Take Along A Spring



Yang Wuji was an old employee of Jade Spring Mountain Villa and was the first batch of security guards at that time. During Yang Tieliang's attempt to seize the Jade Spring Mountain Villa, he had always stood by Yang Fann's side, and did not cause any harm to the Jade Spring Mountain Villa.    


However, in front of the sugar-coated cannonball, Yang Wuji still wasn't able to withstand it. When his father, the middle-aged uncle who was driving the farmhouse music, came to him with a stack of beautiful knives, Yang Wuji finally took a decisive step in his life after a fierce ideological struggle.    


In fact, people live in this world, in fact, they make choices all the time. You have to choose what breakfast to eat, when to work, where to play after work, and whether or not to sleep on a pillow at night …    


It didn't matter if one made a small choice, but sometimes, a small choice that didn't seem like much could decide one's fate for life.    


For example, if someone chose a path home after work and a car accident happened, would he be able to avoid the car accident if he didn't choose this route or chose to wait a few minutes before returning?    


If it hadn't happened, the result would have been unpredictable. However, there were some choices that had been made that could have been predicted.    


For example, murder, theft, if one excluded that sliver of luck, the outcome of these crimes would not be hard to predict.    


Therefore, before Yang Wuji decided to be a thief, if he thought about it rationally, he could foresee the consequences of being caught.    


However, Yang Wuji still did it. The great temptation of the beautiful knife, coupled with his fluke mentality, made him blindly believe that he could not be that unlucky person. Even with so many thieves caught during this period, he still couldn't wake up.    


Originally, Ma Wensheng was not on duty tonight, but after he received Yang Fann's call, he broke out in a cold sweat in the winter. He was on guard against everything, and never thought that a family thief would appear out of nowhere in Jade Spring Mountain Villa.    


There was no need for an investigation, Ma Wensheng already knew that Yang Wuji was the culprit. Yang Fann, who rarely asked about the affairs of the villa, would never make a call himself. Without sufficient evidence, as a boss, he would never call Ma Wensheng.    


Ma Wensheng stormed into the security room near the Jade Spring Mountain Villa gate, and just as he arrived, he bumped into Yang Wuji who had returned from his patrol. Seeing that Yang Wuji was the only one patrolling, Ma Wensheng immediately knew that Yang Fann had not wrongly accused him.    


"Wuji, why are you patrolling alone? Don't you know the new rules of our villa? Who's the person working with you? Where did you go?"    


"Ma..." "Department Head Ma, the person working with me is Xingfeng. He had diarrhea, so I went to patrol by myself."    


Hearing Yang Wuji's words, Ma Wensheng turned around and entered the security room. Other than the two security guards on duty, there was also a security guard lying on a bench. His face was pale and there was even a drop of sweat on his forehead.    


"Department Head Ma, you're still up so late at night?"    


The moment Ma Wensheng entered the room, the two security guards on duty greeted him. Xing Feng, who was lying on the bench, also reluctantly smiled at him, as if he didn't even have the strength to talk anymore.    


"Xingfeng, what's wrong with you? Why aren't you going to the doctor because of your illness?"    


Xing Feng was Ma Wensheng's comrade and one of the first security personnel to become a Jade Spring Mountain Villa. From his expression, it could be seen that he was truly sick and not just pretending.    


"It's alright. I don't know what I ate to the point of breaking my stomach. I had to eat it more than ten times tonight. I don't feel bad about anything else, I'll be fine after a short rest."    


"Mm, then you should rest for a while. If you really can't do it, don't force yourself."    


Ma Wensheng told Xing Feng to rest up, then he said to Yang Wuji: "Wuji, it's a violation of the rules to patrol alone at night, but there's a reason for this. I don't blame you for that, but according to the rules, if you want to be examined, my request shouldn't be too excessive, right?"    


"No …" Not too much, Department Head Ma, you check it? "    


Yang Wuji seemed to be very nervous, not even daring to look Ma Wensheng in the eye. His actions made Ma Wensheng more convinced that there was a problem, so he just told him to take off his coat, at this time, he couldn't leave any face, even Wu Tie had to confirm it. If he, Liu Tie, couldn't find out, then what face would he have to stay in the position of Security Minister!    


Although Yang Wuji was very nervous, Ma Wensheng stood right in front of him and stared at him. With three colleagues beside him, he couldn't say anything. After all, he broke the rules by patrolling alone, so no matter how wronged he was, he had to take off his jacket.    


Ma Wensheng's decision surprised the other three security guards. They all felt that Ma Wensheng was too unreasonable, it was just a one-on-one patrol, and it wasn't Yang Wuji's fault. Yang Wuji had no choice but to patrol alone, and even though it was against the rules, he still won the people's hearts.    


It's often like this, you can't do your job well just because you work seriously. Even though Ma Wensheng is very prestigious in the security department, this public search of subordinates still caused a few security guards to be dissatisfied.    


This included Ma Wensheng's comrade-in-arms, Xing Feng. He felt that he was unable to patrol with Yang Wuji because he had diarrhea. Ma Wensheng's public search of Yang Wuji was to slap his face and not give him face.    


Therefore, Xingfeng immediately wanted to stand up for Yang Wuji and take responsibility for the matter. He wanted Ma Wensheng to charge at him if he was dissatisfied, but not Yang Wuji!    


However, before Xing Feng could say anything, Yang Wuji had already taken off his jacket. Although he looked like he was wronged, he didn't have the courage to fight against Ma Wensheng. He could only do as Ma Wensheng said, but everyone could see the humiliation in his eyes.    




Ma Wensheng had a lot of experience. When Yang Wuji took off his jacket, he did not even need to check it. He could tell that Yang Wuji did not have anything on him with just a glance.    


Could it be that Yang Fann misjudged Yang Wuji?    


Since he couldn't understand, Ma Wensheng couldn't say anymore. If he continued to drag Yang Wuji along, it wouldn't be just following the rules, but offending people while they were at death's door.    


Leaving Yang Wuji to rest, Ma Wensheng sauntered out of the security room and walked around the manor for half an hour before returning. Without saying a word, he went into the surveillance room and chased out the security guard who was in charge of monitoring.    


When Ma Wensheng was serving as a soldier, his performance in reconnaissance was outstanding. Even though he suspected Yang Fann was wrong, for safety's sake, he still decided to be more careful. If Yang Wuji was really in trouble and he didn't notice, then he would lose a lot of face!    


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