Take Along A Spring



At this moment, Wang Dong, who was regarded as scum by countless university students, was looking forward to meeting a kind-hearted person, even if it was to call an ambulance for him. Right now, he looked like a poor diver whose legs had been broken, helplessly lying on the ground wailing, his eyes eagerly waiting for a kind-hearted person to appear!    


Once upon a time, when Wang Dong ordered his lackeys to beat up the guy who dared to provoke him, that was how mighty and satisfying it was. How could he, Wang Dong, end up like this? He couldn't bear it any longer!    


Wang Dong was like the devil in the story of the fisherman and the devil, hoping that a kind person would rescue him. He swore that if someone was willing to send him to the hospital, or call an ambulance for him, he would definitely thank the other person well, and he definitely couldn't be like the devil in the story.    


Wang Dong thought evilly. He not only wanted to break the leg of the person who saved him, but he also wanted to break the leg of everyone who saw him in such a miserable state.    


As for Yang Fann, Wang Dong had already thought this through a long time ago. He wanted to pay a legendary assassin to cripple both Yang Fann's arms and legs so that he could become a walking stick that could only move his head. When the time came, he would push Yang Fann in front of Xia He and White Snow.    


Yang Fann was not a murderous demon king. He did not have the awareness to cut the grass at its roots. Even if he wanted to cut the grass at its roots, he could not kill Wang Dong so easily.    


After all, this was still an era of peace on the surface. Even a rich and powerful official couldn't kill people in broad daylight, not to mention that Police Uncle would invite him to have some tea since he opened a small farm and killed Wang Dong.    


As for whether Wang Dong would take revenge on him, he could only be prepared. Yang Fann could not kill the danger in the cradle, nor could he.    


No matter what, even if Wang Dong wanted to take revenge, Yang Fann would not be afraid as long as he did not take revenge on Yang Fann's family after his leg was healed.    


However, Yang Fann still underestimated the hostility in the hearts of the young generation, especially a second generation ancestor like Wang Dong who had never suffered a loss since he was young, what did he mean by enduring patiently, what did he mean by 'ten years of revenge is not too late', what did he believe in, what meaning was there in waiting for revenge after ten years!    


When Wang Dong's father, Wang Lengzi, heard that his son's leg was broken, he immediately flew into a rage. He swore that he would make the guy who broke his son's leg live a life worse than death, and never walk again for the rest of his life!    


Originally, Wang Lengzi knew a few ruthless characters in the underworld. For example, the Tianhao Group's chief, Zhang Hao, had a good relationship with him. Wang Lengzi had helped him settle a lot of competitors before, and he also did not lack supplies for Zhang Hao.    


Zhang Hao had the four King Kong under him. As long as the four King Kong came out, there would be no injustice in the Jiangnan Road.    


Not only was the Tianhao Group sealed off, even Zhang Hao himself had been caught in the trap. His family members did not even know where he was locked up, and it was said that it was an investigation from another place, that no one was dead, and no corpses could be seen.    


Wang Lengzi still had a way. A portion of his business was done in Lingnan, and he had a good relationship with one of Lingnan King's underlings, so every time he went to Lingnan, he would have to ask the other party for help. It shouldn't be a problem for him to take care of a countryside bumpkin.    


However, Wang Lengzi had been on the phone for two days. The other party had their phones turned off, but the uncultured but smart Wang Lengzi realized that something must have happened to the other party. Otherwise, with the other party's identity, why would the phone be off for two days straight?    


The men from Northeast were all very confident. They just needed to get a few bottles of cat piss and they would do whatever they were told. If they were given another random chance, they would even be able to kill people.    


Thus, Wang Lengzi personally went to the north and contacted the Fourth Master of Love, who was said to be trembling with each stomp of his foot.    


After treating him to a drink of the burning knife, Lord Love Four slapped his chest and guaranteed, "No need, no need, no need, as long as it's 8000, yes, you didn't hear wrongly, as long as it's 8000, I guarantee that it will satisfy Wang Lengzi's wish and cripple that brat's 4 legs!"    


Eight thousand and eight hundred thousand, for Wang Lengzi, who was a billionaire, it wasn't even a drop in the bucket. Wang Lengzi didn't hesitate to transfer nine thousand to his Master, saying that there was no need to look for it. The remaining two hundred yuan was just for travel expenses.    


He didn't know how Wang Lengzi calculated it, from the Eastern Province to the Jiangnan Province, he had only paid 200 yuan for the journey, and his generosity was comparable to Eugenie Grandet.    


However, he was definitely considerate enough to love Master Four. He didn't show any dissatisfaction and even invited Boss Wang to eat their famous Jadeflower Sour the next day. It was so touching that Wang Lengzi didn't want it.    


It was hard to refuse such kindness. The next day, Wang Lengzi was invited to his meeting. In a small restaurant that seemed ordinary, but in reality, it was even more ordinary than normal.    


At the table, Lord Four was picking at the only plate of pickled vegetables in front of him as he said to Wang Lengzi, "Boss Wang, I'm afraid that's not an easy thing to do. How about you add on a little more? The wind has been blowing recently."    


Wang Lengzi started from scratch. He could tell what was going on with just one look. Love's Fourth Master, who was shaking like a dog's ass in the entire Eastern Three Provinces, was a typical swindler!    


However, he couldn't fall out with the man because he was in his own territory. He had no choice but to play along with him, saying that he had no problem. Once he got back to the hotel, he would pay him another five thousand yuan!    


"Boss Wang, this is your fault. This brother kindly invited you to a drink. Is this how you treat your brother?" If you don't even want to pay five thousand yuan, don't tell me you're looking down on your brother? "    


Leaving aside the fact that the Fourth Master was a liar and a scammer, he was indeed quite intimidating. After drinking quite a bit, he slammed the table and glared at Ye Zichen. He truly did have that kind of power.    


Wang Lengzi Mu had a plan, so he had to transfer 5000 yuan to Love Fourth Master on the spot. He had to get over this first. Wang Lengzi didn't even care about several thousand yuan!    


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