Take Along A Spring



Yang Sanmao's consideration was very comprehensive, so Yang Fann had no choice but to guard against some forces who deliberately created food poisoning, and then openly entered Jade Spring Mountain Villa in the name of investigation.    


Thus, Yang Fann decided to hurry to Songyuan City that night. Firstly, to visit those people who had food poisoning, secondly, to investigate the true reason behind these people's food poisoning, and thirdly, to find out if there were any forces behind this.    


"Alright, it's decided then. You three can rest. I'll drive over myself." Yang Fann was worried that things might get out of hand and he prepared to leave right now. Yang Sanmao was going to go, so he could leave with Yang Fann at Poplar Gully s. However, Yang Fann did not agree, since Jade Spring Mountain Villa s had just encountered Young Master Qin's situation, Yang Sanmao was needed to stay behind to guard.    


As for Luo Zhiyuan and Lin Xiaoling, they were both at the Jiangnan City. If they were to go, Yang Fann would have to pick them up at the Jiangnan City, which would waste a lot of time.    


However, just as the video conference ended, Lin Xiaoling called Yang Fann: "Yang Fann, I also want to go. You don't need to pick me up, I'll drive directly from Jiangnan and meet up at Matsumoto."    


"I alone am enough. It's a big holiday and the sky is dark. Xiaoling, you should rest at home." Yang Fann no longer had the mood to joke around with Lin Xiaoling. If a girl drove for a few hundred miles in the middle of the night, Yang Fann was afraid that she might be in danger.    


"Don't worry, I'm the general manager of Jade Spring Mountain Villa, if something like this happens, I must stick out for myself. Besides, I'm a woman, there are some words that are easier to say than a man like you.    


As the boss of Jade Spring Mountain Villa, Yang Fann wasn't able to say some things casually. If Lin Xiaoling was in the middle to cushion the situation, there was a possibility for them to negotiate.    


"How about this, you wait at home, I'll drive to pick you up. I'm really worried about you driving alone to catch the night." Yang Fann would rather spend more time than let anything happen to Lin Xiaoling. If something happened to Lin Xiaoling when she was driving the night car, Yang Fann would cry to death.    


Although Yang Fann didn't think that he was a good person, he didn't want others to get into trouble because of him. If anything happened to Lin Xiaoling, he would have a guilty conscience for the rest of his life.    


Ever since he was young and lost Little Cousin, Yang Fann had always lived his life in self-blame. Even after activating his Space of Jade Pendant, his own ability had become so strong that it was almost abnormal, and Yang Fann could not get over the mistakes he made that year.    


"Okay, give me a call when you get downstairs." Lin Xiaoling hung up the phone after she finished speaking. Although she was worried about the food poisoning in her Songyuan City, her heart was still filled with sweetness.    


It was a good feeling to be cared for, especially by Yang Fann. It was a wonderful feeling, and it warmed her heart. Even if they had to travel through the night for a long time, Lin Xiaoling would not feel disgusted.    


"Xiaoling, why are you packing up for the holiday? Are you going on a business trip tomorrow?"    


Lin Xiaoling's father, Mom, was watching the Spring Festival Gala. When he saw his daughter entering the room to watch videos and pack her luggage, he didn't accompany them to the gala as usual, so he came in to ask her about the situation.    


"Yes, we are going on a business trip, but it's not tomorrow. We will be leaving soon." As Lin Xiaoling packed her luggage, she shot an apologetic smile at Mom. It seemed that she wouldn't be able to spend the Lantern Festival with her father this year.    


"What?" Where are we going? Why are we in such a hurry? Your boss is really terrible, he's really a typical capitalist! "    


As parents, how could they not feel sorry for their children, especially their daughters. Since childhood, they had to worry a lot for fear of her being taken advantage of. Seeing Lin Xiaoling travel late in the evening, they were filled with resentment towards her boss whom they had never met.    


"There's no other way. The company has some urgent matters to attend to outside of the country. As the general manager, I have to go!" Lin Xiaoling often travelled, and she was experienced in packing. As she spoke, she packed and accompanied Mom out of the room. She prepared to watch TV with her parents for a while longer.    


"Why don't you let your boss go and let you work by yourself? She's a girl, yet you're hurrying through the night. How could your boss be so ungrateful!"    


Lin Xiaoling's Mom spoke in whispers. She truly cared for her daughter, and it was the same for everyone else. The person who cared about her the most would always be her parents.    


"Boss is going too. He'll pick me up soon. I'll go with him in his car. Don't worry." Lin Xiaoling couldn't help but smile when she thought of Yang Fann's concern for her.    


"Ah?" Your boss is also going, and he's going to pick you up and drive with you, so you don't have to worry. This time, I'm even more worried.    


Lin Xiaoling's Mom immediately lost her composure. Her daughter was not married yet. It would be strange if she could be at ease on a business trip with a male boss in the middle of the night!    


He didn't need to be in danger at all. It was already very dangerous, alright!    


Although Lin Xiaoling's Mom was a simple and honest girl, she still knew about some of the modern world's phenomena, such as the unspoken rules of the workplace, the boss and the secretary, all sorts of stories, even the mainstream TV dramas played all these everyday, it was hard to not know!    


"Then... Then who else is going? " Lin Xiaoling's Mom asked with a glimmer of hope, hoping that the others would follow along.    


"No, just me and the boss can go to Songyuan City. It won't be far, we'll be there in a few hours by car."    


Lin Xiaoling said it casually, but Mom was frightened by what she heard. "My daughter, can we tell your boss to take a leave of absence and spend the holidays at home? Can we not go this time?"    


"Ah?" Why? "I'm the general manager of the company. Can I not go if there's something I need to do?"    


It wasn't that Lin Xiaoling's IQ was low, it was just that she really never thought about it. What Yang Fann would do something to her on the way? Lin Xiaoling never thought it would happen from the start. If Yang Fann was like that, she would have been Yang Fann's person a long time ago.    


Not only did Lin Xiaoling and Yang Fann feel no sense of crisis when they were together, but also girls like Bai Mei, Jin Cuier, Minako and Sofia. When they were alone with Yang Fann, it seemed that they never considered Yang Fann's unreasonable request.    


To the girls around Yang Fann, Yang Fann was like a harmless monk in the Tang Dynasty. Don't mention having any presumptuous thoughts towards them, it's good that they don't have any presumptuous thoughts towards Yang Fann, the monk!    


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