Take Along A Spring



Yang Fann's current ability was not weak. Anything that entered within a radius of nine meters from his body, as long as the mass did not exceed nine tons, could be easily taken into his Space of Jade Pendant.    


Of course, this required Yang Fann's attention to be completely focused. If he did not lock onto an item, it would not automatically enter the Space of Jade Pendant either.    


However, under the crazy shooting of the two submachine guns, if Yang Fann still wasn't focused, then he could wash his neck and wait to be shot.    


No matter how powerful Lisa was, it did not exceed the scope of a normal human being. With the naked eye, it was impossible to see the bullets flying at high speeds. It was impossible to see that some of the bullets flying towards them had suddenly disappeared in the air.    


As for the two gunners who were standing in front of the villa's entrance and madly shooting at the room, even if there were bullets and bullets everywhere, they wouldn't be able to find the small bullets that suddenly disappeared.    


Unless there was a HD video camera installed in the mansion to check, no one would be able to discover Yang Fann's secret.    


Actually, Yang Fann wasn't willing to use his own ability. If it wasn't for the sudden turn of events, he would rather not have any negative distance between him and Lisa, than to use his own ability.    


Previously, Yang Fann had met the mysterious Somalia at the Na Es Hotel. Until Lisa smashed Somalia's head, Yang Fann had no idea how Somalia was able to silently release poisonous snakes and smoke into the room.    


If Lisa didn't blow Somalia's head off, making it impossible for Yang Fann to understand Somalia's mysterious trick, Yang Fann wouldn't have started to spank Lisa in her hotel room while there was a corpse at the door.    


He was more interested in Somalia than Lisa. No matter how long a woman was, it was the first time in his life that Yang Fann encountered Somalia's mysterious ability or means. He didn't have the time to properly study it and felt very regretful.    


"Come on, what are you waiting for? Shoot!"    


Lisa was enjoying Yang Fann's embrace with her eyes closed. Suddenly, she felt her hand sink as a familiar feeling surged into her heart. She didn't even need to open her eyes before she knew that Yang Fann had shoved something into her hand.    


At the same time, a gun appeared in Lisa's hand, and her body was put down by Yang Fann. She didn't have time to feel the emptiness in her body, nor to consider why Glock 17, which was thrown onto the sofa far away, would appear in Yang Fann's hand, and once the gun was in her hand, her condition immediately returned. Although her body was still soft and her hands and feet didn't seem to have much strength, but she still had basic tactics.    


The two gunners could fire at the same time and form crossfire on both sides of the pillar. If one of the gunners had changed the magazine, Lisa would have died hundreds of times by the time there was no fire suppression on the pillar's side.    


In reality, the two gunners had been careless. In their minds, they had already fired three bullets in a row. Even if the two guys hiding behind the pillar had great luck, they would still be penetrated by the bullets.    


Who would have thought that not only were the two of them not killed by the bullets, they would even be able to retaliate. How could they be so accurate? Just using two shots to kill one, it seemed like this deal wasn't going to be easy!    


The remaining gunman knew the situation wasn't good, so he quickly hid outside the wall to use the door frame as a cover to play with the dog and boy inside the house.    


However, this gunner never expected that right when he jumped to the side and was about to dodge to the side of the door, he suddenly felt a pain in his waist, as if something had smashed into him!    


Actually, nothing hit him, it was just Yang Fann putting a small stone on the gunner's jump path.    


With Yang Fann's ability to control nine tons of objects, it wasn't too easy for a small stone to land in the air.    


It was better to say that the unlucky gunner was hit by Yang Fann himself than by a stone.    


Although the stone was small, it could not move at all. The gunner then jumped straight into it with a leap, creating a collision force that was not much different from directly slamming into a stone wall.    


As the contact area was too small, the impact pressure was much greater than hitting a stone wall. The gunman's consequence was obvious, if Lisa hadn't shot him twice in the head in time, he probably wouldn't be able to stand up for a long time.    


Lisa felt like she was godlike today. With her weak body and no strength, she was still able to land a full shot without even being hit, she was truly godly!    


Could it be that it's really like what that surnamed Yang said, that he's groping … No, he had used magic on his butt when he hit it, and that was why his luck was off the charts?    


Thinking of this, Lisa couldn't help but reach out her hand to stroke her big, round, and perky butt. Other than feeling the strangeness that Yang Fann had just touched, she didn't feel like she had been bewitched!    


"Eh? "Lisa, what are you touching my butt for? Did I hurt you just now? Don't worry, I know how to massage. Just let me massage you."    


After saying that, Yang Fann reached out his hand to touch Lisa's butt, scaring her so much that she yelled "No!" and jumped away like a frightened rabbit.    


"Sigh …"    


Yang Fann sighed again and again, it seems like this time's plan of picking up girls is over. Why are there so many ignorant people in Netherlands, can't you wait for this reputed one to finish doing things before coming here to cause trouble?    


Ever since they arrived at Amsterdam, Yang Fann felt that he had never been in the right direction before. This was the first time, and also a life and death lawsuit that was related to him. If this were to fall into the hands of Police Uncle with Netherlands, even if he was full of mouth, it would be hard to explain!    


En, that's not right. These people were not killed by me, but my little girl, Lisa. Why is it that when Lisa killed someone, I have to suffer? This isn't fair, not fair!    


Yang Fann gritted his teeth. If the timing wasn't right and the environment wasn't suitable, he would teach this jinx, Lisa, a ruthless lesson. Every time he saw her, it would definitely be bad.    


This time, Yang Fann did not have time to hit Lisa's butt, it was different from the shantytowns, this was a luxurious villa complex, all sorts of safety means were present. With such a big shot just now, it was impossible for the security personnel of the residential complex to not call the police, if they did not hurry up and leave, Netherlands's Police Uncle would arrive soon!    


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