Take Along A Spring



Yang Fann would rather fight with someone than go shopping with a woman. Beautiful women couldn't do it either. It was too tiring, and it was a waste of time.    


It turned out that when he was dating Lee Qian, Yang Fann still felt it was a kind of happiness to go shopping with his beloved woman. However, ever since he broke up with Lee Qian, Yang Fann realized that it was best not to accept if he didn't have enough pocket money to keep him company.    


Even if it was a purse or a drum, one had to consider whether they had enough stamina and time. A 'successful' person like Yang Fann, who was worth hundreds of thousands per minute, could buy a luxury specialty store while shopping with a woman.    


Yang Fann spent a total of three hours shopping with Bai Mei this time, and three hours in the Space of Jade Pendant was more than a day. With this day and more time, who knows how many Rainbow Roses Yang Fann could plant in the Space of Jade Pendant, when these Rainbow Roses grow up, would earn more than just a luxury shop?    


But then again, people aren't machines. They can't always work, they can make money, and they have to enjoy it. This is a perfect life, and it's not going to happen.    


Of course, it didn't matter if the person had lost their money or was still alive, it was a very painful thing to do. In order to avoid leaving any regrets in his life, even though Yang Fann couldn't wait to go shopping with a woman, he still reluctantly came over.    


"Hello ladies and gentlemen, may I trouble you for a moment?"    


Yang Fann was carrying a big bag and following behind Bai Mei with a bored expression on his face, when a man and a woman suddenly stopped them.    


"What's the matter?" Bai Mei had no airs of being a billionaire and was very polite to the two youths, a man and a woman.    


"We are the executive director of Yanjing and Arts Group, and judging from your temperament and looks, the two of you are not bad. I would like to ask, are you interested in entering the entertainment circle?"    


The two youngsters, a man and a woman, were not bad. The man was handsome and the woman was sweet, giving off a sense of familiarity. Moreover, his temperament was extraordinary. He was clearly not an ordinary person.    


"Yanjing and Arts Group?" Bai Mei shook her head slightly. "I'm sorry. We're not interested. I'm sorry."    


"Don't, Mei, listen to their plans first. They couldn't have met a swindler, right?" Yang Fann was very idle. When he saw that something was up, he immediately became energetic and took the initiative to chat with the two young men.    


"Sir, you need to be careful when you speak, this is our work permit, we are not some swindler. We are the Yanjing Arts Group, formal state owned units, and we are responsible for creating high quality, phenomenal literature and art works. Our business scope involves novels, anime, songs, games, movies, TV dramas and other aspects, so we have a certain reputation both at home and abroad!"    


Yang Fann took their work pass and looked over it for a long time. He really couldn't tell if it was fake or fake. He didn't lack any seals or numbers, he even had some steel seals and they were very exquisite.    


The key was that Yang Fann had never seen any real work certificate of Yanjing and Arts Group, so he couldn't tell if it was real or fake.    


"Then why did you find us …"    


"I see that you two have a very good image and temperament. I want to find you two for filming, but our Yanjing and Arts Group is currently building a 120 million dollar movie. If you are willing, you can come back with us for the audition."    


"An audition? Do you want money? " Yang Fann seemed to be moved, but he also seemed to have some concerns.    


"Sir, you are so funny. With the shopping bags in your hands, do you still care about the cost of the audition?"    


"Hehe, hehe, that's true, big brother isn't lacking in money, that's fine then, where do you want to go for the audition, do you have to go to the Yanjing? I've been rather busy lately, can't I leave?"    


"It doesn't matter if you can't leave. In order to make it easier to view the scene in Jiangnan, we're preparing to transport the equipment here. When that happens, you just need to audition in Jiangnan."    


"Sure, then I'll be lucky. I'll definitely be there when the time comes!"    


"That's great, I can tell that you guys love art very much. Don't worry, with us two professional directors guiding you, you two will be very popular in the future!"    


Yang Fann looked at his phone, "Okay, I have an important meeting later. Let's end it here today. I'll leave after the equipment has been shipped and come find me!"    


After saying that, Yang Fann didn't wait for the two youths to say anything and dragged Bai Mei away. Damn it, he finally found a reason not to go shopping. It wasn't easy!    


"Sir, sir, please wait. We have not signed the contract yet!"    


The two youngsters had pretty nimble legs. Bai Mei, who was wearing high heels and couldn't walk fast, was soon caught up by them.    


"Ah?" "We still need to sign the contract, didn't we still not audition? We should have signed the contract after the audition, right?"    


"It's not a shooting contract, it's a training contract. We need to conduct a certain amount of training for both of you in advance. This fee will be paid first and will be refunded after the audition."    


"Ah?" "What if we don't get it, and the money goes to waste?"    


"No, this is a deposit, a total of only twenty thousand yuan. If you two don't choose, we will give you nineteen thousand eight hundred yuan as a refund for your makeup fee." If you choose, not only will you receive the deposit of twenty thousand yuan, you will also receive a contract fee of ten thousand yuan each. "    


"Is that so? Alright then, it's a pity that I didn't bring a pen. Wait a moment, I'll borrow one."    


Saying that, Yang Fann casually waved at the two patrolling police officers.    


"What for?" Since the Walking Street was a high-rise area, the Jiangnan City police had specially arranged for police officers to patrol it. When the two police saw Yang Fann waving at them, they immediately stopped.    


"Comrade Police, these two are from Yanjing Arts Group, they said that we have the potential to become celebrities and wanted to invite us to the audition, saying that we only need to pay the deposit of 20,000 yuan, and now we have to sign the contract, but I don't have a pen, and want to borrow a pen from you two, is that alright?"    




The two policemen were confused. How could something not be right? Some of them wanted the police to help them catch the thieves, some of them wanted the police to help them catch Xiao San and some of them wanted the police to help them find the dogs and cats. How come they had never heard of anyone asking the police to sign a contract?    


"Eh? No, wait a moment! "    


A policeman was about to take out his pen, but another policeman reached out his hand and stopped him. The policeman turned to Yang Fann and asked: "What did you say just now, they wanted you to audition for a celebrity and wanted to charge you 20,000 yuan in deposit?"    


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