Take Along A Spring



After a few months of growth, Yang Fann's s could basically be harvested tea. It's just that Yang Fann wanted to add a few more new tea trees, so he was not in a hurry to pick more.    


any plant that stayed inside for a long day would be equivalent to growing in the outside world for half a month. In the outside world, after half a month, the plants in the Space of Jade Pendant would be equivalent to growing for more than half a year.    


It had already been a few months since Yang Fann had cut Clovershrub Tea's branches at the Wu Yi Mountain. If you counted them, then the age of the Clovershrub Tea s and tea trees in the Space of Jade Pendant was also a few years. In addition to the Spatial Spirit Spring's irrigation, they were even taller than the tea trees in the outside world!    


Sofia wanted to invite Yang Fann to go with her to France. Yang Fann wasn't going to agree, but he was thinking about how to speed up the process of making money. If he went to France, it would take him at least half a month or even longer.    


Besides, Yang Fann was shot by someone a while ago. Bing Feng said that she had settled it for him, but things in the world had changed a lot. Who could guarantee that the person with the black gun wouldn't come again?    


If the enemy came and Yang Fann went to France, would he make a move on his family and friends? With the lesson of using Bai Mei as a hostage by Rakshasa Woman, Yang Fann was not naive to think that assassins in this world all talked about morality. In order to achieve their goals, killing a few innocent people was nothing!    


However, unable to resist Sofia's continuous temptations, Yang Fann started to waver. What French food is very authentic, what France has the best goose liver in the world, what France is famous for, what France has the best winery in the world, what France has the most famous luxury street...    


Yang Fann wasn't interested in the so-called luxury goods, but he was very interested in the French wineries. If he could make some good grapes, would he also be able to brew top-grade red wine?    


When he thought about red wine, especially French red wine, Yang Fann thought of Lafite. Lafite who was in her 82nd year, had been fired and rejected, as if drinking red wine instead of 82nd year was not like drinking red wine. If he didn't drink Lafite in his 82nd year, then his stature wouldn't be high enough!    


In fact, only a few French red wine were imported into China every year, and the number of French red wine sold in the Chinese market was also a few times higher. If the numbers were calculated, it would probably scare a bunch of idiots who brag all day long about drinking French red wine!    


To put it bluntly, most of the high-end red wine imported into the Chinese market, especially Lafite who made Chinese extremely excited, were fake. The probability of real items appearing was not higher than 10%.    


If it was in some high-end hotel or a large specialty store, he might be able to buy some real products. If it was in the ordinary market or even a nightclub's KTV, he could only chuckle.    


Many Chinese knew about this common sense, so why was everyone trying to get their hands on this so-called high grade red wine?    


There was no other way, it was just a matter of face.    


Chinese loves face, especially when people treat others with gifts, they would use Lafite who is 82 years of age. You must use Lafite who is 92 years of age, I'm sorry, this gift is considered as a free gift, sometimes it might even be better.    


Yang Fann had once watched an interview on TV, saying that a certain high class restaurant only used fake fish wings, but the customers that were interviewed were very calm after they found out, they didn't care whether the fish wings they ate were real or fake, in any case, they were all invited to be eaten by others, it didn't matter.    


In fact, there might even be a hint of schadenfreude here. Who would willingly invite someone with power and influence to a meal? Who would willingly send a gift to someone with power and influence?    


Drink it, drink it, drink it! Drink it till you die, one less, a lot of people have a vengeful mentality, just like those guys who can afford to drink the 82 year old Lafite. Even if they drink it to their deaths, no one would sympathize with them!    


Jade Spring Mountain Villa's reputation had already spread far and wide. If Yang Fann could brew good wine, the price would definitely not be low. Moreover, there would be less trouble later on.    


Therefore, in the end, Yang Fann decided to go with Sofia to France. Other than making some good grapes, he also wanted to learn some of France's advanced wine making techniques. Just having good grapes would not only result in a matching wine making technique, but would also affect the quality of the wine.    


Yang Fann had to take the high-end route and pursue the pinnacle. Even if it could improve the quality of the wine, Yang Fann would still be willing to come to France.    


Of course, the threat from unknown enemies was a problem. If Yang Fann went abroad, what would happen to his parents and family members who stayed in the country? If there was someone who wanted to take revenge on his family while Yang Fann was gone, Yang Fann wouldn't be able to reach him. Even if he wanted to, he wouldn't be able to save him.    


However, after thinking about it again and again, Yang Fann still felt that the probability of an accident was not high. If the enemy wanted to take revenge on his family, even if he stayed in Jiangnan all the time, they would not be able to do anything.    


Yang Fann was willing to make a trip to France. In addition to being a well-known wine producer in France, he also had a famous foie gras breed in France, the Londer Goose.    


Rond geese, native to the Rand region of southwestern France, are medium build, grayish-brown in color, with a nearly black neck and a silvery-gray belly. Lund geese grow fast, have a high yield of down and have good liver properties. It is said that the foie gras taken from the body of Rond geese is the best foie gras in the world!    


Of course, it might be out of the question, but Yang Fann didn't care, he was going to check it out first, so he didn't have to go into the Goose Liver Project. It was a bit cruel to raise a Goose Liver, forcefully feeding the Goose as a fatty liver.    


Actually, no matter if it was raising a goose to obtain its liver or raising pigs to eat meat, they were all similar in nature. They all wanted to kill people as well, but in many people's eyes, killing pigs was a matter of course, and killing other animals was cruel.    


For example, in many Western countries, if a Chinese were to eat a pigeon, they would say that the Chinese were cruel and cold-blooded. However, when they ate a chicken, they would eat it more sweetly than anyone else.    


On this point, what Yang Fann admired the most was Buddhism. All living things were equal, be it pigs or cows or chickens, all living things were the same, no matter who they were, they would be the same.    


Of course, Yang Fann was also enjoying the meat. Being impressed by Buddhism did not mean that he was willing to accept the buddhist precepts. For a glutton like him, wanting to eat meat and drink alcohol was simply asking for his life!    


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