Take Along A Spring



What does it feel like to have strength and nowhere to feel it? Yang Fann had experienced it himself.    


He had all the skills and he couldn't even injure himself with a bullet, but he could only suppress the anger in his chest and wait for Bing Feng, who was thousands of miles away, to send him a message.    


Old Bei once said: "I want to grab the throat of fate, it will not make me yield!"    


Yang Fann didn't want to grab the throat of fate right now, he just wanted to strangle the bastard that was attacking him, or the mastermind behind it.    


The world was so wonderful. Why was he so impetuous? Why was there anything wrong with him? Why did he have to sit down and drink tea, chat, talk, and turn hostility into friendship? Why did he have to fight and kill?    


For a pacifist like Yang Fann, it was incomprehensible for him to find someone to kill if he didn't agree. He should have done it himself. How could he let others do it for him?    


Didn't I just want to meddle in other people's business, did I really deserve to die for meddling in other people's business? If someone stepped on Lu Jun, could it be that he couldn't even speak a word of justice when he saw someone bullying the weak?    


Anger, extreme anger!    


While Yang Fann was waiting for Bing Feng's news, the anger in his chest grew more and more. If he knew who was harming him and the person who was harming him appeared in front of him, Yang Fann couldn't guarantee that he wouldn't tear that guy's face apart!    


Fortunately, he was accompanied by Lin Xiaoling, who was a beauty. Yang Fann, who was on the verge of going crazy, felt slightly comforted. Otherwise, he would really go crazy and smash this bastard who wanted to extort them for their car repairs!    


On a snowy day, there were many cars in an accident, and the Garage s were packed as well. The business was really good, it was like a line of naked palace maids waiting for the Emperor's favor.    


Of course, in the eyes of the Garage boss, what he saw were fat pigs that were waiting to be slaughtered.    


"Forget it, we won't do it anymore. Let's drag it to the 4S store."    


Although Lin Xiaoling's car belonged to Jade Spring Mountain Villa, and she would pay for the repair costs, she would not randomly spend money. Facing this small Garage that was several times more expensive than the 4S store, Lin Xiaoling felt that it was more reliable for her to drag the car to Jiangnan City's 4S store to repair it.    


Actually, Lin Xiaoling's car was not seriously injured. It was just that the snowy road was slippery and hit a stone wall on the side of the mountain road. It was unlike what the people from Garage said, which was about to be scrapped and required a thorough cultivation.    


However, with Lin Xiaoling's extremely normal request, the people from Garage were displeased. "How could you say that? What happened to our Garage? Could it be that their shop can repair your car, but our Garage cannot? Do you know? Just based on what you said just now, do you know how many customers our Garage have lost? "Compensate, you must compensate me. If you want to drag the car away, that's fine, but first, you have to pay 10,000 yuan!"    


He was covered in machine oil and could even smell the cold air coming from his body. It had been a long time since this guy who stood in front of Lin Xiaoling had showered. How dare such a filthy guy point his finger at a beauty like Lin Xiaoling, who had given him courage?    


Honestly speaking, Yang Fann did not look down on the labourers at all. He was born a pauper, so he had a natural affinity with the labourers.    


However, he couldn't not stand against this so-called working people. He looked down on this fellow and punched him again!    


What happened to the working people? Can the working people blackmail without restraint? Sometimes, the poorer a person was, the more terrifying they would be!    


Yang Fann was not in a good mood right now, so he didn't have the time to talk big with this bicycle repairman. Since he had the courage to blackmail others, he had to bear the consequences of being blackmailed!    


Thus, the bicycle repairman who had been shouting turned into a gourd with its beak cut off. He lay on the ground without making a sound and counted the ants, if there were any on a snowy day.    


Seeing that their comrade had been defeated, the other few car-repair workers were immediately enraged. Where did this fellow come from, to actually dare touch him, did he not know who drove the Garage?    


Thus, with a "hu la" sound, a few repairmen surrounded Yang Fann. Some were clamoring for money, some were calling for people, and some were whistling at Lin Xiaoling. None of them spoke fair words.    


As soon as they saw the commotion, the drivers who were queuing up to repair the cars also surrounded them. Some of them were even drivers who had already been or were being cheated.    


These people not only didn't cheer for Yang Fann just because he stood up bravely, but they were also extremely excited instead. They were prepared to see how the fight was going to end, to see how excited they were.    


Yang Fann didn't get angry because of the lack of attention from the drivers. He had seen this situation too often, and it had nothing to do with him. Even if it had to do with some people's personal interests, they didn't want to stand up for him.    


Without a doubt, in the eyes of those drivers who have been or are being slaughtered, Yang Fann, this guy who dares to beat up a car repairman, is a typical thunderbolt fighter. Friend, we support you but in our hearts, if you die, we will obediently accept your punishment.    


At this moment, Yang Fann seemed to hear the thoughts of the surrounding guys. There was a liveliness to watch, which made some people feel a lot better when they were just slaughtered. What was this, without any comparison, there was no balance in their minds.    


Yang Fann felt that at this moment, he was the only one who was left fighting. The great heroes that had once appeared in the history of the Chinese nation had already moved to another world, and even the water villains that had climbed the mountain to become thieves no longer existed.    


Without waiting for the helpers to arrive, the person in charge of the Garage had to send some car repairmen to take action. What a joke, now was the right time to take advantage of the snow and fish for the loot, how could he have the time to waste on a young fool?    


As a result, a few repairmen rushed forward …    


Then, the few repairmen retreated with a speed that was even faster than when they had rushed forward!    


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