Take Along A Spring



Lisa might not be a rabbit, and her Amsterdam was not her home ground either. However, she would definitely have no problem finding another place to stay.    


When Yang Fann followed Lisa into a luxurious villa, his eyes immediately went wide. F * ck, such a great place. What shack did Lisa take him to before? Wasn't that a naked abuse?    


Yang Fann started to look at Lisa unkindly, from head to toe, and from head to toe, he looked at Lisa eighteen times in one breath. He wanted to see what the little girl was thinking, was it really as he had guessed, that there was a psychological problem?    


Lisa didn't know what Yang Fann was thinking. She could only see the surface phenomenon. In her eyes, Yang Fann's eyes were filled with naked desire, like a hungry wolf in the dead of winter in Siberia.    


In order to prevent Yang Fann's sudden attack, Lisa held onto the Glock 17 in her hand the whole time, and the muzzle was often aimed at Yang Fann, scaring Yang Fann to the point that his heart was beating wildly and his restless Demon Claw couldn't reach out.    


Not easy to reach out his Demon Claw, but Yang Fann didn't spare anyone with his words: "My dear Miss Lisa, you are not kind at all. You have such a nice house, why did you take me to such a dirty place before? Do you look down on me?"    


Unexpectedly, Lisa was straightforward and didn't give Yang Fann any face: "That's right, I looked down on you a little because I heard that Chinese men all have silver pewter spearheads, so they don't have the right to live here."    


There was a saying, "A horse is in one's lap, a man is in the mouth". Being able to speak like this was definitely one of a person's greatest assets, and sometimes, it even surpassed the appearance of a person.    


On the other hand, if a person had a bad mouth and offended people the moment they opened their mouth, each sentence would make others uncomfortable. Then, that mouth would also bring her many troubles.    


To be honest, Lisa was not afraid of Yang Fann. What's the use of having a close combat, since this was not an ancient era where cold weapons were king, this was the era of firearms, and as the saying goes, no matter how high one's martial arts was, if Yang Fann could hit, she still had the confidence to hit him with one shot and he would get ten thousand peach blossoms!    


Therefore, Lisa was not polite to Yang Fann at all. The more she felt that Yang Fann was trying to violate her, the more Lisa mocked Yang Fann. I don't believe that a little Chinese man like you can cause any trouble when facing my gun?    


In Lisa's eyes, even Chinese was very weak, and couldn't even have a blade, much less a spear. She was as obedient as a lamb when facing these hungry wolves with Underground World, she could do whatever she wanted with them.    


Of course, there were also powerful people in China, such as the legendary Bing Feng, who was the bane of Underground World practitioners like them. However, that was power that was cultivated by the Chinese authorities, and had nothing to do with commoners like Yang Fann.    


However, Lisa forgot to say that empiricism killed people. When she mocked Yang Fann for some reason, it was equivalent to planting a bitter fruit for herself. She was waiting for the bitter fruit to ripen.    


In fact, Lisa would never say these words to other men. What man couldn't do it anymore, she only said it to Yang Fann, and it was the first time she said it to him.    


Even Lisa didn't know what she was thinking. Why did she want to ruthlessly ridicule Yang Fann and anger him for what benefits to her?    


However, soon, Lisa no longer needed to think about what she was thinking. She didn't need to think about the benefits it would have if she angered Yang Fann because Yang Fann was furious!    


Yang Fann had a bad temper in the first place, even before he activated his Space of Jade Pendant, he would not allow others to mock him, especially when it was a foreign woman.    


Ever since he activated the Space of Jade Pendant, Yang Fann's abilities continued to improve, and his temper also continued to grow along with his abilities. Forget about Lisa and foreign woman, even the powerful and influential Chinese Trump Card like Bing Feng had angered him, but he still didn't know what to do!    


Hmm, when he thought of spanking, Yang Fann recalled the scene when he violently spanked Lisa at the Na Es Hotel. That feeling of the hands, that elasticity, that comfort, if it wasn't someone like Lisa, who often exercises, it's impossible for ordinary women to have it.    


Thus, Yang Fann made his move. If he did not move, then so be it. If he did, then it would be an earth-shattering action!    


This was also the safe distance that Lisa had set aside for him. At this distance, no matter how good Yang Fann's martial arts was or how much strength he had, Lisa was confident that before he could reach her, she could easily take his life!    


Of course, if Yang Fann really rushed over, Lisa would probably shoot him, but the possibility of that was much higher, because at Lisa's level of training, defense had already become an instinct of hers. If Yang Fann was moving slowly over, then Lisa would probably subconsciously shoot him in self-defense.    


However, the result was out of Lisa's expectation. Before she could clearly see Yang Fann's actions, Yang Fann had already arrived in front of her.    


Before Lisa aimed the Glock 17 at Yang Fann, she felt her hands lighten. When she looked again, the Glock 17 that had broken the heads of countless people had been thrown to a corner of the sofa in the distance by Yang Fann. It even bounced a few times on the sofa as if it was protesting against Yang Fann's rough treatment.    


Very soon, Lisa was no longer in the mood to consider her Glock's immunity to abuse. She felt her body lighten, and before she could even react, Yang Fann rudely threw her onto the super large sofa!    


"It's over!"    


Lisa's body constantly bounced up and down on the sofa, and her heart also bounced up and down with her body. If she knew that surnamed Yang was so powerful, why did she keep provoking him? This time however, it was great that she angered that surnamed Yang.    


Basten was stronger than her and had already broken his wrist in front of Yang Fann. Just now, when she was holding the gun, the gun in her hand was snatched away before she could even see Yang Fann's movements, which meant that Yang Fann not only had great strength, but also a fast speed. Encountering such a freak, he could only blame himself for being unlucky!    


However, it was impossible for him to not resist. Even though he knew it was useless to resist, he still had to pretend that he was resisting. If he obediently waited for Yang Fann to violate him, then he would be treated as a shameless woman!    


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