Take Along A Spring



Yang Fann was both surprised and surprised that Bing Feng would appear in front of Yang Fann. The relevant departments in China were not made up for this. It would be abnormal if a dangerous person like Lisa was not on her guard.    


What Yang Fann couldn't understand was why Bing Feng didn't stop Lisa at the airport or high-speed rail station, but waited for her to get on the train before revealing herself. Furthermore, she didn't even bring anyone with her.    


"Comrade Bing Feng, where's your partner, that sissy demon with braids? Why didn't I see him?"    


Yang Fann did not take the initiative to ask Bing Feng for the reason of Bing Feng's appearance. There were some things that he should ask, but he could not randomly listen to them. Yang Fann did not want to get involved with the relevant departments, so he quickly changed the topic.    


"Is it true that you want to find out about the spirit demon? Is it true that you want to see Nana? "To tell you the truth, Nana already has someone to be happy about. You'd better give up on that thought."    


Bing Feng's words made Yang Fann dumbstruck. If it wasn't on the high-speed rail, he would have cried out that he was wronged. When did I get interested in Nana? How did I know that? How did Bing Feng see through that?    


"I stabbed you to death, you finally revealed your fox tail right? So you already have someone you like, and someone you like is still with me at Amsterdam. Don't tell me all of you Chinese men are as flowery as you are?"    


Lisa's words almost made Yang Fann go crazy. You're the one who intervened and died, your entire family interposed and killed you!    


Lisa, this girl doesn't seem to be English, why are you still chinese, chinese, speaking birdsong isn't impossible. Can't you just stop using the Chinese language of the Broad Creek to translate and even kill yourself?    


Initially, he thought Lisa was a "good girl", but he didn't think that Lisa would be so perverted. In front of Bing Feng, he didn't mention Amsterdam, but even if Amsterdam was mentioned, he couldn't say it in such a vague way. What do you mean "I'm at Amsterdam and you", isn't this obviously making Bing Feng misunderstand him?    


"Comrade Bing Feng, don't misunderstand, Miss Lisa and I are innocent, we haven't done anything yet …" "No, I didn't do anything. I'm not going to do anything in the future either!"    


"Let go!" Bing Feng shook off Yang Fann's Demon Claw and said to him coldly, "Surnamed Yang, you'd better correct your identity. You don't need to explain to me what's going on between you and this foreign woman, don't tell me it's not related to me, it's disgusting!"    


"Haha, hahahaha, Bing Feng, you're jealous, great! Bing Feng, you can actually be jealous, this is truly a miracle! Wait a minute, when I take a photo with my cell phone and send it to Yao Ji and Nana, we'll see what our cold beauty Bing Feng looks like when she's jealous!"    


Bing Feng knew that Yang Fann had a thick skin, but what she didn't expect was that Yang Fann's skin was actually that thick. It was even thicker than those vicious thugs she met while on mission. They almost caught up to the corner of the city wall.    


Actually, Bing Feng didn't understand Yang Fann well enough. Yang Fann's shamelessness was several times thicker than the turning point of the city wall. Even an armor piercing bullet fired by a 115-mm cannon couldn't pierce through Yang Fann's shamelessness!    


And so, in the midst of their idle chatter, the high speed train, like a runaway wild horse, galloped south.    


Now, Yang Fann did not plan to stop Lisa from going to Jade Spring Mountain Villa anymore. Even if he wanted to, he could not stop her.    


Furthermore, there was Bing Feng glaring at them like a tiger watching its prey. Yang Fann did not just hit Lisa's butt. Bing Feng, as the super trump card, also got slapped by Yang Fann … Been spanking.    


If Yang Fann dared to hit Lisa's butt in front of Bing Feng, she believed that Bing Feng would definitely feel the same way. If she were to go on a rampage and make Yang Fann hit her butt, wouldn't Yang Fann lose a lot of face?    


If it was anyone else, they probably wouldn't be so happy to be spanked in public. This kind of thing could only be done privately, and it was done only by a single woman. People like Bing Feng and Lisa all had strong personalities.    


However, the key point is that it's not easy for Yang Fann to not beat them up. It's not impossible for these two women to have battle qi, but can you not mess around in your own Jade Spring Mountain Villa? You are both amazing people, awesome people, you can fight wherever you want to fight.    


In the beginning, when Yang Fann saw that he really couldn't chase Lisa away, he was prepared to take her back to the Jade Spring Mountain Villa to slowly train her. When they reached his own plot of land, he could still do whatever he wanted.    


However, now that there was Bing Feng, Yang Fann's plan would probably go bankrupt. Even if they reached Jade Spring Mountain Villa, with Bing Feng glaring at them like a tiger, it wouldn't be good for him to take Lisa on the spot!    


In other words, with Lisa watching over them, Yang Fann couldn't just keep Bing Feng on the spot. He could just follow one of the two beauties back, but with the two of them together, Chenqie wouldn't be able to take it anymore!    


Therefore, when they arrived at the Jiangnan train station, Bing Feng and Lisa were surprised to find that Yang Fann had gone missing.    


Yang Fann disappeared in a very strange way. Such a big live person had disappeared in the short time he went to the toilet.    


The people who had been waiting for the train got off and the high-speed train started to move again. Lisa and Bing Feng did not see Yang Fann.    


Standing on the platform, Lisa and Bing Feng stared at each other, not knowing what to do next. To continue searching for Yang Fann in Jiangnan, or to directly go to Jade Spring Mountain Villa, regardless of Yang Fann, was a question worth pondering over.    


In fact, in Yang Fann's opinion, this wasn't a problem at all, because he was still sitting on the high-speed train. Whether it was Lisafei coming to Hua Xia, or Bing Feng following him to the Jade Spring Mountain Villa for no reason, it was all a problem worth thinking about. Yang Fann seemed to smell a thick smell of conspiracy.    


With Yang Fann's personality, he could smell the scent of a conspiracy. If he still ignored everything and crashed into the wall, then he wouldn't be Yang Fann.    


As a result, Yang Fann used the Golden Cicada to escape its shell, and hid in the Space of Jade Pendant for a while when he went to the toilet. He waited for the train to restart in Jiang-Nan railway station before coming out of the Space of Jade Pendant.    


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