Take Along A Spring



After seeing the crystal palace's highest bidding price of 9800 yuan per bottle of Health Wine, many smart merchants knew their mistakes. With Jade Spring Mountain Villa acting as a hidden target, no matter how high the bid price was, it would be fine as long as they could occupy a spot in one of the agents.    


For example, the Crystal Palace, although others had a bidding price of 9800 yuan per bottle, the final price still had to be determined based on the number of bids placed at the 10th place. If the bidding price for the tenth place was 1000 yuan per bottle, then the Crystal Palace would not only get the right to represent the Jade Spring Mountain Villa Health Wine, but also get to enjoy a wholesale price of 1000 yuan per bottle.    


Unless there were a lot of smart bidders, and not just ten of them were like the Crystal Palace, who would risk their lives to bid the highest price, only then would they take the stone to their own feet and play with the final wholesale price.    


Awesome, Bai Mei this woman is too amazing!    


At this moment, almost everyone had a whole new level of respect for Bai Mei, especially those who knew of her past. They originally thought that she was just a lucky widow who had inherited a lot of the inheritance of her husband.    


According to the rules of the auction, since the Jiangnan City had the 9800 yuan per bottle, then the prices of the Fuhua Hotel and Western Restaurant of the Old Oak couldn't be counted in the rankings. Even though the prices of the two clans were also very high, they were still unable to obtain the authority to represent the Jade Spring Brand in the Jiangnan City.    


There was no need to talk about the representatives of Fuhua Hotel. In any case, Yang Fann did not know of that guy. The representative of Old Oak's Western Restaurant was an old acquaintance of Yang Fann, and Ben Shaming had personally come.    


Looking at Ben Shaming's ugly face of death, Yang Fann felt helpless, he actually wanted to give Ben Shaming a chance, but rules are rules, the Jade Spring Mountain Villa s are no longer the small workshop that only he used to work in, there are no rules and no boundaries, if he dared to mess around, the reputation that Jade Spring Mountain Villa s raised would be ruined.    


The Chinese was too cunning, the women of Hua Xia were too cunning, he even had the urge to sell Bai Mei to Europe to become a chicken. If it wasn't for Bai Mei's disturbance, then he should be able to get the right to represent Jiangnan City based on the overall price of the 10th place in the Western Restaurant of Old Oak.    


Unfortunately, Ben Shaming was not as smart as Bai Mei, he felt that he was too cowardly, Carl and Jim were right, he could not be polite to Chinese, no matter what methods he used, if he could extract benefits from them, it would be the way of the king!    


Therefore, Ben Shaming thought of Carl and Jim. This time, he was prepared to accept their suggestion to find a way to get some good seed of Jade Spring Mountain Villa. After that, the three of them can start a farm in Europe, so they will definitely make a lot of money!    


Right, when the time comes, think of a way to register an intellectual property right or something like that, it would be best if we could steal the Jade Spring Mountain Villa logo first, then come to Huaxia and Yang Fann's Jade Spring Mountain Villa to fight a lawsuit. Even if we can't win a case in Huaxia, we can still stop Yang Fann from selling his vegetables and fruits to Europe.    


Last time, he didn't become a Partner and this time, he didn't get the authority of the Jade Spring Health Wine. Ben Shaming was already about to burst into rage, he had even vented his anger on the owner of the Jade Spring Mountain Villa, Yang Fann, and felt that the business of Old Oak Western Restaurant was not doing as well as before, and it was all Yang Fann's fault!    


No one knew which idiot said that greed was the driving force behind the development of human society. It was precisely because humans had endless desires that human society had developed to this day.    


Ben Shaming didn't feel that it was wrong for him to deal with Yang Fann. This was how his ancestors treated Yang Fann, didn't you say you had many good things? Didn't you say you wouldn't give them to me?    


Just like Ben Shaming, there are more than one or two merchants who are dissatisfied with Jade Spring Mountain Villa, especially those Partner s who did not manage to obtain the authority of the Health Wine. According to their logic, since we are originally the Partner s of the Jade Spring Mountain Villa, the Health Wine should be within the scope of cooperation.    


Fortunately, the Partner s were still sane, and did not want to fall out with the Jade Spring Mountain Villa in public. Otherwise, if the Jade Spring Mountain Villa unilaterally broke the contract and did not provide them any more vegetables and fruits, they would immediately go blind!    


The more he got, the more he wanted. If he couldn't get it, he would be filled with resentment. At this moment, he could see the base nature of mankind clearly. Yang Fann's observation skills were almost abnormal, and the changes in everyone's expressions were reflected in his eyes.    


Honestly speaking, Yang Fann no longer cared about how other people treated him. If he wanted to do something big, he couldn't do it in all aspects. A boss that didn't dare to offend others would never be able to make the company big, otherwise, if the company didn't collapse, his spirit would collapse first.    


He had always taken good care of Ben Shaming. Even though last time Old Oak Western Restaurant did not get 15 Partner s, Yang Fann still let him grasp a portion of the sales rights of Top-grade White Truffle.    


He didn't expect that Ben Shaming not only didn't thank him, he was even angered by the failure of the bid. What the hell was that venomous and vicious gaze of Ben Shaming? Could it be that he wanted to kill someone?    


Yang Fann had never seen such a gaze from Ben Shaming before. Greed, hatred, viciousness, and brutality. It was as if he was being stared at by the fiercest robber. If it wasn't for the fact that Yang Fann had some ability, his entire body would probably have gone cold!    


Yang Fann was very shocked, he didn't expect Ben Shaming to have such a side. He thought that the Europeans were the gentlemen that they proclaimed, and respect others was their virtue, and kindness, justice and courage were their beliefs. They were willing to help the weak and absolutely moral people in the name of God!    


Now that they looked at it, alas, it was not like that at all. It was still the same old saying. The gentleness was just a layer of clothing they were wearing. The elegance was also a temporary disguise for the hungry wolves after they had eaten their fill!    


It's a pity that even now, there was still a portion of Chinese who were staring at the Westerners, talking about how outstanding their race was, and how despicable and despicable our Da Xia race was.    


If this group of people had been placed in the past, then when the Western powers had opened the China Gate with their ship cannons, he would have personally witnessed how his ancestors had been turned into a pile of mud by the opium poisoning of the so-called democratic and civilized gentleman. If he could still lick the butt of the so-called superior people, then he would truly be a high existence!    


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