Take Along A Spring



Yang Fann's main purpose of this trip was not to see the scenery, but to come for the legendary Clovershrub Tea's mother tree. This was the new guest that he was preparing to add to Space of Jade Pendant.    


Don't misunderstand, Yang Fann did not want to dig the Clovershrub Tea's mother tree away, that way even if he had the ability, he would probably be helpless. A national treasure is not something that he could get his hands on right now, even if he had the ability, it would not be a good idea for Yang Fann, who had always been low-key.    


Yang Fann wanted to make some of the mother tree branches of the Clovershrub Tea. He wanted to cultivate a top-grade tea tree within the Space of Jade Pendant. He believed that with a treasure like the spatial Spirit Spring, it wouldn't be difficult to cultivate a top-grade or even a super Clovershrub Tea.    


So, Yang Fann brought Minako to the Clovershrub Tea and the Water Curtain Cave. The Clovershrub Tea and the Water Curtain Cave were two different attractions, similar to the sky on Tiger Roar Rock. The two attractions were not far from each other, so it was often treated as a sightseeing spot that was being visited at the same time.    


The main tourist project of the Clovershrub Tea scenic area was the famous Nine Dragons' Nest, the mother tree of the Nine Dragons' nest. The Nine Dragons' nest was a canyon that led to Heavenly Core Rock, where the rock walls on both sides of the canyon rose continuously, shaped like nine dragons dancing together. The Clovershrub Tea tea tree on the wall was hundreds of years old, and it was now forbidden to pluck it.    


The Clovershrub Tea's mother tree looked like six trees, but strictly speaking, there were only three. The three trees were of three different breeds, namely Qi Dan, Sparrow Tongue and Big Dipper.    


The other three are asexual and breed next to the mother tree because it is easy to succeed under the same conditions as the soil and the environment.    


Now that the Clovershrub Tea's mother tree was protected, tourists were not allowed to get close to it. Even if Yang Fann had the ability to leave the body of the Spirit Body, it would still be extremely difficult for him to get his hands on the tender branches of the Clovershrub Tea's mother tree.    


However, but, but, but, why did Yang Fann have to personally break a branch, the reason why people call people, not animals, is because the human brain is smarter than the animal brain.    


Furthermore, Yang Fann's brain had undergone many upgrades to upgrade his spatial Spirit Spring. He was smart to the point that it made people jealous.    


Yang Fann let Minako sit on a bluestone to rest, and found a place that was very far away from the mother tree of Clovershrub Tea. With his vision after being transformed by the space Spirit Spring, he could only barely see the six mother trees of the Clovershrub Tea at the Nine Dragons Nest.    


The place Yang Fann chose was not a tourist spot. There were very few tourists, so he used a big tree to block the tourists' line of sight. With a thought, a handsome old eagle appeared out of thin air.    


See if Xiaoming is here, pick some of the tender branches on those tea trees. Remember, don't pick too many, just a few branches on each tree.    


Just as Yang Fann finished his sentence, old eagle Xiaoming flew into the air, drinking water from Spirit Spring and eating food from space. Xiaoming's speed far exceeded that of normal old eagle, and by the time the sharp-eyed tourists noticed it, Xiaoming had already flown hundreds of meters into the sky.    


Xiaoming's speed was very fast. With a swoosh, he swooped down and quickly passed by the top of the six mother trees on the rock wall. A dozen twigs were already caught in its sharp claws!    


If it was a normal old eagle, it would already be pretty good to be able to catch one or two branches, but was Xiaoming a normal old eagle. The answer was no, he had a flexible body, a smart mind, and a strong execution ability.    


When a few tourists exclaimed in surprise, Xiaoming had already turned into a small black dot and quickly disappeared from the back of the mountain.    


There was a guy holding a cellphone and taking a photo, he was regretting and beating his head, hating himself for not being able to do it. He did not seize the opportunity to take a picture just now, such a big old eagle, it would be so honorable if it could send a message!    


The tourists were surprised, while the Staff who looked after the Clovershrub Tea were even more surprised. It was rare for them to see a old eagle as big as the Clovershrub Tea nearing the Clovershrub Tea's mother tree, and they couldn't see clearly just now, could it be that the old eagle had swooped down to catch birds to eat?    


As for the reason why the old eagle swooped down towards the Clovershrub Tea's mother tree, it was for the sake of cutting branches. Other than Yang Fann, no one thought that it would be possible for a old eagle to steal the mother tree's branch, no one would believe it even if they said it out loud.    


What Yang Fann wanted was bullshit. This was called not following the usual route. Everything was going according to plan. Life must be so boring.    


"Alright, Minako, let's go. The temperature here is too low. Staying here for too long is not good for your health."    


After this was done, Yang Fann had no interest in browsing anymore. He was still thinking about those tender branches that Xiaoming was holding. Those were all treasures, he would feel sorry if he was missing even one branch.    


Taking Minako around a mountain ridge, Yang Fann saw Xiaoming circling in the air. Yang Fann said that he had to go to the toilet, so he avoided Minako's line of sight and walked into a small forest.    


"Minako, do you want to come over and take care of this? The scenery here is really beautiful, isn't it?"    


As Yang Fann walked deeper into the woods, he didn't forget to tease Minako.    


It was true that Minako listened to everything Yang Fann said, but she couldn't accept it if she and Yang Fann pissed on the spot. This thing was too exciting, it wasn't something an ordinary girl could play.    


Yang Fann's smile was very vulgar. The joke he had played with Minako reminded him of a story he had heard when he was young. The story went through a series of twists and turns.    


He said that in the past, there used to be a stingy old landlord who had very strict requirements towards his children.    


Once, the landowner's daughter went to the market and came back not long after. The old landowner asked her why she had come back so early.    


The landowner's daughter said that she wanted to pee when she was halfway there, but remembering the old landowner's teachings, she turned around and walked back to her house. She wanted to pee in her own fields.    


Unexpectedly, he happened to meet the second donkey egg from the next village. After finding out the reason for the return of the landowner's daughter, the second donkey egg solemnly told her that he also had a piss in his stomach. For the sake of his family, he gave it to her for the landowner's daughter to bring back.    


The landowner's daughter was delighted, and the thought of being able to contribute to the family delighted her.    


Upon hearing that, the old landowner was enraged. Even if he were to be taken advantage of, he would not know how stupid he was.    


Unexpectedly, the landowner's daughter had a strong reason, saying that she wasn't at a disadvantage. Despite the blood that Second Donkey had caused her to bleed, she also took revenge and pulled him out …    


Cough cough … Too evil. Yang Fann shook his head with all his might. It took him a lot of effort to get rid of those filthy things. It seems like brother's thinking is not healthy. It still needs improvement!    


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