Take Along A Spring



Wei Xiaorou explained the reason that she wanted Yang Fann to get married. Yang Fann was stunned on the spot. Wasn't this girl crazy? She was trying to screw him over!    


The reason why Yang Fann said that Wei Xiaorou tricked her father was because she wanted to swindle her father, Wei Changqing, and also because she wanted to swindle him.    


Yang Fann believed that with Wei Changqing's usual personality, if it wasn't because he couldn't reject his old leader, he wouldn't force Wei Xiaorou to marry his old leader's grandson.    


Besides, if Wei Xiaorou forced him to marry her, he would definitely not screw the driver over. Even with his butt, he knew that an old leader that didn't even dare to go against Wei Changqing, if he wanted to snatch a woman that his grandson fancied, it would be seeking death.    


"Girl, can I ask what the position of your old man's boss is, and what the position of his grandson is?"    


Yang Fann never thought of himself as a good person. It's true that he loved to meddle in other people's business, but not everyone could meddle in other people's business. For an outsider like him to blindly meddle in a family's business, he was definitely bored to death.    


"I don't know the specifics either. It's just that my dad is very respectful to that old leader. That grandson seems to be some colonel. I didn't get the specifics."    


Wei Xiaorou was too busy trying to refuse the marriage that she didn't even have time to ask about the background of the other party. Wei Xiaorou was too busy trying to reject the marriage that she didn't even have time to ask about the background of the other party.    


"So it's like that …" It seemed like that grandson wasn't some idiot. Besides, if he was really Wei Xiaorou's boyfriend, there was still a reason for him to talk to Wei Changqing, but he wasn't Wei Xiaorou's boyfriend, so he didn't want to marry her in the future. What right did he have to care about Wei Family?    


After all, he couldn't just find Wei Changqing and tell him that his daughter wanted to kill herself in order to escape the marriage, and even force him to marry her, right?    


That way, not only would it not solve the problem, but Wei Changqing would even treat him as a toad with the intention of killing his daughter.    


However, Yang Fann couldn't bear watching her marry someone he didn't even like. After all, Wei Xiaorou was a kind-hearted, righteous girl who had helped him many times. Yang Fann felt that he would feel guilty if she didn't do something stupid.    


"How about this, you call that grandson right now and ask him why he wants to force you to get married. If possible, reject him on the phone. If that guy doesn't agree, then ask him to come here. I'll meet that grandson first."    


"Great, I know you are a good person, if you can persuade that grandson to not force me to marry, I won't force you to marry me, if not, I will show him the Rainbow Rose you gave me, it will anger him to death!"    


Yang Fann was speechless. He felt that it was a mistake for him to know Wei Xiaorou. What do you mean, I know you're a good person?    


Also, who said that with her low IQ, Wei Xiaorou already started to scheme against him when she told him to send her the Rainbow Rose. If he didn't want to deal with her, she would take out the Rainbow Rose and ask him to have a fierce battle.    


What a sinister woman!    


"Girl, have you been transported to another world? Why do I feel like you are no longer the same you? "    


Yang Fann walked in circles around Wei Xiaorou. He wanted to see if Wei Xiaorou was still the same Wei Xiaorou from before.    


"You're looking for a call with the surname Yang right? Stay away from me, I'm going to call that grandson!"    


Wei Xiaorou was proud of herself. She felt proud to be able to make Yang Fann fail. Ever since she met Yang Fann, her impression of him was always at a disadvantage.    


As for how Wei Xiaorou would call that grandson, that was Wei Xiaorou's problem. If she couldn't even make an appointment with that grandson, then Wu Tie would decide to ignore this matter and rush to Wei Xiaorou's house to force Wei Changqing to not let Wei Xiaorou marry, there was no reason to stop it!    


Wei Xiaorou didn't let Yang Fann down, but she also made Yang Fann laugh and cry, because she called that grandson to tell him that if her boyfriend wanted to duel with him, then if he had the guts, then he would come up and fight her boyfriend one on one. If he didn't have balls, then he would never mention getting married to her again.    


Wei Xiaorou didn't want Yang Fann to hear the contents of the call, but Yang Fann's hearing was too abnormal. Even though he was quite far away, he heard every word clearly. It seemed like the little girl really wanted him dead.    


After Wei Xiaorou made the call, she also got into the driver's seat of the Ford Raptor. She then looked at Yang Fann proudly: "How about it, you won't admit your wrongs in a while right? If that grandson wants to fight with you, do you dare to do it with him?"    


"I do dare, but I don't have the motivation. Why don't you give me some motivation first?"    




"Let me kiss you first. Let me enjoy myself first."    


"You scoundrel!"    


Time passed second by second as Yang Fann and Wei Xiaorou chatted idly. After an unknown amount of time, the sound of a car's engine interrupted their conversation. Someone had arrived.    


"Come, hug me, hug me!"    


Wei Xiaorou lost her composure as soon as she heard the sound of the car engine. She crawled into Yang Fann's embrace with all her might. Yang Fann had to hug her tightly, as if she was very scared.    


"It can't be. Little girl, when did you become so timid? Could it be that the grandson struck out the shadow in your heart?"    


At this moment, Yang Fann felt that Wei Xiaorou was a bit pitiful and unconsciously hugged her tighter. However, no matter how sharp Yang Fann's observation skills were, he could not see the fleeting craftiness in Wei Xiaorou's eyes.    


"Bastard!" You dog and dog, hurry up and get the hell down! "    


Before the car could stop, a burly man jumped off. Yang Fann leaned against the car. This guy didn't come alone, there were two people in the car. It was obvious that they could fight. It seemed this grandson wasn't as reckless as he looked on the surface!    


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