Take Along A Spring



Detachment Leader didn't know about Wei Xiaorou, but the bureau chief knew clearly that Wei Xiaorou was someone they could just pull out as they pleased. Not to mention Detachment Leader, even he himself couldn't just take Wei Xiaorou down for no reason.    


However, it was inconvenient for the bureau chief to reveal Wei Xiaorou's identity. The father and daughter pair didn't want too many people to know her identity, so why did he have to be so nosy?    


In his heart, he scolded the bureau chief ten thousand times. That shameless old fart, wasn't it because of that girl's looks? I was wondering why no one dared to touch her, so it turns out that you, an old pervert, have taken a fancy to her!    


This Detachment Leader was not the same Detachment Leader from before. He descended from the sky and had some relationship with Young Master Qin's father. Otherwise, why would he be so determined to work for Young Master Qin?    


If it was the old Detachment Leader, he definitely wouldn't have thought of dismissing Wei Xiaorou because he knew that Wei Xiaorou was the daughter of Wei Changqing. It was just that Wei Xiaorou was unlucky.    


After Detachment Leader left, the bureau chief immediately called Wei Xiaorou, telling her to follow Detachment Leader's orders and not to make things difficult for him.    


Although Wei Xiaorou hated criminals, she was not an idiot. Since the bureau chief had already mentioned it, if she still didn't understand that Detachment Leader had made a small report about her at the bureau chief's place, her brain would not be enough.    


"Alright, please be at ease, Bureau chief. I will definitely complete the tasks assigned to me by my superiors!"    


Wei Xiaorou replied indifferently and continued hanging up for half an hour. When Detachment Leader called again to urge her on, she slowly started the police car.    


Therefore, when Wei Xiaorou and Young Master Qin arrived at Poplar Gully, they had already eaten for an hour during lunch. Young Master Qin was so hungry that his stomach was growling, while the rest of them had their chests pressed up against their chest.    


Young Master Qin and his men were hungry, while Wei Xiaorou and her men were still hungry. Therefore, Wei Xiaorou ordered, "Comrades, you've worked hard. You can't fight a battle without any confidence. Let's fill up our stomachs first and then go to work."    


Of course, Wei Xiaorou's underlings listened to her. What bullsh * t Young Master Qin, can you just treat it as a meal? The higher-ups are trying to curry favor with you, it has nothing to do with these small soldiers!    


Ignoring Young Master Qin's obstructions, Wei Xiaorou brought a bunch of her underlings to the farmhouse to have a meal. As for whether Young Master Qin and his underlings would eat or not, Wei Xiaorou did not care and did not care.    


Young Master Qin had initially said that he wouldn't eat, but when he caught Yang Fann and went back to eat, he saw Wei Xiaorou and her men eating heartily, and the hunger in his stomach became even more intense.    


However, in front of his two bodyguards, in front of this sharp-tongued military advisor, Young Master Qin's words had to be taken seriously. Otherwise, he wouldn't have any more prestige to speak of in the future, so he could only endure the overwhelming hunger in his stomach and silently vent his anger on Wei Xiaorou's group!    


Wei Xiaorou usually ate very fast, as was her habit at the police academy. But today, for some reason, after eating for half an hour, her subordinates had all finished eating. She was still slowly tasting the food, which was even more refined than a lady.    


It was so easy, Wei Xiaorou finally finished her meal. Young Master Qin felt that if she continued to eat for a while longer, he would faint from hunger. Since when did the food made by a peasant family in the mountains become so fragrant?    


"Aiya, how could I have forgotten such an important matter? Today is the Lantern Festival, and his Jade Spring Mountain Villa is not working. Where do you want me to go and arrest him?"    


Wei Xiaorou and Young Master Qin came to the Jade Spring Mountain Villa entrance. Looking at the tightly shut door, they said helplessly to Young Master Qin.    


The Lantern Festival's opening day was the thirteenth of the first month. Young Master Qin had brought some people to check that the Jade Spring Mountain Villa was the fourteenth of the first month, so it just so happened to be the fifteenth day of the first month's Lantern Festival.    


"Aren't you going to pry the door open? Do you want me to teach you such a small thing?"    


Young Master Qin was infuriated. Since when were police so civilized? Going back to work? Why did they not use violence to open the door? Wasn't it just grabbing people however they wanted?!    


As long as Wei Xiaorou brought someone and opened the Jade Spring Mountain Villa's gate, he would let his subordinates take away all the information regarding Jade Spring Mountain Villa. In any case, the one who executed the mission was Wei Xiaorou, and if there was anyone who investigated later on, it would also be Wei Xiaorou who would take responsibility. He only needed to return and comfortably enjoy the results of Jade Spring Mountain Villa.    


Yang Fann had to die, and he also had to obtain information on Jade Spring Mountain Villa. Otherwise, why would Wu Tie waste so much effort, could it be that he wanted to kill a small farmer?    


"What?" I didn't hear wrongly, right? You want us to pry open the place? We are police, you know? People's police are the people, and you want them to pry open the people's locks? Who will take responsibility for that? "    


"I'll carry it. You guys can pry it up. If anything happens, I'll carry it for you." Young Master Qin waved his hand. Since there was no evidence, it didn't matter if he just casually promised. As for who would bear the consequences, it was none of Young Master Qin's business!    


"With just you? Are you our leader? If you were our leader, I would carry out your orders without hesitation. Unfortunately, you aren't our leader, so we can't listen to you.    


This time, I shouldn't have come to Jiangnan. Not only was I bitten by a dog, I was also pissed off by a woman. You guys are all waiting for me, waiting for me to find a chance to kill you bastards!    


Wei Xiaorou wouldn't listen to him. Young Master Qin obviously had a way, which was to continue calling Wei Xiaorou's superior.    


Wei Xiaoroufei had followed her superior to demand a search warrant. If there was no search warrant, Wei Xiaorou refused to break the lock. She told Detachment Leader on the phone that it was illegal to casually destroy citizens' property without a search warrant.    


Detachment Leader was furious. He wanted to remove Wei Xiaorou from the job, but the bureau chief wouldn't agree. He wanted to kick Wei Xiaorou out of the police force, but the bureau chief wouldn't agree either.    


Therefore, Detachment Leader could only issue a search warrant and send Squadron Leader, the other person, to rush to Poplar Gully to replace Wei Xiaorou and carry out a mission.    


Wei Xiaorou, aren't you always going against me? I'll just switch people.    


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