Take Along A Spring



During the filming process at Jade Spring Mountain Villa, everyone in the filming crew felt that their condition was surprisingly good, thus, Director Ma Dagang decided on the spur of the moment, preparing to increase the number of scenes in the Jade Spring Mountain Villa. Not only were the actors in the filming process at the Jade Spring Mountain Villa, the beautiful scenery was also an important factor in attracting the audience.    


However, the high cost of lodging for the filming crew prevented them from doing so. Even though Yang Fann was open about the losses the crew caused to his Jade Spring Mountain Villa, he would not budge on issues related to principles. He had to pay for the lodging fees, and if he felt that it was too expensive, he could go and live in a few families of the Poplar Gully.    


Helpless, the entire production team moved out of the Jade Spring Mountain Villa, and moved into a few separate houses of the Poplar Gully. This way, the few villagers who opened a house of their own would become extremely happy, and this was the true joy of the house of a farmer!    


The peasants were happy, but the Staff and the actors in the crew were not. They were surprised to find that no matter how exhausted they were a few days ago, all they needed was a night's sleep to recover from their injuries. Their spirits and stamina were not as full as before.    


Up till now, if they didn't know that the reason for all these changes was because of the Jade Spring Mountain Villa, they wouldn't have been able to survive until now. They probably didn't even have the right to be part of the group performances.    


No wonder the living expenses of Jade Spring Mountain Villa were so high, and there wasn't any discount at all. In fact, it even had the appearance of someone who loved to stay longer and couldn't hold on, someone who couldn't stop pulling others down.    


Although the relevant departments have been promoting atheism, the feng shui theory, which originated from traditional Chinese culture, has never died out among the people.    


Not only has the Feng Shui theory not disappeared, but it has also regained its youthful vigor in recent years.    


Even some institutions of higher learning had added feng shui theory to their teaching courses. People and officials of departments who believed in Feng Shui were everywhere.    


Especially in recent years, the film industry had also started to be interested in these mysterious things. Many movies held a shrine ceremony when they started, especially in the areas around Hong Kong Island and Bay Area, where they paid a lot of attention to the opening ceremony of the movie.    


Even the stick of China's culture would usually hold a sacrificial ceremony when the movie started. It was said that this way would protect the film's success and was extremely popular.    


Otherwise, how was it possible for the vegetables and fruits to be so delicious to explain Jade Spring Mountain Villa? Forget about the new breed raised by Jade Spring Mountain Villa, how come I haven't seen these new varieties planted anywhere else?    


If Jade Spring Mountain Villa were to grow fruits and vegetables that could be sold for a few hundred dollars a catty, then why not expand the scale of the crops? Merchants would earn a lot of money, so why not earn some? This meant that the new breed of Jade Spring Mountain Villa was just a cover, the reason why the vegetables and fruits could be so delicious, was because of the Feng Shui which was blessed by the Jade Spring Mountain Villa!    


It had to be said that the citizens of Chinese had unlimited intelligence. Even though Ma Dagang and the others didn't know about Space of Jade Pendant and spatial Spirit Spring, it didn't stop them from analyzing the depth of the sales of Jade Spring Mountain Villa products. Although there was still a huge gap between the conclusion and the actual situation, but the general direction was not wrong.    


Hence, including the famous director Ma Dagang, a few famous movie stars had privately sought out Yang Sanmao, wanting to buy the Feng Shui Tree for Jade Spring Mountain Villa.    


Indeed, in the eyes of Ma Dagang and the others, the two welcoming pine trees that were like Jade Spring Mountain Villa's entrance were the typical Feng Shui trees. In the Jade Spring Mountain Villa, the weeping poplar trees on both sides of Dispersive Flower Creek were also not ordinary trees. Even the nameless wildflowers that could be seen everywhere in the Jade Spring Mountain Villa were, in the eyes of some people, filled with mysticism.    


They had seen it with their own eyes, and experienced it with their own eyes. Whether it was the physical and mental improvement during the time they had lived in Jade Spring Mountain Villa or listening to the stories of the villagers of Poplar Gully, Ma Dagang and the others had reached a conclusion: Jade Spring Mountain Villa was definitely not as simple as it seemed on the surface.    


Filmmakers, especially famous directors like Ma Dagang, were all very observant. Through their observation of all the plants in Jade Spring Mountain Villa and comparison with the plants in other places in Poplar Gully, they came to a conclusion that even they could not believe — — the Feng Shui of Jade Spring Mountain Villa was the best Feng Shui they had ever seen in their lives!    


Planting a feng shui tree in one's own home or office was something that many rich and powerful people loved to do. Don't you see that there were unique looking plants in many people's offices, and even magnificent and heavy mountain rocks, all for the purpose of improving Feng shui?    


After some overly curious people observed the plants within the Jade Spring Mountain Villa up close, they came to an even more unbelievable conclusion. That was, practically all of the plants within the Jade Spring Mountain Villa smelled very good!    


The plants smelled good, so it didn't sound like anything special. It sounded normal, but shouldn't plants emit the scent of nature, causing people to feel relaxed after smelling it?    


Those who had such thoughts were those who had never stayed in the countryside, or those who had stayed in the countryside, but had never really paid attention to the pampered and pampered plants.    


In reality, many plants were not only unpleasant to smell, but also emitting a slight stench, or other odors that were used to drive away insects. Plants would not resist, and if there were too many insects, it would not be a good thing.    


However, almost all the plants in the Jade Spring Mountain Villa smell good, and such a nice plant, unexpectedly did not attract a large number of insects. This was the strangeness of the Jade Spring Mountain Villa.    


There were so many strange things about Jade Spring Mountain Villa, but in summary, there was only one reason.    


Since the Feng Shui of Jade Spring Mountain Villa was good, then the plants that grow in the Jade Spring Mountain Villa would all have a certain amount of spirituality, thus Ma Dagang and the others had the intention to buy the so-called Feng Shui Tree. They really couldn't buy the Feng Shui Tree, but they could also buy a few flowers that could improve the Feng Shui!    


He told Yang Sanmao that anyone who wanted to buy plants with Jade Spring Mountain Villa could buy them, but the price couldn't be ambiguous. Jade Spring Mountain Villa should be chaste, and as for what the original price was for them to sell to Soong Bowen and Wu Steel, they would sell them to Ma Dagang for whatever price, not a single cent less!    


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