Take Along A Spring



"Yang Fann, why don't you hide for a while. I need some time, so try not to get into a direct conflict with the police. Wait for my reply, okay?"    


Bing Feng rarely talked to people in this tone of agreement. Even if it was her superior leaders, they rarely made Bing Feng lower her head and give in. Yang Fann was the only one who could make Bing Feng have this attitude.    


"Alright, then I'll stop fighting for Bing Bing's sake, but my patience is limited. You'd better be quick about it. Also, if anyone dares to touch my family, you'll know the consequences."    


To be honest, if he wasn't worried about his family, how could Yang Fann endure like this? He would have already cut that bastard Young Master Qin into pieces, using the power of his family members to bully so many honest people. Before Yang Fann activated his Space of Jade Pendant, he already dared to say no to Yang Fann.    


"Fine, one day. Wait for me for one day. I will give you an explanation within one day."    


"Two hours, I will only give you two hours. As time passes, I will worry about the safety of my family. If there is no news from your place within two hours, I will handle it according to my own method."    


What a joke! One day, how could Yang Fann have the ability. Even if he had, he wouldn't be as patient as Yang Fann.    


Since Yang Fann had already chosen to use Bing Feng to inform the relevant authorities, he absolutely could not submit. If he really had no other choice, he could only do it!    


"Alright, let's wait for two hours then."    


Of course, the reason Bing Feng could become the trump card was not because of her womanly nature.    


However, with Bing Feng's personality, of course she wouldn't look for those speculators in the department. Although Bing Feng was just a small secret service agent and didn't have any power, it was not the case at all. Her department was of a very high rank and could directly report to the higher ups.    


If an analogy was needed, Bing Feng's department was similar to that of the Embroidered Uniform Guard during the Ming Dynasty. However, the main duties of the Embroidered Uniform Guard were internal and external while Bing Feng's department was external and external.    


Of course, it could also be due to the differences in the times. The Ming Dynasty had very little business outside the country, and the status that social diplomacy occupied at the national level was far from that of the Ming Dynasty. Departmental adjustments were inevitable.    


Yang Fann didn't know much about Bing Feng's department, so it could be said that he didn't know much about her, but that didn't stop him from knowing that Bing Feng's authority shouldn't be as simple as it seemed. However, it still depended on Bing Feng's superior leadership's intentions.    


"Yang Fann, how are you right now? We're almost there, are you hiding?"    


Just as Yang Fann ended the call with Bing Feng, Wei Xiaorou called. On the phone, Wei Xiaorou told Yang Fann that she couldn't hold on any longer and that if she kept stalling for time, the superiors would change people to capture Yang Fann. In order to take the initiative, Wei Xiaorou didn't ask the superiors to replace people, but chose to continue the task.    


"I'm fine, but you have to be careful to protect my family. Don't let that Qin guy hurt them."    


Yang Fann was very grateful to Wei Xiaorou in his heart. If Wei Xiaorou didn't call him at the risk of being punished, perhaps he would have been shouldered by the police who came to arrest him.    


In that case, he would have no way back. He would either continue to fight the police until the end or give in.    


Sigh, it's the hardest thing to accept a beauty's favor!    


Yang Fann hung up the phone and sighed for a second while looking at the sky. Then, he waved his hand and told Black Bear and Xue'er to start hunting, they couldn't go into the mountain for nothing. Black Bear and Xue'er still needed to train a lot, their physical qualities far exceeded Sixth Grandpa's Black Tiger and Leopard.    


What was the most important thing in the mountain? Not a ferocious beast, not a venomous snake, but a variety of unknown insects.    


The mosquitoes, gnats, ants and other non-toxic insects were not too bad. Even if they bit one of them, it would only make them uncomfortable for a long time and cause no loss of life. However, poisonous insects like scorpions, centipedes and other poisonous insects were not enough.    


Even with Yang Fann's current abnormal physique, he didn't dare to let the poisonous bugs bite him. Fortunately, it was winter in Jiangnan, so there were very few poisonous bugs active in the winter. As long as he was careful, Yang Fann should be safe.    


Black Bear and Xue'er went around the mountain and caught two rabbits and two pheasants. According to Yang Fann, the chickens were still alive and the rabbits had been bitten to death.    


After keeping the pheasants for the Space of Jade Pendant, the wild rabbits were peeled clean. If they were not solved by night, the two wild rabbits would be the main dinner dishes of Yang Fann and the two Mountain-guarding Dog.    


Black Bear and Xue'er drooled when they saw Yang Fann peeling the hare. How long had it been since they last had a hare that Yang Fann roasted personally? That kind of delicacy made people, no, make dogs unable to move. If they could talk, they would have begged Yang Fann to roast the hare for them.    


Just as Yang Fann was cleaning up the rabbits, Young Master Qin, Wei Xiaorou and the others had already reached the Poplar Gully.    


Actually, they should have arrived a long time ago. It was just a dispute along the way, but Wei Xiaorou refused to go with Young Master Qin to Poplar Gully to arrest people no matter what.    


Young Master Qin couldn't beat Wei Xiaorou, so he had no choice but to call Wei Xiaorou's superior. Wei Xiaorou's superior became angry upon hearing this, but Wei Xiaorou dared to disobey his command and immediately prepared to stop her job and switch to a task.    


However, even though this leader was Detachment Leader, he couldn't just dismiss Wei Xiaorou from her position as Squadron Leader.    


Therefore, Detachment Leader quickly went to the police chief and said that Wei Xiaorou wouldn't listen to his orders, so he suggested that Wei Xiaorou should be suspended from her duties immediately.    


But, but, but, but, the director simply did not pay attention to him, did not say anything to his suggestion, let him go back first, said to study carefully.    


What else was there to study? According to the rules, anyone who disobeyed Wei Xiaorou's orders must not be forgiven. Otherwise, the leader would not even have any prestige to speak of!    


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