Take Along A Spring



Yang Fann had no idea what the formation principle of Space of Jade Pendant was, nor did he know where the air in Space of Jade Pendant came from.    


Yang Fann had tried to bring the outside air into the Space of Jade Pendant, but no matter how much he brought in, the pressure in the space did not increase at all, meaning that the air … Alright, actually Yang Fann didn't know what it meant, since Space of Jade Pendant was so awesome.    


Later on, Yang Fann tried to transport the air in the Space of Jade Pendant outwards, but after working for half a day, he still could not detect any changes to the Space of Jade Pendant.    


Alright, Yang Fann still didn't know what to say. He just knew that Space of Jade Pendant was still amazing.    


Therefore, he did not intend to continue researching the theory behind Space of Jade Pendant, because he discovered that even with his meagre reserve of knowledge, he was still unable to come up with anything from his research. Rather than wasting a lot of time and energy on such a supernatural treasure as Space of Jade Pendant, he might as well just do the actual work.    


After more than an hour of testing, Yang Fann was sure that his Space of Jade Pendant could provide him with enough oxygen to breathe underwater. In other words, even without an oxygen bottle, he could still survive underwater for a long period of time.    


It was a pity that Yang Fann's body could not enter the Space of Jade Pendant. If he could even get his body into it, then living underwater for a year wouldn't be a problem.    


As long as the conditions permit, the air in the Space of Jade Pendant will not dry up. As long as the body can enter, there would be no problem even if the body had to live in the water for a lifetime!    


Yang Fann didn't understand why he could store anything less than nine tons into Space of Jade Pendant, but not his own body either. Could this be the idiotic theory of how a person, no matter how strong they were, couldn't pull himself up by his hair?    


Time passed quickly when a person was focused on his work. Yang Fann felt that it was already time to dive into the sea as soon as he started.    


Yang Fann had no choice but to return home. In order to not arouse suspicion, Yang Fann even intentionally let out a portion of the oxygen in the oxygen bottle to prevent others from discovering that it was still full.    


Before activating the Space of Jade Pendant, Yang Fann's heart wasn't as meticulous as it was before. It's not good now, if he wasn't more careful, and accidentally exposed his secret, it would bring about a fatal disaster.    


Even though there were times when doing things was useless, Yang Fann still had to be careful. Often, many secrets were caused by a tiny bit of carelessness.    


Although he spent 780 yuan in the night, Yang Fann was more happy than if he earned 780 yuan. Not only did he pick up a few unknown fish, he also succeeded in underwater experiments. From today onwards, Yang Fann would have enough time to wait for rescue even if he were to capsize in the sea or swim to a nearby beach or island.    


When he was young, Yang Fann liked to read a foreign novel called "Robinson Crusoe". Later on, many people called it "Robinson Crusoe", Yang Fann thought it was very likely that he mistyped it when it was published.    


After his grandson had drifted to the island, he had fought a difficult battle with nature and had made use of all the gifts that nature had bestowed upon him, and had lived on tenaciously for many years.    


At that time, Yang Fann felt that Lu Bin was an extraordinary person. To be able to educate his grandson into such a powerful survivor, he must be really awesome!    


Now that he thought about it, many of the wilderness survival programs were probably inspired by Lu Bin's grandson, as well as some fantasy novels. They were probably inspired by the same thing, and there were even games like famine.    


Ever since he saw "Robinson Crusoe", Yang Fann often fantasized that he could be like that grandson of Lu Bin's and live alone on a deserted island or in a remote mountain range.    


It would be best if they were green creatures other than themselves. For example, the radish, the rabbit, and the beautiful elder sister fairy. They could both be seen and eaten. How amazing!    


Unfortunately, the reason why dreams were called dreams was because they were difficult to realize. As the days passed, and Yang grew up, his fortuitous encounters never appeared. Until the day his Space of Jade Pendant was activated, Yang Fann was still poor and his f * cking days continued to go by.    


Fortunately, the heavens didn't disappoint those who cared, just like Yang Fann, who was nosy and always had good intentions. Finally, he showed his good intentions, first picking up a jade pendant, then being stimulated by his own blood, turning into a perverted guy.    


Now, Yang Fann finally had the strength to challenge Lu Bin's grandson. Even if Yang Fann drifted to the deserted island by himself, he still had the possibility to return to the bustling world. Even if he didn't encounter a boat passing by, Yang Fann still had the hope to cross the ocean alone and return to the human world!    


On the ship back to the coast, the diver was scared by Yang Fann's laughter. This guy was strange, he didn't allow anyone to accompany him when he dived, but he kept looking at him after he dived. Coach was so happy that he felt uncomfortable and seriously suspected that Yang Fann had some kind of abnormal orientation.    


The diving instructor had been through a lot of trials and hardships. He had seen a lot of things like bunny, glass, gay, and so on, and a beautiful woman had taken the initiative to invite him to bed. When he got to bed, he realized that the beautiful woman was not a beautiful woman, but a man dressed like a beautiful woman.    


At that time, the diving instructor was already stunned. She was obviously a beautiful lady, how did she become a man?    


Unfortunately, the diving instructor's mind wasn't particularly flexible. Before he could figure out the reason, that handsome beauty had already finished her battle and the diving instructor had already become an impure man!    


Since he made me an impure man, I must make him similarly impure man!    


Now, this diving coach had met someone who wanted to harm him. Should he immediately pounce on him and take revenge, or should he wait for Yang Fann to take action first before retaliating?    


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