Take Along A Spring



The moment Yang Fann left the airport, before he even returned to the Jiangnan City area, he received a call from an unfamiliar number.    


While on the plane, Yang Fann's phone was always off. Because the electromagnetic waves emitted by the phone could interfere with the communication between the plane and the ground, which could affect flight safety, most airlines in the world didn't allow passengers to use their phone on the plane. Some of them couldn't even use their flight mode.    


In other words, as soon as Yang Fann switched on his phone, this strange phone call came in. It was very likely that the other party had been calling Yang Fann.    


"Are you Yang Fann?" the other party asked impatiently as soon as the call connected.    


"It's me. Who is this?" Yang Fann felt that the other party's voice sounded familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere. However, the other party's cellphone was very unstable, so his voice was a little distorted so he couldn't hear it clearly.    


"I'm Witch, do you still remember me?"    


Damn, Yang Fann was suddenly enlightened. No wonder it sounded so familiar, it was that sissy partner of Bing Feng!    


"Plaits? "I remember you. Is something the matter?" Yang Fann originally wanted to ask if she was the sissy that was beaten into the hospital by him, but after thinking about it for a while, he still didn't say it. After all, the Witch was Bing Feng's partner.    


"It's me. Bing Feng and I are together now. Can you come over?"    


Why did you want me to come over here? Are you trying to show off in front of me? Bing Feng is not bad, and she has helped me a lot, but she's not my wife. Even if I'm with you, you don't need to show off in front of me, right?    


"That... What? I still have things to do, so I won't be going for now. If you guys have time to come to Jiangnan, I'll treat you guys to a meal. " Yang Fann's words didn't sound confident at all. No matter how he looked at it, it sounded sour and sour.    


"I think you'd better come over. Bing Feng is dying. If it wasn't for her constantly calling your name while she was unconscious, I wouldn't have called you over! "    


The witch's voice sounded a little low, and it was mixed with anger. It seemed that she was very dissatisfied with Yang Fann's excuse.    


"What?" What happened to Bing Feng? Where are you? "    


When Yang Fann heard that Bing Feng was dying and was calling his name in a coma, he suddenly got the urge to meddle in other people's business!    


Actually, Yang Fann wasn't being nosy. Bing Feng had been good to him before, and she kept calling out his name when he was unconscious. What was this called, this was a life and death situation!    


Alright, although sharing life and death was a bit exaggerated, but to constantly call out Yang Fann's name when she was on the verge of death, it showed that Yang Fann's place in Bing Feng's heart was very important, even surpassing her parents.    


However, the witch only said that Bing Feng called Yang Fann's name while she was unconscious, not that she called her parents. Maybe Bing Feng called her parents more times than she mentioned Yang Fann?    


Bala the banana, Yang Fann felt that he was really weird. He was still wondering if Bing Feng called his name more or her parents more times, whether she was sick or not!    


"We're in a hospital in Rudi. Can you come over?"    


"Huge Arrows?" Yang Fann felt like he had heard of this name before, but he just couldn't recall where. He had probably heard the name before Space of Jade Pendant was activated. If it was after Space of Jade Pendant was activated, Yang Fann's head which was transformed by the spatial Spirit Spring would not be forgotten.    


"Huayuan is a city on the border between China and Burma, but it is inside Myanmar. If you can come over, I'll tell you the exact address when we get to the place. "    


"What's wrong with Bing Feng? Why didn't you send her back to the country for treatment?"    


Yang Fann was puzzled. Bing Feng was National Trump Card. Why would the country let her go and let her stay unconscious in Myanmar?    


"This matter is very complicated, it is not as simple as you imagine it to be. Cut the crap! "    


She seemed to be dissatisfied with Yang Fann for a long time. It was just that she had been holding back her anger all this time.    


"I still need to apply for a visa, it can't be that fast!" Yang Fann didn't have the time to care about how the witch treated him. As a former warm-hearted comrade, Yang Fann was very anxious.    


"As long as you are willing to come here, you don't need to worry about other things. Go to your local security agency and find a Chief with the surname Qian. He will handle all the formalities for you."    


With that, the witch immediately hung up. It was unknown if it was because she was unhappy with Yang Fann or because of some other matter.    


Yang Fann was just about to ask the taxi driver where Jiangnan City Security was when he received a text message. There was a cell phone number on it followed by the three words Director General Qian. It seemed like this was Jiangnan Security Bureau Security's cell phone number.    


Yang Fann quickly called Director General Qian according to the number sent by the pretty girl. However, the other party was still on the phone. It seemed like Director General Qian was quite busy.    


After a while, when Yang Fann was about to call again, his phone suddenly rang. It was Director General Qian who called.    


"Are you Yang Fann? My last name is Qian. "    


The voice coming out of the phone belonged to a middle-aged man. It should be the Director General Qian that the demon lady mentioned. It seemed that the demon lady had already greeted him. She might be the one calling him while he was on the phone.    


"Hello, Director General Qian, I'm Yang Fann."    


Just as Yang Fann was about to ask what he needed to prepare, he heard Director General Qian say, "Wait for me at the door of the International Trade Center in two hours, I'll give it to you."    


With that, the other party hung up the phone without giving Yang Fann a chance to speak.    


F * ck, what are you pulling at? If I didn't have to wait for you to apply for a visa, I wouldn't care about your time!    


Eh, the one surnamed Qian doesn't even want his photo, how can I get a visa for him? Furthermore, it took him two hours to find him. Could a two hour visa be sufficient? Wasn't it time to go to a designated city to apply for a visa? "Since when could Jiangnan City apply for a Burmese visa?    


Yang Fann was confused. After all, he had just left the country once, and most of the procedures for going to France were done by Sofia. Yang Fann was basically a small fry when it came to going abroad, so he didn't know anything about official passports or electronic visas.    


He first got a taxi to take Sofia to her rented apartment, then hurriedly went back to his villa in Jiangnan Garden to change clothes. Sofia first asked a taxi to take Sofia to her rented apartment, then hurriedly went back to his mansion in Jiang-Nan Garden to change clothes.    


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