Take Along A Spring



In the end, Lisa didn't stop Yang Fann from pestering and agreed to take him to find a place to settle down.    


There was nothing he could do about it, Yang Fann's reason was so strong that even the police officer of Netherlands, Fan Te, was killed by Lisa, so how could he live a good life?    


Considering Yang Fann's safety, Lisa could only take the risk and bring him to find a place to stay. She temporarily couldn't go to the airport, as Police Uncle might be waiting for Yang Fann to walk into her trap.    


Lisa was indeed a person with a mysterious identity. If it wasn't for Yang Fann's excellent memory, he would have fainted from bringing Yang Fann along.    


Along the way, the two of them swapped out of a total of four taxis, passing through three large supermarket markets, and finally arriving at a place that resembled a Chinese shanty.    


A three-storey building appeared to be the same building as the one from thirty years ago. Lisa brought Yang Fann in with ease and familiarity.    


There was no one in the building, and the things were arranged in a mess. It didn't look like a place where Lisa lived alone. Yang Fann guessed that this was probably a stronghold organized by her.    


"Coffee or tea?"    


In a room on the top floor of the small building, Yang Fann finally saw the traces of Lisa's living quarters. Although there were only a few pieces of furniture, judging from how neatly arranged, this should be a girl's room.    


One side of the room was the bathroom. The reason why Yang Fann found traces of Lisa's living place was because he smelled the remaining smell of Lisa in the room, also the toiletries in the bathroom, especially a light pink towel, which had a faint body fragrance, exactly the same as a certain part of Lisa's body. Yang Fann had experience on this point.    


Don't misunderstand, Yang Fann really didn't do it on purpose. He specifically smelled a part of Lisa's body, but his sense of smell was too sensitive, and the scent in the air kept seeping into his nose.    


"I think I should drink some tea. Coffee is too easy to get excited after drinking it. It's not like tea has any health effects on the body."    


Yang Fann would never forget to promote his motherland's specialty anytime and anywhere. If anyone still dared to say that he was unpatriotic, Yang Fann could beat them to death with his big ears.    


Of course, when it came to coffee, it made people excited. Yang Fann specifically emphasized the word 'excited' and even acted like he was a cutie. The meaning behind his words was quite obvious, probably any normal woman could understand what he meant.    


Unexpectedly, Yang Fann didn't say anything. This hint made Lisa, who was making tea for him, jump in fright. With a shake of her hand, hot water splashed onto Yang Fann's body as if he peed his pants.    


Since when did Lisa kill people without batting an eye know how to be afraid? It was just hinting at some inappropriate behavior of a child, what's the big deal. Don't tell me that you don't have any hormones surging inside your body.    


The more Yang Fann recalled the situation at that time, the more eager he was to try it out. In other places, people tend to have the weakest willpower. Otherwise, why would those leaders or officials with ulterior motives like to travel with beautiful female subordinates?    


However, for some reason, Lisa had stayed away from Yang Fann ever since they entered the house. Even when they were making tea, she didn't move closer to Yang Fann, even though they were separated by the table.    


Yang Fann scratched his heart. He really wanted to take Lisa on the spot right now, but he couldn't find a good time to get close to Lisa. He couldn't just go over and hug her, it would be too abrupt and unfeeling.    


Holding the tea that Lisa had brewed in her hand, she was thinking about Lisa's seductive body that could drive a dead person to death, with eyes that made Lisa shudder in fear. Yang Fann was like a hungry wolf that could swallow a person at any time, which made Lisa feel an instinctive sense of fear.    


Just as Lisa was considering whether to leave or not, the sound of footsteps could be heard approaching. The door opened and closed as a group of people entered the building.    


With Yang Fann's hearing, he didn't even need to look to know that a total of four people had entered the house.    


The four of them were all men, and they were all big and stout men. The lightest one of them weighed over 90 kg, while the other three weighed over 200 kg.    


"Who's that upstairs? "Is it my dear Lisa that has returned?"    


Just as Yang Fann wanted to ask who the person was, whether he was an enemy or a friend, a rough voice came from downstairs. The voice was deep and low, reminding Yang Fann of the brown bears in the Alaskan Wasteland.    


"Basten, be more respectful with your mouth. Do you believe that I won't knock out all your teeth when you speak to me like that?"    


Although Lisa was like a bullied little female cat in front of Yang Fann, she was still the evil woman who killed without blinking in front of the others. Facing the several hulks rushing up from downstairs, the Glock in Lisa's hand spun around as if it could shoot out an angry bullet at any time and smash the other's head!    


"Aha, my dear little Lisa, please don't treat me so viciously. My feelings for you are like the sun in the sky, don't tell me you … Eh? Who is this Yellow Monkey? "    


Just when the strong man called Basten was about to pay attention to Lisa, he suddenly saw Yang Fann, who was sitting on a stool with a teacup in his hand, calmly looking at him.    


Basten was a native of Holland and this building was the base he provided to his organization. Therefore, Basten often considered himself as his master, and all the members who came to this base were automatically placed under his command.    


On the first day Lisa arrived in the Netherlands, she was treated as her forbidden consort by the hormone filled Basten. She had a hot figure and a cold expression, Lisa's charm was beyond Basten's imagination, the cold and hot feeling she showed on Lisa's body was extremely exaggerated.    


However, how could Lisa, who came from a noble background in Europe, hold Basten in contempt? Whether it was pretending to be gentle and gentle, kneeling, begging for love, or showing off her true form, Lisa didn't even look at him. Even when she occasionally glanced at him, it was like she was looking at a pile of dog shit.    


Basten didn't give up even though he knew Lisa didn't like him. As long as he saw Lisa, he would shamelessly try to get close to her. He didn't know what shame was and didn't care what shame was when comparing Lisa to getting into bed.    


Basten had already made up his mind. Whether Lisa agreed or not, he was going to get her today. For this, he had specially hired a few helpers to capture Lisa in one fell swoop!    


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