Take Along A Spring



Under the condition that her body was still in good condition, the demoness wasn't Yang Fann's match, not to mention she was injured, she was also hit by tear gas, her vision greatly decreased. Yang Fann's physical combat was no different from a three year old child fighting a martial arts master.    


Back then, when Xia Ji and Yang Fann fought, Yang Fann's strength was far from being comparable to the current Yang Fann. He still had to learn combat experience from sparring with experts like Xia Ji.    


Right now, although there was still something worth for Yang Fann to learn from her, due to the great disparity between their abilities, even if Yang Fann was not careless, the 10 monster girls were still not Yang Fann's match.    


Thus, no matter how the witch pounced towards Yang Fann, she was just kicked back by Yang Fann. Yang Fann wouldn't be pounced on by a sissy, or else it would be impossible to see anyone.    


"Wooo, it hurts so much. Psychopath Yang, you're really going to kick me?    


She could only vaguely see Yang Fann, but she could not even see a single Armed Gunmen in her imagination. Could it be that those guys were hiding outside the house and did not come in?    


On the contrary, she was actually quite smart. Now, her judgement towards Yang Fann's betrayal was already beginning to waver, could it be that Psychopath Yang really got lucky, miraculously missing out on a bunch of Armed Gunmen s, and still managed to find them?    


"F * ck, little chicken, you're quite bold. How dare you give me such a nickname? If it wasn't for Bing Feng's face, I would have given you a good beating today." Stop talking so much and be cunning. There are still no lairs nearby for you to hide in. Hurry up and move your position, who knows, maybe after a while, that group of Armed Gunmen will return! "    


"Aiyo, Psychopath Yang, you're too ruthless. You've already hurt me, why aren't you helping me out? You're looking for death!"    


"F * ck! Little Chicken, you sissy! Why don't you stay here and cut off the line? I'm leaving!"    


Yang Fann was full of goosebumps from being seduced by her, so he carried Bing Feng over without saying a word. Wasn't he running this far to save Bing Feng? Since Bing Feng was already in his hands, there was no need to nag about being a perverted sissy like her.    


"Aiya, the one surnamed Yang, you have no conscience. If they didn't call you here, could you see Bing Feng for the last time? She was injured to such an extent, yet you threw tear gas into the cellar. Are you still a man?"    


Witch didn't hesitate, but her body didn't slow down at all. She quickly got up from the ground, called the other female secret service agent, and followed Yang Fann outside while puffing, "We still have another comrade left down there. Yang, you are in good health, can you carry him on your back?"    


"Little chick, you're in pretty good shape too. Hurry up and go. I can wait for you for two minutes."    


How could Yang Fann not know that the witch was playing with him. This was not a country with a great security situation, but a country that could fight with enemy forces at any time. No matter how meritorious the sacrifice of his comrades, it was impossible to carry his corpse back to the country.    


One had to know that Monster and the others were soldiers, not humanitarians. Warriors had to be sacrificed at any time. In order to complete the mission and preserve more of their strength, even the wounded could be abandoned if necessary, let alone a corpse.    


Don't think that these words are cruel. This is the truth, a bloody truth. Behind this seemingly peaceful life, there are countless people risking their lives. It has nothing to do with justice or evil, only the benefits are different.    


A soldier was a group of people who fought for their own interests. They didn't want you to be a saint on the battlefield, to save as many wounded as you could save, but the one who saved the wounded was the land doctor, not a good soldier.    


Of course, under the circumstances, an outstanding soldier still had to try his best to save the lives of his comrades, but if the enemy was about to take over the position, if you didn't attack quickly and even bandaged the wounds of your wounded comrades, then that definitely wasn't kindness and benevolence, but the executioners who would kill the other comrades!    


Right now, their mission was not to bring back the dead bodies of their sacrificed comrades, but to survive on the battlefield from other countries. Didn't they see that the witch ran so fast herself, and even allowed Yang Fann, who was carrying Bing Feng, to carry the corpses on his back, just to make fun of Yang Fann, the rookie on the battlefield!    


Even though Yang Fann was a rookie on the battlefield, he wasn't a fool that allowed Witch to fool him. Since Witch and the other female secret service agent had no intention of carrying the corpses back to the cellar, there was no need for him to do anything.    


Most of them would bury the body on the spot. If they lost the war, it would be impossible to even bury the body, so all they could do was bury the body in the wilderness, allowing the beasts and flying birds to eat it.    


It would be better to let him stay in the cellar than to take his body with him. When the time comes to come back and transport him back to his homeland, the believable Burmese people would not casually damage a corpse.    


"Eh? No, that's not right. Where did you get this Jeep from, surnamed Yang? Isn't this a car that only the Mountain Leopard organization would have?    


As soon as Yao Ji stepped out of the door, she was startled by the jeep that was parked outside. She thought it was the Armed Gunmen, but Yang Fann opened the door and got in without her even seeing anyone in the car. It was Yang Fann's car!    


Yang Fann did not care about the Spirit Demon girl's fuss and did not bother to explain. It was too troublesome to explain, he could not say that he confiscated it from the Armed Gunmen, right?    


Seeing Yang Fann start the car without saying a word and not even calling them to get on, the demoness was so angry that she just hummed. Unfortunately, the situation was better than the person, so she could only pinch her nose and endure.    


The witch knew Yang Fann's power, but the other female secret service agent didn't know that Yang Fann was able to go out on a mission with Bing Feng. Clearly, her power was not to be underestimated, at least, it was equal to National Trump Card, not to mention she was on the same level as Director General Qian, even if she couldn't do anything against her in the domestic, she would at least be on the same level as Director General Qian.    


"What kind of attitude is this comrade of yours? He would throw our faces at us the moment we meet. Does he have some background and think he's amazing?"    


"Hmm?" Yang Fann didn't pay attention to the female agent who was hooting at him. He turned around and coldly looked at Witch: "Little chicken, even though I can allow you to bounce around in front of me, it doesn't mean that I can allow others to hoot in front of me. It's best to shut up your companions, otherwise I don't mind driving all of you out of the car!"    


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