Take Along A Spring



Upon entering the Jade Spring Mountain Villa, Minako felt her body feel much better. Some patients were very sensitive to the changes in their own bodies, but Minako was currently in the midst of a love affair with an idiot, and did not connect the changes in her body with the Jade Spring Mountain Villa at all. She thought it was because she was in a good mood with Yang Fann that she felt comfortable.    


"Ah, there's an eagle!"    


Two old eagle s swooped down from the sky at lightning speed, frightening Minako so much that she cried out in alarm. She couldn't tell what the old eagle and the eagle were, and mistook Xiaoming and Xiaohong who were pouncing towards Yang Fann for the eagle's attack.    


"Hehe, Minako, don't be afraid. They are my pets. One is called Xiaoming, and the other is called Xiaohong." Even though they seem very fierce, they are actually very obedient. If you don't believe me, just look. "    


Before Yang Fann finished his sentence, Xiaoming and Xiaohong had already dived down. Just as they were about to collide with Yang Fann, the two old eagle suddenly made a turn in the air and landed on each of Yang Fann's shoulders. They even intimately rubbed their heads against Yang Fann's hair.    


Yang Fann lightly patted Xiaoming and Xiaohong respectively. He said to Minako, who was so scared that her face turned pale, "Look, they're so obedient. If you don't believe me, feel them. Very obedient."    


Xiaoming and Xiaohong were both unruly air hegemons who were unwilling to let anyone touch them, whether it was because they were close to Yang Fann or because he had trained them for a long time. Seeing that Minako was eager to try and reach out and touch their heads, she immediately raised her head and chirped a warning!    


"Hmm?" Yang Fann flew into a rage, "Do you two want to rebel? I told you guys to obediently not listen, did you want me to lock you up again? "    


The two old eagle were very smart. They immediately remembered the miserable days when Yang Fann mercilessly plucked all of their feathers and tied them to Space of Jade Pendant. They were so scared that they didn't dare to move, allowing Minako's white hands to caress them.    


Minako once again verified that the IQ of a woman in love was negative. Yang Fann was not afraid at all when she touched him with such two ferocious old eagle, as if the one who turned pale just now was someone else.    


Minako had not only petted the two old eagle, but she had also asked Yang Fann to take a picture with her and the two old eagle. No matter how unwilling Xiaoming and Xiaohong were, they had to follow Yang Fann's instructions and stand on Minako's shoulders, respectively, for Yang Fann to take pictures of them.    


It took nearly ten minutes before the two old eagle were freed. When they flew away in a panic, Yang Fann only gave them an empty promise and promised to eat something good for them later.    


The two old eagle wanted to cry but had no tears. Although we are not human, but our status can't be that low, any random girl would mess with us, after doing all that you can do, are you even going to talk about carving rights?    


Yang Fann didn't care how upset the two beasts were. Seeing Minako's happiness made him feel very comfortable. A sensible girl like Minako, as long as she was fit, Yang Fann would never have to worry about not enjoying life.    


Just as the two old eagle left, the two Mountain-guarding Dog s, Black Bear and Xue'er, arrived one after the other. Just now, they were staring at the two groups of s, and even though they had already heard the engine of Yang Fann, they were unable to leave.    


During this period, the Jade Spring Mountain Villa was not very peaceful, so the two Mountain-guarding Dog were very busy. As long as a visiting group entered the Jade Spring Mountain Villa, they would constantly monitor the entire area, in case someone stole the crops on the ground.    


Not only were the two Mountain-guarding Dog busy, even the two old eagle, as well as the security guards and the tour guide, all of them were on high alert to prevent any miscreants!    


Within the short span of half a month, several incidents of crop theft had occurred in the Jade Spring Mountain Villa. Some people dug up the seeds that had just been sown, some dug up the seedlings that had just grown teeth, and some people even tried to steal some of the vegetable and melon fruits that they were preparing to grow.    


Although under the efforts of two Mountain-guarding Dog s, two old eagle s, and the entire staff of Jade Spring Mountain Villa, they had never succeeded in stealing it, the atmosphere of the entire Jade Spring Mountain Villa had unconsciously tensed up. Everyone knew that these seeds were the core secrets of the Jade Spring Mountain Villa, and once the seed leaked out, everyone's rice bowl would very possibly be smashed apart.    


Therefore, no one dared to lower their guard. In order to continue to enjoy the luxurious treatment in Jade Spring Mountain Villa, almost all of the employees were constantly staring with wide eyes, on guard against any suspicious personnel who came from outside!    


Yang Sanmao had reported this to Yang Fann once, but Yang Fann did not take it seriously at all. With Jade Spring Mountain Villa's famous crop, it was normal for people to think about it, and he told Yang Sanmao not to be too nervous.    


Although Yang Fann said it easily, Yang Sanmao could not ignore it. His duty was to manage the daily affairs of Jade Spring Mountain Villa and to protect the fundamental interests of Jade Spring Mountain Villa.    


Therefore, after Yang Sanmao discussed it with the security chief, Ma Wensheng, he gave a 100% monitoring of all the visiting groups. Other than the fact that every visiting group had one employee responsible for the whole process, he also arranged two Mountain-guarding Dog s and two old eagle to spy on them.    


When thieves stole the crops, they would usually only be on guard against the Jade Spring Mountain Villa employees, and ignore the two Mountain-guarding Dog s and two old eagle s. Therefore, basically all the thieves were caught by them, and the two Mountain-guarding Dog s and two old eagle s had played a great role in preventing theft.    


Of course, Yang Fann didn't know about these trivial matters. Yang Sanmao felt that there was no need to keep troubling Yang Fann with trivial matters. He had to worry about everything the boss did, so what did he need the employees under him for!    


Minako had never seen dogs as big as Black Bear and Xue'er. Fortunately, she had the experience of two old eagle s just now, so although she was shocked when she saw them, she wasn't as scared as before.    


Black Bear and Xue'er were not as stubborn as Xiaoming and Xiaohong. When Yang Fann mentioned that Minako was his friend, the two Mountain-guarding Dog s immediately acted very close to Minako. Seeing the two dogs that were as tall as their waists circling around them, Minako knew that they had no ill intentions, but she still instinctively tensed up.    


However, it was easy for a simple person to be happy. Not long after, Minako became familiar with the two Mountain-guarding Dog s. She touched Black Bear and Xue'er, feeling extremely happy.    


Black Bear and Snow also seemed to like Minako. Animals were more sensitive than humans, and they could tell who treated them sincerely and who treated them perfunctorily.    


Minako was extremely happy. Yang Fann's pets liked her, which meant that they had already accepted her. They were happier than eating lollipops since they were children!    


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