Take Along A Spring



Yang Fann was prepared to observe for a while before deciding to treat Minako to see if she was worth it or not and if he could expose his secret after he cured her.    


Therefore, Yang Fann told a white lie to Minako, who was suffering from an illness. He said that regardless of whether Minako was sick or healthy, he would love Minako and would definitely not despise her because of her illness.    


For a girl who was sick, it was a time of great affection. A little care from others could make her extremely moved, not to mention Yang Fann's promise that he would swear an oath to her.    


Minako was immediately moved to tears. If she did not feel that her body was not good enough for Yang Fann, she would have died on the spot!    


No matter how much of a beast Yang Fann was, he couldn't do anything to a sick girl. He just wanted to see Minako's reaction, if Minako was willing to give up her job for him or even return to China to treat him, Yang Fann would find an opportunity to treat her.    


If Minako didn't believe Yang Fann, or if Yang Fann couldn't give up everything for Yang Fann, Yang Fann wouldn't risk it. Since Minako would separate from Yang Fann for something, she might tell Yang Fann's secret for something in the future.    


Of course, even if Yang Fann treated Minako, he would still think of ways to keep the secret of the spatial Spirit Spring from her. However, there was no fire in the paper, and if he met someone who did, Yang Fann would still be in trouble!    


"Minako, are you willing to stay in Hua Xia to accompany Yang Fann? "I believe that there is no illness that cannot be cured in this world. As long as the two of us sincerely pray to heaven, I believe that God will be moved and your illness will recover."    


Yang Fann had thought that Minako would think it over before answering, but Minako had agreed immediately. "Lord Yang Fann, I'm going to report my resignation now and stay with you for the rest of the day, so long as you don't mind Minako, then all the rest of Minako's life is Lord Yang Fann's!"    


Aiya, f * ck, Yang Fann felt that he couldn't take it anymore. Gentle is the Hero Tomb. If he continued to grumble with Minako, he would definitely be melted by her gentleness!    


Minako wasn't just spouting nonsense. On the same day she finished speaking, she submitted her resignation report to the company. In view of her family's influence within Yamamoto Society, the company quickly approved it.    


As for Yamamoto, he was not yet qualified to oppose it. Minako was his assistant in name, but in fact, her position in the company was even higher than his.    


Minako's family had a lot of shares in Yamamoto Society, but Yamamoto Miche was at most a slightly higher level worker, how could he compare to Minako?    


This was also the reason why Yamamoto Miche didn't dare to touch Minako. If it were any other female assistant, they would have already been taken by Old Japanese. Although his power and influence were criticized by many people, it was still not good to leave this thing.    


When Minako resigned, Yang Fann felt too embarrassed to go to Jiangnan University class again. Minako is a foreign woman and would rather give up her treatment in order to leave her job just to be with you.    


So, Yang Fann led Minako to the Jiangnan University Affiliated Hospital to do a thorough examination and reconfirm her condition. He was prepared to think of a way to treat her once he completely grasped Minako's condition.    


Of course, if he didn't mind exposing his secret, Yang Fann could just let Minako drink his Space Spirit Spring. He believed that after continuously leveling up the Space Spirit Spring, it would be fine to cure Minako.    


However, Yang Fann was no different. Even Bai Mei did not know that he had a space Spirit Spring, let alone Minako who he had not known for long.    


Yang Fann was inspired by Lao Hu, and planned to use the space Spirit Spring to treat Minako in the name of traditional Chinese medicine.    


After a comprehensive examination, the patient's condition was not optimistic. A reputable expert in the country told Yang Fann that Minako's condition was already very serious. If she was treated conservatively, it was very likely that she would be unable to control the progress of the disease and it would be best if she could get a hematopoietic stem cell transplant.    


Yang Fann heard the expert's introduction of several treatments for aplastic anemia, and felt that whether it was western medicine, Chinese medicine, or the combination of traditional Chinese and western medicine, they were all not safe, because doctors could not promise to cure you 100%.    


"Let's go, Minako. Follow me back to Poplar Gully. Our beautiful scenery there is beneficial to your condition." I will find some old Chinese medicine from the people for you to see. I believe that our Chinese medical techniques will definitely create a miracle! "    


While Yang Fann was encouraging Minako to follow him home, he did not forget to raise the level of traditional Chinese medicine because he was going to treat Minako in the name of traditional Chinese medicine. If he did not raise the level of influence of traditional Chinese medicine, how could he cover up the effects of the space Spirit Spring?    


Minako was very obedient. Since she had already decided to follow Yang Fann, then Yang Fann would do whatever he said. Even if Yang Fann wanted her to live in a rented house in Urban Village, Minako would agree without hesitation.    


This was the traditional virtue that Japanese learned from the Chinese in ancient times.    


Minako was very sensible. As expected of someone who had received a traditional education since she was young, when she heard that she was going to Yang Fann's house, she didn't care about her health. She walked the whole day and meticulously prepared gifts for Yang Fann's parents.    


When Yang Fann and Minako appeared at Poplar Gully, it immediately shocked all of the Jade Spring Mountain Villa employees to the core.    


"Our boss is too awesome, bringing another super beauty along, it's really amazing!"    


"Tsk, none of you men are good stuff. Even Boss Yang has been corrupted by it. Truly a change of heart!"    


"What Boss Yang has been corrupted? Is Boss Yang a bad student? Is he a true hero?"    


"Forget it, you're still going to be a hero. I think that's …" "Shh, don't let the boss hear that. Pay up carefully!"    


Yang Fann's hearing was very sharp. He didn't need to listen at all. None of the guys that were talking about him ran away, so he heard them clearly.    


Yang Fann couldn't help but roll his eyes. Bro, this is for the treatment of patients, don't you understand that saving the dying and helping the wounded is better? How is it related to being fickle? Your thoughts are too despicable, don't you know?    


After all, Yang Fann was the boss, and no one dared to denounce him openly. At least, he was still alright with face.    


However, there was one person inside the Jade Spring Mountain Villa that Yang Fann could not figure out. She was the General Manager, Lin Xiaoling, and upon hearing her subordinate report that Boss Yang had brought a super beauty back, Lin Xiaoling's head grew three times bigger.    


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