Take Along A Spring



The destructive power of wild boars was unimaginable to many people. In a field that was about to mature, two wild boars could eat half of it in one night. These stupid boars were not just for eating, they trampled over more crops than they could eat.    


After Yang Fann continuously added new wild boars to the Jade Spring Mountain Villa during this period of time, the breeding scale of the Jade Spring Mountain Villa had already reached more than 300. Although over 300 wild boars were respectively reared in a few different pigsty, the wild boars that were startled by the film crew were only one pigsty. That was also a few dozen strong wild boars, and it was even several tens of wild boars that were frightened.    


The most terrifying thing was that the dozens of wild boars that broke through the pigsty were simply not something that anyone dared to approach. Although these wild boars ate spatial food, and were not as ferocious as those that lived in the wild, and were not as aggressive towards humans, they were still frightened. The frightened wild boars were at least ten times more terrifying than normal wild boars.    


When Yang Fann received Yang Sanmao's call, a few of the Staff s with Jade Spring Mountain Villa were already injured. These Staff s were either trying to drive the wild boar back to the pigsty, or trying to prevent the wild boar from destroying the vegetables and fruits, or they were trying to protect the tourists.    


In addition, the film crew had not survived either. An actor and two film crew's Staff s were injured, and the scene was a mess.    


Yang Fann decisively gave an order on the phone, telling Yang Sanmao to temporarily ignore the wild boars, and to either evacuate the people in the villa or retreat into the Dispersive Flower Courtyard, in case he comes out again.    


Yang Fann was also worried. Losing some fruits and vegetables was nothing, if there were any deaths, then Jade Spring Mountain Villa would be closed for the time being no matter how famous they were.    


Once a person died from Jade Spring Mountain Villa, the fellows who were eyeing the Jade Spring Mountain Villa covetously would swarm over. It was inevitable to throw stones when they were down, they would not stop until they had obtained the information on Jade Spring Mountain Villa!    


Actually, if Yang Fann hadn't been hunting in the mountains today, and brought along two Mountain-guarding Dog and two old eagle into the mountains, dozens of mad boars wouldn't have mattered at all!    


Don't think that a wild boar is more ferocious than a hunting dog. A wild boar requires a few hunting dogs to deal with, it's just an ordinary hunting dog, not a space hound like Black Bear or Xue'er who drink space Spirit Spring and eat space food!    


They grew up under the obscene power of Black Bear and Xue'er, and they had a natural fear of the two overlords of Jade Spring Mountain Villa. As long as Black Bear and Xue'er were in the Jade Spring Mountain Villa, they should be able to control the situation very quickly.    


"Go, quickly return to the Jade Spring Mountain Villa, and prevent the wild boars from continuing their destruction, and even more so, do not let them hurt people!"    


Yang Fann let Xiaoming and Xiaohong fly away the two old eagle. At the same time, he also let Black Bear and Xue'er head back at the fastest speed possible. The two old eagle should be able to fly back very quickly without considering the terrain.    


However, the deterrence of the two old eagle s towards the wild boars was not as great as that of the two. They were the overlords of the air and had absolute deterrence towards the flying birds, but the wild boars were tanks on the ground, and the two old eagle s had limited deterrence towards the wild boars, making it difficult to control the dozens of wild boars.    


Yang Fann did not expect the two old eagle to be able to solve the problem since they could not control dozens of wild boars. Their job was to protect the humans and prevent the wild boars from destroying the vegetables and fruits.    


If Black Bear and Xue'er were normal hounds, Yang Fann would have put them into his Space of Jade Pendant to travel. Yang Fann's current speed was not slower than normal hounds, it was even faster than a dog's speed!    


It wasn't an exaggeration to say that Yang Fann wasn't running normally, but using his special ability to travel.    


If someone was watching from a distance, they would notice that Yang Fann's body was jumping around at an unimaginable speed.    


Yes, not running, but jumping.    


Yang Fann was using the Spirit Body to pull himself back. Every time he moved, it was nine meters, and with a swoosh, Yang Fann would instantly appear nine meters away. Then, the Spirit Body would quickly enter and exit the Space of Jade Pendant, and then drag its body nine meters.    


Yang Fann's Spirit Body could freely move within a nine meter radius of his body, but after using the Spirit Body to move his body for nine meters, he would need to enter and leave the Space of Jade Pendant again before he could move his body again.    


This was the weakness of Yang Fann's ability. If the Spirit Body could move his body without going in and out of the Space of Jade Pendant, then he would become a flying beast.    


Therefore, if looking from afar, Yang Fann teleported nine meters and nine meters, using teleportation might be a bit exaggerated, but the movement speed of Spirit Body is almost equivalent to the movement speed of thoughts, and the movement speed of thoughts is limitless, so the movement speed of Yang Fann's Spirit Body is also limitless.    


Unfortunately, though his mental movement speed is unlimited, Yang Fann's body can't withstand such a fast acceleration. From being still to suddenly moving at high speeds, the burden on his body is extremely huge. He might even be in danger of losing his life.    


A healthy adult can experience dizziness, nausea, and even damage to the heart and blood vessels if it only takes three to four times the acceleration of gravity. If untrained, they would generally lose consciousness or even life while enduring six times the acceleration of gravity.    


A trained pilot can withstand 9G of gravity, but can produce black vision, which is very dangerous. F1 drivers can withstand 6 G of gravity, ordinary people 3, 4 G of gravity will feel extremely uncomfortable, or even faint.    


One fold acceleration of gravity is one G, and five fold acceleration of gravity is five grams. According to the usual values, the acceleration of gravity is 9.8 meters per second for every gram near the Earth. This value may change slightly depending on the latitude, but the difference isn't that great.    


That is to say, from quiescence to sudden acceleration, the average person's movement speed could reach up to 50 meters per second, which was already pretty impressive. Even for professionally trained astronauts and fighter pilots, without wearing an anti-G suit, it would still be difficult to reach 100 meters per second.    


However, Yang Fann was not an ordinary person, nor was he a pilot or an astronaut.    


Yang Fann had never measured it before, so he didn't know how much acceleration a super abnormal body could withstand. Anyway, he moved really fast, it was almost limitless close to the sound barrier, which was about 300 meters per second.    


300 meters per second is as fast as sound traveling in the air. In other words, Yang Fann shouted nine meters away, and by the time you heard him shout, his people were already right in front of you!    


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