Take Along A Spring



There were a lot of people like Hee Zheng, but they didn't say anything. When these people drank the Jade Spring Brand s, whether intentionally or unintentionally, they more or less felt the changes in their bodies.    


Insomnia and dreamy, seems to sleep soundly; waist and knees sore, seems to have strength; seems to have become strong; infertile, seems to have... Still not pregnant!    


What a joke, Jade Spring Brand were not Spatial Medicinal Wine s, nor were they space Spirit Spring s.    


Furthermore, the manual did not mention that it could treat infertility, Yang Fann was not an idiot, he was also a Health Wine, it would be fine if he could cure some sub-health diseases, if he dared to write a treatment for infertility, it would be sealed by the Health Bureau in a few days!    


As for whether or not he would cure infertility, Yang Fann did not know, he did not use space Spirit Spring to treat infertility. Yang Fann would not lie about things that were gone, if it delayed other people's disease, then he could not bear the responsibility!    


However, a miracle happened again!    


After Hee Zheng drank Jade Spring Brand s for two months, his delicate wife did not come on time to take a leave of absence. When he came to the hospital to check, he found out that his younger wife was miraculously pregnant!    


For a man who wasn't even 40, it was easy for a woman in her twenties to get pregnant, but Hee Zheng couldn't. He had secretly gone to the hospital to check, and the doctor regretfully told him that the chances of him having children in his lifetime were less than 10%.    


There was no absolute in medicine, nor was it possible for a doctor to say that there was still 10% chance of success. In fact, there was no hope at all, which meant that Hee Zheng would probably never have his own child in his entire life.    


As for the reason, the doctor had explained a lot, so Hee Zheng wasn't in the mood to listen carefully. Hee Zheng just needed to know that he was very useless and useless.    


For many a long night, Hee Zheng stared blankly at the ceiling. He was thinking that one day his tender little wife would get pregnant, but the child was not his. That kind of scene was too beautiful, Hee Zheng would always lose sleep every time he thought about it.    


He hadn't thought that this day would come so soon. His wife was pregnant. Was the child his or her own?    


When he first found out about his wife's pregnancy, Hee Zheng was not only not pleasantly surprised, but instead very scared. When he thought that his wife might be someone else's child, his heart ached and he even wanted to go crazy!    


However, after careful consideration, Hee Zheng found that he might still have hope, and that hope came from the Health Wine that he drank.    


It was because after Hee Zheng drank this kind of Health Wine, his wife got pregnant after drinking this kind of Health Wine, could it be...    


Reason told Hee Zheng, no matter how effective a kind of Health Wine was, it wouldn't be able to cure his infertility. However, he was very willing to believe that it was the Jade Spring Brand that cured his disease, because once it was overturned, the reason why his wife got pregnant was because of the Health Wine.    


So conflicted!    


Hee Zheng really wanted to go to the hospital now to get a paternity test, but after he secretly asked the doctor, the doctor told him that the baby was still young, so it wasn't appropriate for him to get a paternity test now.    


Doctors told Hee Zheng that pregnancy can generally be 7-8 weeks of non-invasive DNA paternity testing, 10 weeks of villus collection for paternity testing, 16 weeks of amniotic fluid extraction for paternity testing.    


In theory, fetal villus tissue was collected after 8 weeks of gestation, and fetal villus samples were compared with those of pregnant women and fathers (or suspected subjects) at the same time.    


In order to ensure the safety of pregnant women and fetuses and reduce the risk of surgery, prenatal paternity testing can be carried out according to the following two stages:    


Fetal villus tissue, 11 to 16 weeks' gestation, is usually collected by the obstetrician under B ultrasound guidance.    


Fetal amniotic fluid identification sample, pregnancy more than 16 weeks, more than 5 ml of the clinical puncture surgery collected about 5 ml of fetal amniotic fluid samples.    


In contrast, 16 weeks after pregnancy, fetal development gradually into a stable period, extraction of small amount of amniotic fluid will not affect its normal growth and development, so the fetal and maternal impact is small, relatively safe and reliable.    


No one knew how conflicted Hee Zheng was. Even his delicate wife didn't know. She still pestered him all day to ask for comfort, saying that he had pregnancy syndrome and needed more care.    


Every time he saw her, he would feel that the top of his head was a little green, but just in case, he would have to pinch his nose and play along with her, tormenting Hee Zheng until he was in a trance. He was depressed, and if not for the Jade Spring Brand, he would have been depressed a long time ago!    


Yang Fann did not know that his own Health Wine brought a huge confusion to a person called Hee Zheng. If he knew that Hee Zheng was so conflicted, he would definitely make Orange Hotel stop selling his Health Wine to him, this kind of person who was always suspicious and suspicious of others should not have sympathy. What the hell is this thing?    


Yang Fann's recent mood was not bad, and it was even clearer than the sky in Jiangnan. The sales of Jade Spring Brand and Health Wine were very optimistic, and as a result, almost all of the good news came back.    


Six of the agencies sold out in less than a week, and another three also sold out before the end of the month. The only regret was that an agent called Orange Hotel only sold out half of the quota at the end of the month.    


Fortunately, the Jade Spring Brand's mission was calculated on a quarterly basis. Even if the Orange Hotel could not be sold at the moment, it would not affect the qualifications of its agents.    


However, the quota of 1000 bottles per month was set by Yang Fann for each agent. Even if there were still Health Wine s in the warehouse, Jin Cuier would not dare to sell them.    


Yang Fann was, of course, marketing his products out of hunger. How could good things be edible for free, and not let the rich people worry about it, how could his Jade Spring Brand s be sold for such a high price?    


Even though Yang Fann had deliberately controlled the quantity of the Health Wine, the Jade Spring Brand still brought him quite a bit of income. Every agent had a quota of one thousand bottles per month, and the ten of them had to buy ten thousand bottles of Health Wine every month.    


Ten thousand bottles of Health Wine, each bottle cost 3,980 yuan, which added up to 39.8 million yuan. In other words, just the Health Wine alone could bring 39.8 million yuan to Yang Fann every month!    


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