Take Along A Spring



Before activating the Space of Jade Pendant, Yang Fann was an atheist. The teachings he received from childhood, including the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother, and the God of Satan, told him that they were all feudal superstitions that had to be thrown into the trash of history.    


However, now that the Space of Jade Pendant had been activated, Aunt Lee started to sing, especially with Aunt Lee being possessed by something that looked like a mountain ghost, it made Yang Fann realize that there might be many things in this world that could not be explained with modern science. With the current level of knowledge of humans, there should be many things they do not know about.    


The locks of the hotel room were all made using advanced electronic locks. Although they could be opened manually, they definitely could not be opened silently. Even with Lisa's strong locking ability, she made a clear sound when she tried to unlock the door. No matter how powerful she was, it was impossible for her voice to be so quiet that even Yang Fann could not hear it.    


Therefore, Yang Fann was very cautious about this strange matter. Even if it wasn't some supernatural event, it also meant that this person was not a kind person. Maybe he had some ability that he had never seen before.    


Other than the door that was slightly open, everything was exactly the same as before. If it wasn't for the breeze blowing in from the corridor and the light shining in, Yang Fann would have thought that he was seeing an illusion.    


At first, Lisa didn't know why Yang Fann was still in a daze. She thought Yang Fann was reluctant to leave and was just thinking of an excuse to stay, but as time passed, Lisa seemed to realize something. She quietly put on the clothes scattered on the bed one by one without worrying Yang Fann to see her naked body.    


No matter how lustful a person was, he would temporarily forget about his beauty when danger was approaching. Not to mention, Yang Fann's self-control was so strong that he didn't even take advantage of Lisa when she was naked. Since he didn't know the situation, how could he be distracted to look at a beauty?    


There was no need to be in such a rush when it came to seeing beautiful women. If he lost his life in order to see beautiful women, then no matter how many beautiful women there were, they wouldn't be able to do the same in the future!    


"Yang Fann, is he here?" Lisa couldn't help but ask softly when she saw that Yang Fann didn't move for a long time.    


"Who?" Lisa, who are you talking about? "    


Yang Fann asked, yet his eyes did not blink. With his current abnormal physique, it was not difficult for him to not even blink for a few minutes.    


"Even the person that made me unconscious, nicknamed Somalia, is a very powerful guy. I don't even know how strong he is. As long as it's someone he has his eyes on, not a single one survived until now."    


In Yang Fann's opinion, he had never encountered such a situation before. In his impression, Lisa would never seem to be nervous, even when Lisa was poisoned by the snake poison at the Poplar Gully back then, she had never used such a tone.    


"Somalia? Is he a pirate? And why is he after you? "    


Yang Fann originally didn't want to get involved in Lisa's bullshit affair, but since it came down to it, he had no choice but to join in. Since the other party had already come to him, it wasn't Yang Fann's style to blindly retreat.    


Didn't Lisa say that no one who was targeted by Somalia could survive, which meant that he was definitely a cruel, merciless and vengeful person. Now that the door was opened by itself, it was very likely that Somalia had already come knocking on the door and Yang Fann couldn't just leave. After dealing with Lisa today, maybe the next target would be him, Yang Fann.    


Besides, it was impossible for Yang Fann to just watch Lisa's beautiful body die. Not to mention how many times Lisa had called him to remind him that he was in danger, he couldn't just stand by and watch without doing anything.    


Well, to be honest, Yang Fann had his eyes on Lisa's beautiful body. If it was an ugly guy, Yang Fann wouldn't want to get involved unless he was grateful to Yang Fann.    


However, Yang Fann's vigilance was raised to twelve points and his eyes were sore. "Somalia, what do you mean by he doesn't even have a shadow of a ghost? Does he know that I'm not to be trifled with?"    


"Somalia is not a pirate. He would do anything, maybe have been a pirate too. As long as he has money, he can do whatever he wants. As for why Somalia has his eyes on me, it's obviously because of you. If you didn't tease me in the alley and delay my departure, I wouldn't have been found by Somalia after killing the voice in my throat. "    


Yang Fann was very smart, he didn't need Lisa to explain, he already knew what was going on. Lisa's throat was blocked, it should be Uncle Afanti who was killed by her during the day, and that Somalia should be with Uncle Afanti. Now that he came to get revenge on Lisa, maybe Yang Fann's guess wasn't completely accurate, but it should have a similar meaning.    


"Then how did Somalia injure you?"    


What he wanted to know the most now was what methods Somalia had. As the saying goes, know yourself and know your enemy, and you will win a hundred battles. Right now, he could not see through any of his opponent's situation.    


"I don't know what's going on. I was just looking for you when I was attacked by Somalia in front of the hotel. I just fought with him unarmed for a while, then I felt weak all over. Maybe I was poisoned."    


Yang Fann was noncommittal. He suspected that Lisa might have been poisoned, but that was not necessarily the case. There were tens of millions of poisons in the world. Who said that other than Black Widow Thousand-face Poison Woman, there were no experts in poison use.    


It didn't matter if he used poison or some other evil arts. As long as Yang Fann could see Somalia, he had the confidence to take him down.    


No matter how strong that Somalia was, he was probably at Black Widow Thousand-face Poison Woman's level at most. Wu Tie didn't have Space of Jade Pendant when he was trying to stun Black Widow Thousand-face Poison Woman, and now that he had Space of Jade Pendant, he was even more confident.    


If he had met Black Widow Thousand-face Poison Woman then, with Yang Fann's Space of Jade Pendant, he wouldn't have worried about her presence. He would have beaten her mother up so hard that she wouldn't even be able to recognize him.    


What Yang Fann was worried about now was that Somalia was not using poison, but some evil tricks like the legendary Head Subduing Technique or the legendary witchcraft. If that was the case, then Yang Fann would be really troubled.    


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