Take Along A Spring



Yang Wuji being expelled sounded ridiculous. He had only stolen a few seedlings, was there a need to be expelled?    


A farm employee stealing a few seedlings was like a restaurant chef stealing a few pieces of beef. It was not a big deal.    


However, that was only for normal farms. If Jade Spring Mountain Villa was only a farm for growing normal crops, then not to mention Yang Wuji stealing a few seedlings, even if he ate a few pounds of vegetables and fruits, it would at most be a simple punishment.    


Unfortunately, Jade Spring Mountain Villa was not an ordinary farm, and the crops that Jade Spring Mountain Villa cultivated were not ordinary crops either. The reason that Jade Spring Mountain Villa could grow to its current size in a short amount of time, and achieve its current results in the industry, was all because of the unique crops.    


Stealing the seedlings of Jade Spring Mountain Villa would cause the core technology of Jade Spring Mountain Villa to leak out, and if Jade Spring Mountain Villa lost its unique technical advantage, it would become completely useless. To go from a high-tech farm to a normal farm, it would be even worse than many ordinary farms.    


This way, Yang Wuji's ability to steal seeds was pretty bad, it was equivalent to the core code of the stealing software company. Honestly speaking, expelling him was light, if the possible loss to Jade Spring Mountain Villa was calculated, it could even be sentenced to a few years!    


The Jade Spring Mountain Villa clearly stated that anyone who stole seeds or other crops unique to the Jade Spring Mountain Villa would be expelled. If necessary, they would be sent to the public security organs for prosecution according to the crime of theft.    


However, Yang Wuji was an old employee of Jade Spring Mountain Villa and his father was Yang Fann's distant relative. No matter what, the company would still give him face and only fire him, they would not pursue the related legal responsibilities.    


When Yang Wuji left the Jade Spring Mountain Villa, he left while crying. It's not that he didn't know how severe the punishment of thieves were, it's just that luckily, with the addition of his greed for the beautiful knife, it caused him to lose his ability to judge normally, which led to irreparable consequences.    


After Yang Wuji's father heard about this, he went to Jade Spring Mountain Villa several times to look for Yang Fann, wanting to blame Yang Wuji himself. He said that it was all because of his greed, and he forced Yang Wuji to do it.    


Yang Wuji's expulsion not only cost him several thousand yuan a month in salary and five insurance and one gold coin, it also cost him his family's farmhouse.    


Previously, the reason Yang Wuji's family business was so good was because of Yang Wuji's relationship, many employees of Jade Spring Mountain Villa would introduce the tourists that couldn't stay in Jade Spring Mountain Villa to their family's family. But now, Yang Wuji had become the negative example of Jade Spring Mountain Villa, so if the other employees of Jade Spring Mountain Villa hated him, it wasn't too late, who would be able to introduce their family to guests?    


The employees of Jade Spring Mountain Villa were not people who had good eyesight. When they saw that Yang Wuji had been expelled, they added insult to injury. It was because they knew that Yang Wuji had harmed the collective interests, which was why they had a bad feeling about him.    


Jade Spring Mountain Villa's employees' treatment was better than any other Jiangnan local company's. Although their wages could not be compared to the wages of individual companies, there were still all kinds of benefits.    


If Yang Wuji stole the seedlings of the Jade Spring Mountain Villa, it was equivalent to smashing a big guy's rice bowl. As long as he was an employee who wanted to continue to enjoy the generous treatment in Jade Spring Mountain Villa, there was no one who didn't hate him. He would smash everyone's rice bowls, who would still treat him as a guest!    


If it was before Yang Tieliang tried to seize Jade Spring Mountain Villa, Yang Fann might have been willing to let him stay in Jade Spring Mountain Villa for the sake of Father Yang Wuji. But with the bloody lesson, if Yang Fann allowed his temper to go awry, he would be a typical retard.    


Today, Yang Wuji was able to steal the seedlings of Jade Spring Mountain Villa for the beauty's sake, and tomorrow, he was able to dig the corners of Jade Spring Mountain Villa for the beauty. For the seller, as long as there were enough benefits, there was nothing they wouldn't dare to sell.    


Don't hope for a change of heart and face, that's just wishful thinking. Even the iron bars of the dungeon can't scare so many criminals who enter the Second or Third Palace, much less criticize and educate them.    


Therefore, Yang Fann did not hesitate to reject Yang Wuji's father's pleas for help. Even if his parents begged him for help, it would be no use. Don't think that begging Yang Fann's parents would solve the problem.    


Yang Fann had even warned Yang Xiangdong and Zhong Runjuan to not interfere in Jade Spring Mountain Villa matters. There was the general manager, and there was also Office Director.    


They could not forget how Yang Tieliang and the villagers forced Yang Fann to hand over the Jade Spring Mountain Villa back then. With the previous example, Yang Xiangdong and Zhong Runjuan obviously knew what they should do, and since they had no other choice but to fulfill their duty, they should not even think about dying for the sake of Yang Wuji and their son.    


The effect of Yang Wuji being expelled into Jade Spring Mountain Villa was still far from over. Some of the guys who were originally restless immediately stopped. Although the money that someone secretly gave them was tempting, it was nothing compared to the generous treatment they received in Jade Spring Mountain Villa.    


Everyone knew very well that the reason why they dared to accept the money was because the cost of the punishment was too low.    


Judging from Yang Wuji's case, it seems like it's not like that at all. Even an old employee like Yang Wuji was fired, not to mention the newbies like them.    


In an instant, the repressed atmosphere in the Jade Spring Mountain Villa disappeared, as if a dark cloud had been pushed away by some kind of power. The messy thoughts that were running through the minds of many employees were completely gone, and they no longer had to worry about selling out their Jade Spring Mountain Villa, allowing them to brighten up as they realized that simplicity was also a type of happiness!    


The Jade Spring Mountain Villa employees were at a loss. Those who had ideas on Jade Spring Mountain Villa were even more confused, they did not understand, why did it take so much effort to find acquaintances, build relationships, give money as gifts, wasn't it just to get the technical information on Jade Spring Mountain Villa, or just a few seeds? How was it so difficult?    


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