Take Along A Spring



There was a saying, "Damn it, this is the Immortal Channel." There was also a saying, "it's fine to just watch the show." That was what was happening right now.    


The Hero cameraman looked like he was about to die. Other than crying out in alarm, there was nothing else that could be done. Not to mention that most people did not really want to help, even if someone wanted to save the cameraman on the tree, they did not have the ability to.    


There were only two kinds of people in the world that could save a life when faced with a person who knew that he was no match for his opponent. One was the man who cut meat and fed it to the falcon, and the other was the victim's parents. Obviously, neither the saint nor the heroic cameraman's parents were present, so no one was willing to risk their lives to challenge the Wild Boar King.    


When Yang Fann stepped onto the Dispersive Flower Bridge from a hundred meters away, what he saw was the moment of the Hero cameraman's death. The distance was 200 meters, the wind speed was slightly west, and it was about level two to three. The key thing was, everyone's attention was focused on the cameraman and the Wild Boar King, no one noticed Yang Fann who was running 200 meters away.    


With a thought from Yang Fann, a disc-shaped rock from the Space of Jade Pendant appeared in his hand. Using his inertia from running, he rotated his right arm three times and then released it. The rock whistled as it cut through the air and flew towards the wild boar king that was less than 200 meters away on the mountain slope!    


The man discus world record holder was the former democratic German athlete Hult, who created the 74.08 meter world record in New Brandenburg, Germany, on June 6, 1986. It has been more than 30 years and is still unbroken.    


However, if anyone saw Yang Fann throw a stone, they would definitely be amazed at the birth of a new world record. Although Yang Fann threw a stone, not a discus, as long as they saw him throw a stone, they would not doubt that he could break the world's longest-lived record with a discus.    


Although no one saw the beginning, but there was more than one who saw the end. It was the result of the arrogant wild boar king.    


With a loud bang, the wild boar king's head suddenly exploded, as if a watermelon that had been overinflated suddenly exploded!    


Only after the Wild Boar King's head exploded, did some sharp-eyed people notice that what caused the explosion was a round and flat rock. This rock that flew at high speed had an enormous energy, and actually smashed the Wild Boar King's head like a heavy sniper rifle!    


What appeared in their eyes was Yang Fann, who was almost running in front of them. This time, they finally understood who threw the stone; it was this young man who crushed the wild boar king's head with a stone tens of meters away, saving the life of the hero cameraman!    


For Yang Fann, who always maintained a low profile, this kind of misunderstanding was just right. If people found out that he threw a rock at a place close to 200 meters away and even smashed the head of the wild boar king, it would be weird if it didn't cause a sensation.    


Even so, Yang Fann's appearance shocked everyone who saw this scene. To be able to smash a wild boar king's head with a rock dozens of meters away, this guy must be very strong, is he an iron cake athlete?    


Yang Fann was not afraid of being mistaken as an athlete, but he was afraid of being treated as a monster. It was said that monsters were all caught and studied as mice. No one talked to a monster about human rights, monsters had no human rights, only the fate of being studied.    


Yang Fann did not doubt that even if Sun Wukong appeared in the modern era, the relevant authorities would still try their best to capture Sun Wukong. That is because you don't understand the capabilities of the relevant departments. If you can't capture the power of violence, you can use national justice. Raising the banner of national justice, you don't believe that impulsive monkeys won't obediently submit!    


The arrival of Yang Fann played a key role in controlling the wild boars that were still going crazy. The wild boars were not afraid of others, and even disobeyed Black Bear and Xue'er. However, according to Yang Fann, once Yang Fann saw Yang Fann, it was as if a motherless child had found his own mother.    


There was no helping it, after growing up in the Space of Jade Pendant for a period of time, even animals that grew up in the Space of Jade Pendant would naturally be kind to Yang Fann, just like Spatial Bee. Every time they saw Yang Fann, they would dance around him, the wild boar would also do the same.    


Yang Fann just needed to pat each wild boar's head a few times and tell them to go to the pigsty. The boar would automatically walk into the dilapidated pigsty and even without Black Bear and Xue'er, they would not come out for the time being.    


They didn't know Yang Fann, so they all treated Yang Fann as a pig breeder and praised this magical breeder. To be able to make a wild boar be so obedient, this young breeder must have put in a lot of effort, right?    


He felt that he had picked up a treasure. Inspiration suddenly appeared in his mind, and he decided to shoot this young keeper in the next scene. Having thought of the name, he decided to call it "The Story of a Human and a Wild Boar".    


Yang Fann, who was comforting the wild boar, suddenly shivered, as if something bad was about to happen. If he knew that someone was going to shoot the story he and the wild boar had to tell, he would definitely throw Ma Dagang into the pond to wake up and let his fantasy filled head cool!    


Heroes were always admired, especially by weak women who yearned to be protected. Yang Fann's sudden appearance shocked many people, and some of the film crew's beautiful girls had already started to get close to Yang Fann. They wanted to see what this enigmatic man was like.    


Due to there being too many people around, Yang Fann didn't dare to use his special ability anymore. He sprinted around at a speed of 100 meters and chased those wild boars that were still wandering on the mountain back to the pigsty.    


Even if Yang Fann ran really fast, after he chased all the wild boars back to the pigsty, half an hour had already passed. With the help of Black Bear, Xue'er, Xiaoming, and Xiaohong, there was nothing he could do, since the Jade Spring Mountain Villa was too large and the wild boars were too scattered.    


After dealing with the wild boar, Yang Fann quickly went to check on the wounded, he only drove the wild boar away after hearing that the injured were not in any life-threatening danger. If there was an injured person near death, Yang Fann would definitely save them, and once someone died in Jade Spring Mountain Villa, Jade Spring Mountain Villa would be in great trouble!    


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