Take Along A Spring



Although Lisa's Bay Sound Chinese was not bad, it was still hard for her to understand the ambiguity in Yang Fann's words. Lisa's Bay Sound Chinese was not bad, but it was still hard for her to understand the ambiguity in Yang Fann's words.    


Yang Fann was speechless once again. Why was he making such a profound joke with foreign woman? It was not shameful for her to not understand it, so he just made himself speechless.    


Yang Fann did not think that she could make any excessive requests. Lisa did not know about Space of Jade Pendant or spatial Spirit Spring, so she could at most ask for a few more Spatial Vegetable and fruits. These things seemed to be very precious to others, but to Yang Fann, they were nothing.    


Compared to the safety of Lisa and himself, Yang Fann felt that it didn't matter if he gave Lisa more benefits or not. Lisa had also warned him about Black Widow Thousand-face Poison Woman's danger, so it was understandable that he would give her more space.    


"Sure, then I'll start making requests. You said you can't go back on your word?"    


"Speak, speak. A man's word is his word. It's impossible to keep his promise. As long as I can do it, I'll definitely fulfill your request!"    


Yang Fann's chest was thumping loudly. As long as Lisa did not go to the Jade Spring Mountain Villa to cause trouble for him, he could have anything he wanted.    


"Alright, I want 100 jars..." No, it's a thousand jars of your medicinal wine. How about it?    


Miss Lisa, you're wrong. It's a hundred bottles of our Jade Spring Mountain Villa's Health Wine. "However, 1,000 bottles is indeed a bit much, we should still get 100 bottles. If it's 100 bottles, I can fulfill your requirements."    


Yang Fann was very alert. If he didn't know that Lisa was going to ask for 100 bottles of medicinal wine, then he wouldn't be Yang Fann.    


"No, no, no!"    


Lisa shook her pretty head like a rattle. Not only did she shake her head, but she also waved her hands. Her two pure white arms kept drawing circles in the air, which made Yang Fann lost his mind.    


"Yang, Huaxia Yang, dear Chinese Yang, you are right, I am right, I am talking about 100 jars …" No, it's a thousand pots of medicinal wine. Listen clearly, it's the medicinal wine, not the Jade Spring Brand, it's the kind of medicinal wine that used a small jar to drink when I first came to Hua Xia! "    




Yang Fann's eyes turned white, he had the urge to faint immediately. No wonder Lisa insisted on going to Jade Spring Mountain Villa, she was waiting for him here!    


Fine, little girl, you want to play with me? Let's play then, let's see who plays who … No, that's not right, who could play with who!    


"Dear Miss Lisa, I am very, very sorry. The medicinal wine that you drank when you first came to Hua Xia has already stopped production at our Jade Spring Mountain Villa, and the raw materials are too hard to find. Therefore, we can only produce a simplified version, if you really want it, I can give it to you … 100 bottles, no matter how many bottles there are, there's no way around it. The cost is too high, you can't just watch as I compensate you with my pants, right? "    


Lisa rolled her eyes. "It's fine if you don't have it, but I need to personally see it before I can believe it. Is that possible?"    


"Yes, very well, very well, but don't regret it when we get there!"    


Since you are heartless, then don't blame me for being unrighteous. If you want to bring me trouble, then I will accept you as my disciple. Once you become my woman, drinking medicinal wine will be a piece of cake for me!    


Yang Fann had always been a person who didn't know how to reject others, especially a beauty like Lisa. Since Lisa was willing to offer herself up, why did he have to be an evil person?    


Alright, the metaphor of being suppressed by ghosts isn't quite right, it should be a ghost. A living person, if I'm unwilling, I don't know how I fell on a ghost's body. Yang Fann's logic is God's logic, ordinary people can't understand it.    


Since Lisa wanted to follow him home, then Yang Fann wouldn't be polite. When they were overseas, it was Lisa's home, and he had to restrain himself a little. Now, he was at Yang Fann's home, so he could do whatever he wanted!    


Thus, Yang Fann stretched out his arm and tightly wrapped it around Lisa's waist. Before Lisa could even struggle, he hugged her tightly, causing her to feel sore all over and unable to exert even a little bit of strength.    


Don't mistake it as Lisa being shameless, being hugged by Yang Fann and going limp. Yang Fann's strength was surprisingly great, not to mention Lisa, even a virgin for 38 years had to submit obediently under Yang Fann's embrace!    


Of course, Yang Fann wouldn't be interested in a virgin for 38 years. Thinking about it, Yang Fann should be considered a bit younger since he was only 14 years old when he was widowed. After 38 years, he was already over 50.    


Just when Lisa was helpless and full of energy, a clear yet cold voice came from afar, "Let go of that woman. Let me do it!"    


Hearing this voice, Yang Fann, who was getting ready to move, suddenly had an impotent urge to kick. He turned his head to see who the speaker was but his girlfriend, Bing Feng.    


Her good friend was her own opinion of Bing Feng. Although she didn't ask for her opinion, Yang Fann thought so too. Besides him, who else could be worthy of a super tyrant female warrior like Bing Feng?    


On the plane back from Brussels, Yang Fann once thought that no woman's legs were as flexible as Lisa's, but now that he saw Bing Feng, he immediately overturned Yang Fann's previous idea. Among all the women Yang Fann knew, no woman could be on par with Lisa.    


Even the trump card Nana he knew in Myanmar couldn't do it. Nana might have a good figure and looks, but she was still quite different from Bing Feng. She was a beauty that was a level lower than Bing Feng and Lisa, not what Yang Fann was considering.    


As soon as he saw Bing Feng, Yang Fann knew that his guess had come true. Lisa must have hung up in some department in China. As soon as she landed, before the car even drove off, Chinese Trump Card Bing Feng came looking for him. Was it not enough to prove Lisa's popularity?    


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