sorts of actions under the orders of a dog trainer. He said to the two assistants beside him, "Look, this police dog is very obedient and does very well, but it lacks some initiative, like a mindless robotic dog."    


Big Beard Liu's two assistants nodded their heads. They had also seen that the dogs they had found couldn't compare to the two from Jade Spring Mountain Villa. It wasn't impossible for such a dog to make a movie, but it was almost impossible to produce a shocking feeling.    


If you are making a movie with a small investment, the audience can understand the visual effects. But if it is a so-called large investment, the audience will have to compare with the foreign movies, and if the effect is not too different, the audience can accept it. If you are making a movie like the old movies in the '90s, it would be weird if the audience doesn't curse the movie!    


In the '80s and' 90s, a bunch of movies and TV dramas about dogs had become popular. Whether it was domestically or overseas, those movies had already pushed a normal dog to the limit. Without special effects, even with the current shooting technology, the dog wouldn't be able to play any tricks unless they could find a divine dog that was far superior to a normal dog.    


He had seen the miracles of Black Bear and Xue'er, and knew that only Black Bear and Xue'er could film this "God Hunting". Unfortunately, Big Beard Ma Dagang didn't understand Ma Dagang's intentions, and thought that Ma Dagang was trying to use his film crew to gain benefits for his family!    


He had even offended the boss of Jade Spring Mountain Villa, and if he went back to discuss the matter of filming with him, it would be such a huge loss of face. If word of this got out, wouldn't he become a laughingstock in the film industry!?    


Even until now, Big Beard Liu Du was still thinking about his face, and did not realize whether Jade Spring Mountain Villa would allow them to film. In his opinion, there was no place that would reject a film crew, which was an experience, unless it was some military restricted region.    


After wasting another two days with a few small guides, Big Beard Liu finally decided to change the battlefield, go to Jade Spring Mountain Villa, and look at the scenery. It didn't matter if he lost some face, for the sake of art, he would sacrifice some personal gains and losses!    


In the eyes of Big Beard Liu, the problem of getting soft hands and short mouth was not a problem at all. All these years, Xiaomingxing had been unruly and inexperienced, so he couldn't arrange roles for them. This kind of thing was like a meal before a business deal.    


However, Big Beard Liu forgot one thing. The tour guide was not the same as Xiaomingxing and Little Nooblet. In the eyes of Xiaomingxing and Little Nooblet, it was the most normal thing.    


The reason why the little tour guide was willing to pay was not because of the role in the movie, but because of the promise from the 4A scenic area to arrange popular tourist routes for them. Now that the crew was leaving, who knew if the scenic area would honor their promise or not?    


After hearing that the crew was leaving, they immediately gave a small report to the person in charge of the scenic area, telling the area to prepare in advance so that Big Beard Liu would not go back on his words.    


What a great 'Big Beard Liu'! You brought so many people with you, yet you still want to play around with them in our scenic area. You've been tormenting us for so long, yet you just want to leave like that? If you don't give us an explanation, we can all scatter and forget about anyone else!    


Thus, Big Beard Liu received an email with the title "Famous Director Big Beard Liu Datong's Flipping Story".    


Big Beard Lee's work email was all handled by his female assistant, Lee. When Lee opened the email, he was immediately scared pale by the pile of photos inside and almost ran away with his face covered!    


The reversals were just a title to attract attention. Inside, it was filled with photos of Big Beard Liu and a few tour guides. Most of them were the type who were not wearing any clothes at all.    


He had always heard that the film industry was very chaotic, but he never expected that the chaos would be like this, including the passionate photos of Big Beard Liu and the male assistant, as well as a group photo of them and a few tour guides!    


Damn, this is too scary. I'm done with it!    


Lee couldn't help but want to look down as he thought about his resignation. These photos were much more exciting than those so-called portraits. It was really fun to see them all!    


Unknowingly, Lee had looked through all the photos. Just when she was about to close the email and delete it at the same time, then find a reason to quickly resign, she suddenly thought of the portraits.    


It was said that the main character of the Portrait of Beauty was unwilling to be extorted, which was why the photos were leaked. If he were to make a copy of these private photographs of Big Beard Liu, would he be able to use them?    


Lee also had the ambition to become the assistant of Big Beard Liu at such a young age. She never thought of relying on her own body to rise up, but after seeing Big Beard Liu's ridiculous photo today, she knew that it was hopeless if she didn't take some measures. Unless she was willing to sacrifice herself, she wouldn't be able to work for Big Beard Liu at all!    


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