Take Along A Spring



Bing Feng's car skills were much better than that of ordinary police officers. In addition, the car they were driving was much better than the police cars they were chasing after. They didn't have to worry about being caught up to for a while.    


At this moment, the phone connected and a thick baritone voice came out of the phone, "Bing Feng, what's the matter?"    


Yang Fann quickly put his phone close to Bing Feng's mouth. He didn't want to deal with the person behind Bing Feng at all.    


"I've already caught Lingnan King, but he used the authorities' forces to set up a checkpoint at the intersection outside the city. He has also deployed a police car to intercept me. Please give me your instructions, Leader!"    


Bing Feng briefly introduced the matter and then left the decision to the upper management. The matter was handled perfectly, making Yang Fann have a whole new level of respect for her. At the very least, Yang Fann wasn't as tactful when it came to handling matters.    


The superior leader spoke even simpler than Bing Feng. He only said three words, "I understand."    


Then, the call ended. The leader did not give any specific instructions on what to do next.    


Yang Fann twitched his mouth, feeling that it was right that he didn't join the system. With his temper, how could he endure such a weird leader, one is one, two is two, what should he do? He only said that he knew what was going on, he wasn't willing to spend all day guessing the leader's thoughts, it was boring!    


But looking at Bing Feng's expression, she doesn't seem to feel that there's anything wrong with the Leader's answer at all. On the contrary, she seems to be relieved of a heavy burden, which made Yang Fann think highly of her. As expected of someone from the system, he guessed that the Leader's thoughts are stronger than us common people.    


"Comrade Bing Feng, do you want me to help you shoot the tail behind you? If we don't hit anyone, we'll hit their tires."    


Yang Fann saw that Bing Feng wasn't as nervous as she was just now.    


"With just you? Can you shoot accurately? " Bing Feng's tone was full of suspicion and disdain towards Yang Fann, as if she didn't think Wu Tie could shoot a gun. It was good enough for Shepherd boy who came from the mountains to learn all the kung fu, but as for shooting, forget it, where could he learn it?    


Yang Fann was infuriated by Bing Feng's attitude: "Who said I couldn't hit it right? My handgun is really good. I'll shoot it right off. Try it if you don't believe me, I'll get you pregnant just once!"    


"What nonsense are you talking about? Yang Fann, are you having a fever?"    


Bing Feng couldn't understand Yang Fann's sneer. After all, she was still a virgin and she didn't have any experience in secret service. It was normal for her not to understand Yang Fann's words.    


"It's boring. I realized that I don't feel like talking to you at all. We're not even on the same channel at all. There's no way we can speak the same language!"    


Yang Fann was too embarrassed to explain to a woman what it meant to be a pistol. This thing could only be understood but not transmitted through words, especially between the sexes. Understanding it meant understanding it, and there was no way to not understand it.    


As the two of them were talking, two police cars suddenly appeared in front of them. It seemed that the police had already started intercepting them before Bing Feng's superior even had a chance to act.    


"Comrade Bing Feng, is your superior leader not doing well? It's been a few minutes already, why is there no reaction and the other party even getting more excited?"    


In the midst of Yang Fann's questioning, Bing Feng had a thrilling tail that brushed past a police car, scaring the other cars to the point that they had to move aside. Several cars were in a hurry to avoid the tail, so there was actually a scrape.    


"Oh my god, you're scaring the baby to death! Bing Feng, your driving skills are way too good. I almost bumped into you just now. Can we be a bit more gentle and not do anything dangerous?"    


Yang Fann was babbling nonstop. Bing Feng was so angry that she wanted to sew a needle to his mouth. How could he still have the heart to joke around at this time? He was really a heartless person. No wonder no woman took a fancy to him!    


Bing Feng had once investigated Yang Fann's background and knew that he had a girlfriend. However, because she felt that he was poor, she was pushed to the corner by a rich kid.    


Originally, Bing Feng was quite sympathetic towards Yang Fann. He must have been feeling terrible to be kicked away by his girlfriend who had been in love for a few years, but now it seemed that he would be the one who got kicked away. If it was her, then she would have to kick him as well.    


If she could investigate in depth, she would discover just how strong Yang Fann was right now. Forget about the billions of rich women like Bai Mei chasing after him, Lin Xiaoling, Wei Xiaorou, Jin Cuier, and Sofia, not only were they not super beauties, they were all beautiful and had guts. They were all crying as they wanted to marry Yang Fann as their wife.    


Amidst Yang Fann's rambling, more and more police cars were joining in the pursuit, because the police had already seen the situation in their cars through the high definition surveillance cameras that covered the entire street. The man and woman inside the car were exactly the same as the person who attacked Lingnan King's villa, and there was even a person lying on the back of the car.    


How dare you, dare to touch Lingnan King in Lingnan, you must be tired of living!    


Without mentioning anything else, even Lingnan King's White Way Enterprise had to pay a lot of taxes every year, which could be said to be one of the main pillars of the Lingnan. If anyone wanted to touch Lingnan King, they first had to ask the people of Lingnan whether they agreed to it or not!    


"Bing Feng, this isn't the way. I'll call the police to explain myself so that they won't misunderstand."    


If he didn't say anything now, he could explain in the future that the other party didn't know their identities, wouldn't be able to hold the other party accountable, and they might even bite back. If you can act, why don't you contact the relevant local authorities?    


Then, without waiting for Bing Feng's reply, Yang Fann picked up a phone in the car and started to make the call. This phone was probably left by the owner of the car.    


"Hey, is it 110? I'm going to inform you guys that the car you're chasing is a criminal committed by the state, and I'm telling you leaders to quickly give up on irrational behavior. If they were to let go of the criminal, he'll take full responsibility!"    


He thought the caller was a lunatic. If you caught the criminal of the country, how could the police chase you, so he didn't believe what Yang Fann said from the start. He hung up the phone without saying a word!    


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